Dear Readers,
I?ve noticed that there?s been a saddening trend recently in the decline of the number of reviews that authors are getting. Since the view counts are remaining sky-high, I?m guessing this means that many people are still reading, but they haven?t been leaving comments.
While we all understand that in today?s world, time is precious, I?d like everyone to consider the amount of time authors spend writing their work. Each chapter that you enjoy probably represents at least a good hour or more of an author deciding to knuckle down and continue their story. And as I?m sure many of you are aware, that determination and drive is a little more difficult to muster every time the authors visit their comment threads and finds that no one has bothered to leave even a post saying whether they enjoyed it, what parts of it they liked/disliked, or any constructive criticism.
This forum is kept alive by both writers and readers. But if word isn?t getting back to the writers about how the readers are feeling, then the writing will eventually die off. Not to mention that in reviewing, you too can help to become part of the organic writing process by offering constructive criticism and suggestions to shape the writing ahead. So please, if you?ve read a chapter, take one simple minute out of your time to post in the comments thread about what you enjoyed or what you think could be made better.
Fanfiction writers aren?t paid for their time - they?re remunerated for their effort and hard work by knowing that people are reading and enjoying their work. And they can only know that for sure if you review.
So let?s keep this place and the brilliant writing inside it alive, folks. All it takes is one minute of your time. But to the writers, it will be priceless.
- Shadowhawke

Dear Readers
Started by Shadowhawke, Dec 13 2008 05:59 PM
No replies to this topic
Posted 13 December 2008 - 05:59 PM
Through lightning, travel shadow,
Through hell and all above,
Surviving sword and arrow,
Bound stronger by the love
And in the end a witness,
To where the death has lain,
Silent through the sorrow,
Where innocents lie slain