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#41 Qwinn

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Posted 12 May 2009 - 07:48 PM

Wow. That is weirdness.

That little fixpack I threw at you contained all files I could find relating to the curio: All scripts and creature files, and the ARE, MOS, TIS, BMP and WED file. I didn't bother with dialogue and item files because none of them should cause crashes until you actually clicked on the critters. At least, the items Vrischika sells aren't actually created until you buy them from her.

Is copying the discs to the hard drive not an option for some reason? That "find disc 255" thing is -really- weird. And maybe scient can help with that. I'll poke him and let him know.


#42 Qwinn

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Posted 12 May 2009 - 07:49 PM

Sure, send 'em over. pescalona@verizon.net


#43 -blackheartmachine-

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Posted 12 May 2009 - 08:21 PM

Sure, send 'em over. pescalona@verizon.net


Sent the files. Regarding the full HD install, think it will help?

#44 Qwinn

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Posted 12 May 2009 - 09:36 PM

Still haven't gotten files yet, but s'ok, mebbe internets just slow.

As for the HD install - yeah, it very well might help. It's simple and quick enough to test. Just make directories under your Torment directory called CD2, CD3 and CD4 (I did CD1 too, but I don't think it's technically necessary) and copy all the files from each CD to your hard drive. Then just edit your Torment.ini file to point at your new hard drive directories. That's it.

Even if it doesn't fix it, I'd like to see if it still asks you for disc 255. That would be helpful in our finding a fix. MANY people have reported having trouble crashing getting into that area (and the apothecary) since the game was released, and it's the one bug that's never been nailed.

It's probably a good idea to do just to save wear and tear on those discs, which gotta be pretty old by now.


#45 -blackheartmachine-

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 10:25 AM

Hello again. Did you get the files?

I did the full HD install and it still asks me for the torment disc 255 if I try to go into the shop. While I was checking the ini I noticed it had an entry for torment disk 5, could this be a problem?

#46 Qwinn

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 02:31 PM

Never did get those files. Might want to try sending again.

While you're at it, can you send me your CHITIN.KEY as well?


#47 blackheartmachine

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 02:48 PM

Done. Sent them through another mail account.

#48 blackheartmachine

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 02:51 PM

I attached the files to this post if email fails again.

Attached Files

#49 Qwinn

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 03:33 PM

Okay, I got the files, thanks.

I'm sorry that I can't promise a quick return on this. Basically this is going to involve analyzing CHITIN.KEY, which is a binary file, on a byte-by-byte... ugh, actually, bit-by-bit level. No idea how long it'll take me to determine if the problem is there or not.

By the way, doubt this will work, but can't hurt to try it. Delete all files out of the cache directory, then try entering again.


Edited by Qwinn, 13 May 2009 - 03:35 PM.

#50 blackheartmachine

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Posted 13 May 2009 - 06:27 PM

Take your time. I'm thankful you even replied to my posts.

Tried the cache thing and it didn't work either.

#51 scient

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Posted 16 May 2009 - 10:43 PM

For some reason I can't send you PM"s blackheartmachine. Anyway, here is message body along with attachment.

I was wondering if you could test this exe for me and see if problem still exists? I optimized two functions regarding cd check to make room for my own code and I want to see if one of them is causing you problems. I thought it was merely an UI function but maybe I missed something. I had to roll back some of hp changes and sole of scales tweak so this is for testing only. If it still gives you the 255, then it isn't an issue with my code. Also, can you take a screenshot of curio crash if it happens again? Like the crash message box? What happens when you try to enter using the vanilla exe (unpatched original v1.1)?

If it is my code causing the problem and this text exe works, I'll fix it without having to rollback stuff. If it isn't my code, short of remotely debugging the game on your system there isn't much I can do to help you. I need to be able to reproduce crash on my system to sort it. :/

Attached File  Torment_v3_4cd_test.rar   1.52MB   614 downloads

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#52 blackheartmachine

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 05:46 PM

Hello scient

I tried your exe and it still asks me for disk 255.

I tried taking a screenshot but the 255 screen doesn't appear on a prtscrn only the saving or loading screen.

If you want I could upload my whole torment folder, sans disks to some file sharing service, (mediafire, megaupload).

Thank you for your help.

#53 scient

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Posted 17 May 2009 - 06:22 PM

I actually downloaded the 4cd version just never installed it since I use 2cd for testing and debugging. Put all the setting and log files into a zip and stick it on mediafire or whatever. This is from 2cd install dir pretty much everything selected. If you don't have some of files that's ok. Or if there are some files you think are setting files but not in screenshot, add em. Oh and your saved games. Then I'll see if I can reproduce it.


Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#54 blackheartmachine

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 08:49 AM

Here you go. Tell me if I missed anything.


#55 Galan

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 09:01 AM

Okay, I got the files, thanks.

I'm sorry that I can't promise a quick return on this. Basically this is going to involve analyzing CHITIN.KEY, which is a binary file, on a byte-by-byte... ugh, actually, bit-by-bit level. No idea how long it'll take me to determine if the problem is there or not.

By the way, doubt this will work, but can't hurt to try it. Delete all files out of the cache directory, then try entering again.


I can send you a script which will scan the chitin.key, if you still need it...

#56 Qwinn

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 09:04 AM

That would still be quite useful, yep, I'd appreciate it! :)


#57 Galan

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:21 AM

Here you go:

Just run the file in the dir where the chitin.key is...
(Sorry for the large file, had to use php5 for this one)

Attached Files

#58 Qwinn

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 10:57 AM

Thank you for saving me a lot of time. Cause, from this, chitin.key isn't going to be much help to me. Most of the files read as being on "local/data", which doesn't tell me much. This includes AR_0609.BIF and CS_0609.BIF, the bif files relating to the curio shop.

On the other hand, there are a number of files that read as being on disc6/data. Those files appear to contain areas and files that have, to my knowledge, never crashed or produced any other kinds of problems. Which is the opposite of what I would have expected.

So, back to square one, sigh. Maybe scient can make something of what he's been sent.

Thanks again, Galan.


#59 Galan

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 11:39 AM

Thank you for saving me a lot of time. Cause, from this, chitin.key isn't going to be much help to me. Most of the files read as being on "local/data", which doesn't tell me much. This includes AR_0609.BIF and CS_0609.BIF, the bif files relating to the curio shop.

On the other hand, there are a number of files that read as being on disc6/data. Those files appear to contain areas and files that have, to my knowledge, never crashed or produced any other kinds of problems. Which is the opposite of what I would have expected.

So, back to square one, sigh. Maybe scient can make something of what he's been sent.

Thanks again, Galan.


Actually it seems i've made a mistake...
CD6 should be CD1, CD5 -> CD2 etc & vice versa...

#60 Qwinn

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Posted 18 May 2009 - 12:15 PM

Okay. Hmm. To get better results, should I be changing my Torment.ini to point back to CD drives, rather than to directories called "CD2, CD3", etc., on my hard drive?

Cause as it is, the vast majority of stuff is showing up as "local/data". Is that because I did a full install?
