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#61 Qwinn

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 12:19 PM

Actually it seems i've made a mistake...
CD6 should be CD1, CD5 -> CD2 etc & vice versa...

Really? Hmm. I've got one bif file - CA_zmm.bif - showing up as disc4/data. Everyting else is showing up as disc6 or local. I have the 4CD set.

BTW, I tried it using the chitin.key that blackheartmachine sent me, pretty much the same results (I -was- kinda an idiot for running it on my own one and expecting to see a problem, heh)


#62 blackheartmachine

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Posted 19 June 2009 - 10:51 AM


Any news?

#63 Qwinn

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Posted 19 June 2009 - 11:24 AM

Afraid not, sorry :(

I've pretty much run out of ways to investigate this myself... only thing left is looking at the engine. Scient's not been around for a few weeks, he did mention he was having internet access troubles before his last disappearance, so I'm afraid I have no idea when he'll be back :(


#64 blackheartmachine

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Posted 21 June 2009 - 07:38 PM

Thanks for all the help anyways. :Bow:

#65 scient

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Posted 28 June 2009 - 09:16 AM

Unfortunately I've run out of hdd space until I can put together new comp (had hdd die). However, I can solve it fairly quick if you don't mind setting up realvnc and letting me remotely debug it using Olly. Prob take around 5-10 mins to track down location of crash then I can see about coming up with patch data on my end.

Edited by scient, 28 June 2009 - 09:17 AM.

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#66 -Minsc-

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Posted 23 July 2009 - 06:16 AM

Greetings there,

I found this post relevant to my situation which is quite similar..

My OS:
Vista x32 Home Premium

My install:
1. Planescape Torment 4CD version
2. official patch 1.1
3. I have made the CD images of the disks onto my hard drive and mounted them using Daemon Tools
4. "All Inclusive Fixpack, Unfinished Business & Tweaks By Qwinn " - I installed the first 2 but not the Tweaks mod
5. I haven't installed any other modes at any time of playing the game. Basically, I installed everything and have been playing with that install up to know.

My problem:
I can't enter the apothecary and Finam's the Linguist house as the game auto-saves and crashes when trying to load the area. There are no error messages when this happens - just Vista's error message saying that the program has encountered a problem. I haven't entered those areas before and the bug prevents me from entering them for the first time. There are no problems with the Vrischika's Curiosity shop - it loads normally (at least yet).
Also, there is a problem with the tailor's shop in the northwestern part of the Upper Ward which, I think, is not related to my graphics card. The inside of the place loads up but the display of the interior becomes fragmented by black rectangles that randomly cover some of the patchs of the display of the shop. However, the characters don't "vanish" in the black rectangles - only some of the background fragments are erased. The rectangles remain even when I use software renders. This is a minor problem and doesn't hinder my attempts to explore places so I wouldn't give much effor to solve it.

So that's the basic description. I haven't visited the Civic FestHall yet and I hope I won't start having problems with the Curiosity shop later..

This is frustrating and would appreciate any help. Maybe, at least, my instance will hint you where the actual problem lies. If it can't be easilly fixed, could you tell me whether those places are key to the main plot and important for the progression of the game (but, please, no spoilers!). If they are not, I could just skip them, otherwise could you suggest a way of bypassing those places by some other means as I couldn't imagine starting the game all over again.. Thanks for any help.


#67 Qwinn

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Posted 23 July 2009 - 07:18 AM

How strange. I would've guessed from your description that you had reinstalled the widescreen mod with a new resolution, but from what you're saying, you didn't install it at all?

I make no changes to Finam's house or the apothecary or any of the creatures therein, at least none that I can recall. Which means you likely won't find the area files in the override directory, otherwise I'd ask you to send them to me.

Off the top of my head I don't -think- either of them is plot critical, though you will need to get in to complete some rather significant sidequests. Vrischika's shop, on the other hand, is plot critical. Good thing you can get in there.

At this point it's possible you've just got some corrupt files? I am slammed with work today and probably tomorrow, and a wedding in the family this weekend, but at some point I will try to attach the related area files so you can put them in the override directory and see if that's the problem.


#68 -Minsc-

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Posted 23 July 2009 - 09:09 AM

How strange. I would've guessed from your description that you had reinstalled the widescreen mod with a new resolution, but from what you're saying, you didn't install it at all?

I make no changes to Finam's house or the apothecary or any of the creatures therein, at least none that I can recall. Which means you likely won't find the area files in the override directory, otherwise I'd ask you to send them to me.

Off the top of my head I don't -think- either of them is plot critical, though you will need to get in to complete some rather significant sidequests. Vrischika's shop, on the other hand, is plot critical. Good thing you can get in there.

At this point it's possible you've just got some corrupt files? I am slammed with work today and probably tomorrow, and a wedding in the family this weekend, but at some point I will try to attach the related area files so you can put them in the override directory and see if that's the problem.


Hi, Qwinn,

Thanks for the prompt response (hard to believe there are still people who run forums for such a widely-forgotten gem of a game ;-) )

First, I must correct myself about my last post: I've checked and noticed that I've installed only the "Planescape - Torment Fixpack" but neither of the 2 other mods (neither "Planescape: Torment Unfinished Business", nor "Qwinn's Planescape: Torment Tweaks" as I'm wary of installing unofficial mods if I haven't completed a game, but I thought the fix pack was something of importance). Sorry for that, though the "Unfinished Bussiness" mod only alters the contents somewhat so it shouldn't be relevant to my troubles. However, I am sure I haven't installed the resolution changing mods (like BIGG).

As far as I've found out, the apothecary area has been tweaked a bit by Platter:

Platter Fixed an error in The Apothecary and Vrischika's Curiosity Shop that may be related to those areas crashing more often than others. AR0609.WED, AR0612.WED

Not sure whether that is significand but you may know better.

Well, there is always the possibility of files being corrupted but I'm not sure right now how to test for that. I should know which files are used when entering those locations and whether any files from the CD images are used. Then I would need to get the the supposedly non-corrupt files from another copy of the same game which, I think, wouldn't be very simple, or reinstall. But, yeah, that's an idea.

Yeah, it would be great if you attached some files for fixing the problem whenever you have some time. Thanks for the help so far.


#69 Minsc

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 10:22 AM

Greetings all,

I'm still in Sigil (more precisely, under it..), so if anybody has any ideas how to fix the problem of entering the apothecary and Finam the linguist's house or has presumably non-corrupt area files of those locations, your suggestions/clean files would be very welcome and appreciated ;-)

It seems that, as Qwinn said, those places are not plot-critical - at least I haven't encountered the need to go there yet - so I may skip them without having too much hassle but it wouldn't be right.. It would be somewhat resentful not to be able to go through certain important sub-quests (like, the dream builder) and be restricted about exploring certain places in Sigil ;-)


#70 Qwinn

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 10:36 AM


Sorry for not getting back earlier. Swamped today but can take a moment to suggest one thing you can try:

You're right that Platter's Fixpack replaced the Apothecary area file (AR0612.ARE), and therefore so do I. Try renaming it in your override directory to get it out of the way (add a .tmp suffix, or something). See if that helps.

Finam's house is AR0706B.ARE. I don't think I made any changes to it, but if you see it in the override directory, try the same thing.


Edited by Qwinn, 29 July 2009 - 10:36 AM.

#71 Minsc

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 12:25 PM


I've tried what you said. There wasn't any AR0612.ARE file in the "override" directory but you probably meant the AR0612.WED file which I temporarily removed but the game still crashed at the apothecary. Same story with the Finam the linguist house, where I removed the AR0706B.ARE file to no avail. There is also one thing I think is worth mentioning. When I remove the AR0609.WED file, the game crashes at the Curiosity shop with the "Assertion fail..." error, though maybe that's not of much relevance as the error is slightly different.

I would guess then that the problem is not related to those area files or that, if it is, then the actual extracted area files could be corrupt. Hmm, I wonder whether the same would happen if I had the game on a machine running Windows 98.. :P


#72 Qwinn

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Posted 29 July 2009 - 12:52 PM

Yes, I did mean the WED file, sorry bout that.

And yes, actually, looking into it, I -did- find a reason to touch Finam's ARE file. For some reason, it had a Curst area script attached to it. Curst areas are in the AR0700 series, Finam's presence in that numbering sequence is pretty inexplicable, it should be in the AR0600 series (Clerk's Ward). All I do is remove that area script, as it actually doesn't need one at all.

But obviously, if you can remove the version in the override and still crash, it's not what I did causing it. I have no idea what else could be wrong besides corrupted files :(

I'd give you my ARE files, but I've got all the widescreen mods installed, first in my install sequence too. So to get clean versions I'd have to uninstall and reinstall everything. Too swamped atm to do that, I'm really trying to finish a project here, but I will do so when I get a chance and if no one's spotted you the files by then.


#73 Minsc

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 02:48 AM

Yeah, uninstalling and reinstalling everything takes some time.. Well, if at some point later you end up having a lot of free time and spending it idly, then it would be fantastic if you could do that, but, in general, it's not that necessary since I have, as it seems, an option to skip those areas and I wouldn't want to make you to go through such hassle. ;-)

Maybe someone else would have the same install?.. If not, then I will probably move on or try installing the game on a different machine, or something like that ;-)


#74 Daulmakan


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Posted 30 July 2009 - 03:02 AM

What file(s) do you need, exactly?

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#75 Minsc

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Posted 30 July 2009 - 12:56 PM

What file(s) do you need, exactly?

I think I need 2 files from the "override" directory which are the AR0612.WED file that is for the apothecary and the AR0706B.ARE file that is for the Finam the linguist's house. Also, for troubleshooting, it would be good to have a clean file containing data about those locations from the main game directory, probably the AREFiles.bif file, but I'm not sure.. Qwinn or someone else would know better and I'm hoping that they will post the name of the file after reading this or, having enough spare time, I'll try to determine it ;-)

The important thing to remember is that the files should be taken from the game directory that has the same install as mine:
1. game 4CD version
2. official patch 1.1
3. "Planescape - Torment Fixpack" mod

Cool, if someone has some files to share ;-)


#76 Minsc

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Posted 01 August 2009 - 06:44 PM

Hello again,

I've been inspecting the bif files on my CD images (which are the same as the ones on the actual CDs) recently and I've noticed that something is wrong with the files "AR0612.bif" (apothecary), "AR0613.bif" (not sure..) and "AR0706.bif" (Finam the Linguist's house):

1. The beginning of these files is displayed in an unusual way by a text viewer compared to how other bif files are displayed
2. I cannot extract anything from these files using "Winbiff" even though I can successfully do that with the other bif files that I've tried

Also, my text viewer displays the "AR1400.bif" file (The weeping stone catacombs) in the similarly odd way but I've been there and it didn't crash and I could extract files from "AR1400.bif" without problems.

So I have reason to believe a small group of my bif files are corrupt. I've zipped them and attached to this post. I've included the "AR0611.bif" file (tailor's shop) with the other 3 because it had been placed next to the odd files and I had display problems with the location coded in that file, which I think could be related to that file also being partially corrupt. If someone has the time, could you get them, compare them with your own game files of the same name and then report whether there are any differences? The bif files can be normally found in the 3rd CD (of the 4CD version of the game) and I think the comparisons can be made even if you have different installs of the game, as these bif files are on the game permanent storage CDs which can't be affected by any patches or mods. Then, if you discover discrepancies, please post your own files for me to test. I would really appreciate your help ;-)

By the way, Finam the Linguist's house is actually plot-critical.. :-/


Attached Files

#77 Qwinn

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Posted 02 August 2009 - 01:41 AM

Minsc, here, give these a shot. I didn't download your files, just zipped up and uploaded my own versions of those files.

I'm thinking just extracting these in whatever folder you copied your CDs to should do the trick. If it doesn't, then you may want to uninstall everything (WeiDU mods first, then the game, then remember to wipe out the override folder, that is key), then install the game, then replace these files in the CD folder, then reinstall the patch 1.1 and fixpack.


Attached Files

Edited by Qwinn, 02 August 2009 - 02:05 AM.

#78 Minsc

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Posted 02 August 2009 - 11:10 AM


Salutations! This was awesome! I've just replaced the original bif files with your posted ones and the locations have been loaded without a crash or a hitch. Thanks for that very much! ;-)

It seems those original files actually are corrupt.. Such an insidious source of the problem.. :-P

Anyway, Could you do me one more favour and post the file "AR0611.bif" as I want to see whether the fragmentation of the tailor's shop place with black rectangles is also because of that file being partially corrupt? Although now my progress in the game should go smoothly, I'll be cautiously optimistic and, if there's a similar problem later, I would need to seek clean files again.. Hopefully, that won't be the case ;-)

Thanks again.


#79 Qwinn

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Posted 02 August 2009 - 11:55 AM

Sure thing.


Attached Files

#80 mucki

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Posted 29 August 2009 - 01:25 AM

Hello Qwinn,

first let me thank you for your great work.

second, i have the same problem as reported by nicopathe:

In Ps:T, installed with Fixpack, Tweaks, UB and Ghostdog's UI, i got a crash with the cranium rats :
First, the rats graphics are absent, i only see the red outline around them... then when i click upon the "invisible" rats, the game crashes very often. :angry:

Any idea of the problem? I got a Nvidia Graphics 7600.

Thanks for help!

You posted on some other forum that you sent someone the graphics files for the rats and it fixed the problem, so i wonder if you could make them available to me also ? i tried to PM you with my email address, but apparently I am not allowed to PM you on this forum ...
