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What have they done to KotOR?!

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#1 Anonymous2

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Posted 21 November 2008 - 10:10 PM

At first when the KotOR MMO project was announced I figured it would be something entirely separate from the series, not affecting the plot, characters, etc...and not ruin everything every KotOR fan holds dear- the compelling Story and Characters. But after gathering more info on it and realizing the scale of the whole bloody thing I was dead wrong.

In one fell swoop just like that KotOR was destroyed for me, and now as a former loyal fan of a series I held dear to my heart its over, 6 years later and its all over. I feel like I've been ripped off and am definetly gut-checked by this. LucasArts and Bioware have teamed up again to make not a KotOR III but a half-assed project known as Star Wars: The Old Republic...What?! That was my first thought in disgust. In a nutshell the story will leap ahead 300 years leaving the era, characters, everything that was great about the series behind in a war with the real Sith that have struck from the Unknown Regions of space. Now before you say, "Hey, that doesn't sound so bad" remember they've left behind everything! Yeah that's right. No Revan, no Exile, no Carth, no Atton, and no continuation whatsoever! Everything that made the series what it is is gone, a half-assed bunch of writers decided to leave an already established and built-in era behind leaving everything totally unresolved.

Why you ask? For one simple reason, the higher ups at Bioware and Lucas wanted to make an MMO together for years, that's it! Well, that and the fact that the PC fanboys put up a big stink about not enough content. And just like that the best gaming franchise on the market is raped and destroyed before my eyes...what really infuriates me about all this is the fact this will be strickly an MMO for PC's and the loyal Xbox fanbase (which I might mention started it all for them) has been totally isolated. They've said a port isn't out of the question but even doing so remember its an MMO, meaning you'll have to be online to play it... Unless they design a single-player campaign (which they won't) then I and tons of other loyal fans are completely out of luck. I'm a very asocial gamer, I don't use online, if I want to play with someone I'll go to my buds place and we'll go at it in multiplayer, its just the way I am. That's where a large portion of the audience is going to be isolated, no online, tough luck...

Okay, so to give the game its justice (aside from my online byassed) I checked out the game on the website and the story, environment, everything made me cringe. It looks like a dumbed down version of the new and old Star Wars episodes, an Emperor, Imperials, Republic troopers, etc...and you'd think in this day and age the visuals would be top notch, nope, there making the whole universe look cartoony, with no real textures at all. What made KotOR so unique was they completely remade the universe from scratch and gave the era its own special feel not borrowing from the movies. This again makes me mad, I mean if they wanted to do this why didn't they just create another franchise aside from KotOR instead of destroying it all together.

Despite this atrocity commited by both parties it's my hope that the fans will want a continuation of the true series and after this debocle is made Lucas will give the fans what they want...I think its quite a longshot though, they've put a lot of money and manpower behind it, and this MMO won't be out for years, I think this is it for KotOR. All this time all this waiting for this half-assed piece of garbage makes me want to puke...in my opinion Lucas should've left Obsidian alone and let them finish KotOR II right then given the third game over to them and let them finish what they began in KotOR II, and in true Star Wars fashion in three Episodes Revans story would be told wrapping everything up, then move on to the future of the franchise.

But no, instead we get this... If it ain't broke Lucas, don't fix it! Idiots...this may have just seemed like a fanboy rant but I needed to get this off my chest for my own sanity, in anycase I'm done with KotOR. Done with hoping for the future, done with waiting in the wings just done altogether. I will still pay tribute to the first two games and remember them for what they were when Lucas did things right...but like I said as for the future of the franchise I'm finished with KotOR for good.

I'll say it once more for the cheap seats Lucas, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" Follow this link to the end of KotOR http://swtor.com/

Edited by Anonymous2, 21 November 2008 - 10:13 PM.

Disappointed in LucasArts and Bioware.

#2 Kaeloree


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Posted 21 November 2008 - 11:10 PM

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#3 Tassadar88


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Posted 22 November 2008 - 01:00 AM

Yep, it is sad. I have nothing whatsoever against MMO games, I have spent quite some time with world of warcraft for one, but the KotOR series was great for its storytelling and character development, something that not many MMOs can boast. That said, game industry is mostly that - industry. And industrial products are rarely the works of art that we would hope for- this will be something for the current mainstream, something different from what the two previous games were, because the gaming environment and the majority of gamers themselves have changed their tastes. In the end, the game might even be good. If not, IŽll just remember the two KotORs fondly and move on, I guess :)

PS: However, if you were to start a petition for a KotOR III in the sense you mean it should be, let me know and I will sign it.
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#4 Archmage Silver

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Posted 22 November 2008 - 01:08 AM

Well, I was disappointed when I heard it was an MMO and not a KotOR game they were making, but I still think that the two are not mutually exclusive... we might still see KotOR III yet.

#5 Eleima


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Posted 22 November 2008 - 01:52 AM

Yeah that's right. No Revan, no Exile, no Carth, no Atton, and no continuation whatsoever!

Yeah, that was a major bummer for me! :(

I agree with most of what you've already pointed out, mainly the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" point. I also wanted to add that we already have enough MMORPGs as is, and that they're going to have a though time marketing it with all the Wow and EQ mania going on (and didn't LotR release its own online thing too?). I wasn't too keen on their new KotOR idea, and from what I've heard, I don't think I'll go even near it, let alone touch it with a 200 feet pole.

in my opinion Lucas should've left Obsidian alone and let them finish KotOR II right then given the third game over to them and let them finish what they began in KotOR II, and in true Star Wars fashion in three Episodes Revans story would be told wrapping everything up, then move on to the future of the franchise.

You are soooo not alone! I too wish that they had properly wrapped up KotOR 2, and maybe we could've had a KotOR 3 that was something like this (credit goes to Eji, whose art positively rocks). But as things stand today (can't stop hoping they'll come to their senses...), they botched it. Completely killed it.

But no, instead we get this... If it ain't broke Lucas, don't fix it! Idiots...this may have just seemed like a fanboy rant but I needed to get this off my chest for my own sanity, in anycase I'm done with KotOR. Done with hoping for the future, done with waiting in the wings just done altogether. I will still pay tribute to the first two games and remember them for what they were when Lucas did things right...but like I said as for the future of the franchise I'm finished with KotOR for good.

Sad, but oh so true. The only KotOR interaction left in my opinion is what the public contributes, in both fan art, and fan fiction. *sigh* I'll add my fangirl voice to your fanboy rant!

Edited by Eleima, 22 November 2008 - 01:52 AM.

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#6 Cal Jones

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Posted 22 November 2008 - 02:32 AM

Have you considered that they are setting it so much later so as to leave room for a KotOR III?

#7 Archmage Silver

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Posted 22 November 2008 - 02:58 AM

I agree with most of what you've already pointed out, mainly the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" point. I also wanted to add that we already have enough MMORPGs as is, and that they're going to have a though time marketing it with all the Wow and EQ mania going on (and didn't LotR release its own online thing too?). I wasn't too keen on their new KotOR idea, and from what I've heard, I don't think I'll go even near it, let alone touch it with a 200 feet pole.

LotRO was released over a year ago... and I'd say it's more of a WoW mania than anything else. Age of Conan didn't really rattle the cage as much as people expected it would. IMO WoW will hold the number one position indefinitely and WAR will try to make claims for spot number 2. Whether it will succeed with all these new MMORPGs coming out is left to see. EQ never really rose up to the WoW challenge.

I have experience of WoW and WAR, and I'd say the KotOR MMORPG might have a shot if it bests Star Wars Galaxies, since WoW and WAR aren't sci-fi but fantasy. Personally I no longer play any MMOs, as I got fed up with the scene. I've now returned my focus on single-player CRPGs alone. :)

You are soooo not alone! I too wish that they had properly wrapped up KotOR 2, and maybe we could've had a KotOR 3 that was something like this (credit goes to Eji, whose art positively rocks). But as things stand today (can't stop hoping they'll come to their senses...), they botched it. Completely killed it.

At least we have the KotOR II Restoration Project. ;)

Have you considered that they are setting it so much later so as to leave room for a KotOR III?

Exactly the same idea I had in mind in my previous post.

#8 Bluenose


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Posted 22 November 2008 - 06:36 AM

Have you considered that they are setting it so much later so as to leave room for a KotOR III?

There's one rumour I saw which suggests after Obsidian finish their current spy RPG (The Agency?) that they're possibly going to do KotOR III - but it isn't a rumour that I personally believe.

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#9 GeN1e


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Posted 22 November 2008 - 07:21 AM

in my opinion Lucas should've left Obsidian alone and let them finish KotOR II right then given the third game over to them and let them finish what they began in KotOR II, and in true Star Wars fashion in three Episodes Revans story would be told wrapping everything up, then move on to the future of the franchise.

Hm, you do make me laugh. That's the most everyone's opinion out there :P

No Revan, no Exile, no Carth, no Atton, and no continuation whatsoever!

Worse. "Revan has never returned from the unknown space". Really, I'd rather to be left in ignorance.

And yeah, I'll sign a petition too. Till then I'll continue developing my space RPG.

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#10 Cal Jones

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Posted 22 November 2008 - 08:18 AM

Yes, they've said that, but they've also said this will be much more story-based than most MMORPGs. I wouldn't be surprised if Revan's fate (or even Revan himself - force users can live a long time, or appear as force ghosts) was revealed at some point.
Don't get me wrong, I'd rather play KotOR III than TOR - I just don't think they'd be so stupid as to destroy a profitable IP.

#11 Choo Choo

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Posted 22 November 2008 - 08:57 AM

This is why I read post-KotOR2 fanfics.

theacefes: You have to be realistic as well, you can't just be Swedish!

#12 Tassadar88


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Posted 22 November 2008 - 10:31 AM

Have you considered that they are setting it so much later so as to leave room for a KotOR III?

No, in fact, I never thought of that like this - thanks for pointing it out :)
The Mind is its own place and in itself - can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. -John Milton, Paradise lost

#13 SaintZenn


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Posted 22 November 2008 - 10:35 AM

It's going to bomb horribly. Of course in the beginning Kotor fans will play but then the draw of Wow will suck them back. I blame EA for this.
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#14 GeN1e


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Posted 22 November 2008 - 11:29 AM

EA is evil.

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#15 Icendoan


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Posted 22 November 2008 - 11:33 AM


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#16 Eleima


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Posted 23 November 2008 - 12:22 AM


Have you considered that they are setting it so much later so as to leave room for a KotOR III?

Actually, that's the one flimsy hope I'm clinging too... :)

This is why I read post-KotOR2 fanfics.

Yup! Like I said, Fan Art and Fan Fiction is all that's left for us, at the time.

I agree with most of what you've already pointed out, mainly the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" point. I also wanted to add that we already have enough MMORPGs as is, and that they're going to have a though time marketing it with all the Wow and EQ mania going on (and didn't LotR release its own online thing too?). I wasn't too keen on their new KotOR idea, and from what I've heard, I don't think I'll go even near it, let alone touch it with a 200 feet pole.

LotRO was released over a year ago... and I'd say it's more of a WoW mania than anything else. Age of Conan didn't really rattle the cage as much as people expected it would. IMO WoW will hold the number one position indefinitely and WAR will try to make claims for spot number 2. Whether it will succeed with all these new MMORPGs coming out is left to see. EQ never really rose up to the WoW challenge.

Thanks for tall the details, Archmage Silver!!! I've never been keen on following game releases and stuff (actually, I'm always a couple of years late! :D ), let alone MMORPGs releases, so your post really cleared up a lot of fuzzy spots in my MMORPG knowledge: I had no idea EQ wasn't "all that", I seem to remember that it was *the* MMORPG, back in the days (must be before WoW's release, I guess).

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#17 Solar's Harper

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Posted 23 November 2008 - 12:34 AM

Another MMO? As if there aren't enough for popular labels already. Bets on that by the end of the next ten years, around 89% of all the major RPGs or strategy games we know today will have one or two MMORPGs to their belt. <_<

Suffice to say, this move was not unexpected. :)
Oh well, might turn out good, might turn out junk. We'll just have to wait and see.

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#18 Archmage Silver

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Posted 23 November 2008 - 05:00 AM

I agree with most of what you've already pointed out, mainly the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" point. I also wanted to add that we already have enough MMORPGs as is, and that they're going to have a though time marketing it with all the Wow and EQ mania going on (and didn't LotR release its own online thing too?). I wasn't too keen on their new KotOR idea, and from what I've heard, I don't think I'll go even near it, let alone touch it with a 200 feet pole.

LotRO was released over a year ago... and I'd say it's more of a WoW mania than anything else. Age of Conan didn't really rattle the cage as much as people expected it would. IMO WoW will hold the number one position indefinitely and WAR will try to make claims for spot number 2. Whether it will succeed with all these new MMORPGs coming out is left to see. EQ never really rose up to the WoW challenge.

Thanks for tall the details, Archmage Silver!!! I've never been keen on following game releases and stuff (actually, I'm always a couple of years late! :D ), let alone MMORPGs releases, so your post really cleared up a lot of fuzzy spots in my MMORPG knowledge: I had no idea EQ wasn't "all that", I seem to remember that it was *the* MMORPG, back in the days (must be before WoW's release, I guess).

No problem at all. :)

EQ was considered highly successful in its time, but nowadays the bar is a lot higher when it comes to subs (=subscriptions). I wouldn't even count EQ2 among the major ones. Considering that WoW has over 11 million active subs, it's pretty hard to imagine any other game than WoW 2 beating it. There's a fair amount of competitors for spot number 2 though.

#19 Anonymous2

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Posted 23 November 2008 - 10:59 PM

Well, I was disappointed when I heard it was an MMO and not a KotOR game they were making, but I still think that the two are not mutually exclusive... we might still see KotOR III yet.

Yeah, in like 5-10 years lol. I for one am not willing to wait that long, I (and the rest of the fanbase for that matter) have waited long enough. This project will take years with the amount of content there throwing in, they've said they'll be enough for a 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 KotOR RPG's. Realistically the best estimate is probably sometime in 2010. As far as a petition goes they wouldn't care, if I had every KotOR fan around the world with me they still wouldn't, the manpower and money behind it is staggering, rumor is 3, 4 teams are working on it as we speak. There not going to care about 10% of the fanbase being pissed off, and besides there are others just as mad as I am that are making a big stink about it already, like I said they don't care. Do we deserve a sequel? You damn right we do. Will we get one? Odds are we won't. Either way I don't care anymore, I'm tired of Lucas and their b.s., I'm not standing here with my thumb up my ass anymore, I'm moving on...

As for Revan, I guess it's not impossible we won't see him back. They could spin it a hundred ways- He found some method in the Force where he could lay dormat to survive for years, he could just show up really old...for a powerful Jedi like himself it doesn't seem totally out of the question. Like I said though the story itself seems tacky and a bad cut from the movies, I was looking forward to a possible Revan vs Exile to make or break the galaxy...I guess I can kiss that goodbye.

In time Lucas will realize that they've pissed off a lot of people and have blown it big time with their best franchise, like a bad game=movie...but as I said I've thrown my hands up in the air on this one, I'm done. I'm sure it'll sting when I play the classics again but I've moved on to something else. When I analyze it, if Lucas is going to alienate their fanbase like this they don't deserve me as a fan.

Edited by Anonymous2, 25 November 2008 - 03:43 AM.

Disappointed in LucasArts and Bioware.

#20 Cal Jones

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Posted 24 November 2008 - 10:49 AM

As long as there are no Gungans in it. :D
Personally I'm going to withhold judgement until I know more.
As for MMOs, I was a long term UO player and got sick of seeing my friends drift away to other games over time. I have a deepseated hatred of WoW for that reason. :angry:
You can't argue with the WoW juggernaut, though. I think the only game that can compete with it is something in another genre, and a Star Wars MMO has a shot. Will it get 11 million? Doubtful, but you never know. I trust Bioware, since they've consistently delivered games I want to play. But EA...hrmm. We'll see I guess.

Btw, on a related but different topic, can someone tell me what flavour of alien those red and white guys with the head tails are? There's one on the SW:TOR page, and there was a youngling one in Attack of the Clones. They looks kinda like Twileks in clown paint.