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Esiriak, the Abjurer -v0.093-

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#61 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 01:17 AM

Icendoan, would the first Anomen conversion go like this:


IF ~Global("EsiriakBanterAnomen1","LOCALS",0)



	!StateCheck("IJ#Esir",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN ANOMENJ Anomen-Esiriak1

~I am curious, Esiriak, as of why you do not offer your services to the Order? One with your... abilities would be of great value in the fight against evil.~

DO ~SetGlobal("EsiriakBanterAnomen1","LOCALS",1)~

== IJ#esirC ~Are you blind? Or just daft? I have the form of an Illithid, you fool! The Order would kill me on sight. I do not even wish to work with such dogs, anyway. Protectors of the weak, bah! Weak should be slaughtered to make way for the strong.~

== ANOMENJ ~Spoken like a true bastard. Bah, silence yourself, Illithid. I see now you are nothing but scum, as is all your race! <CHARNAME> protects you, but go too far and I will take matters into my own hands.~

== IJ#esirC ~Yes, do that, like you did when Saerk killed your pathetic sister.~

== ANOMENJ ~You dare!~

== IJ#esirC ~Yes, I dare, human! Now be silent or I'll tell more.~


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#62 Thanatos.

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 02:47 AM

The Prefix E9 has been succesfully registered for this mod :D

#63 Icendoan


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Posted 04 November 2008 - 08:16 AM

Cool! Can I also have a listing of dialogue files and a dv please?

And @Jarno, yes, sort of. You don't have to BEGIN the dialogue, however, and chain only appends. :) (Also, banters/dialogue are MY job :P)



IF ~Global("EsiriakAerie","GLOBAL",0)
	!StateCheck("##Esiri",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN AERIEJ Aerie-Esiriak1
~E-Esiriak? That is your name? I-I have a que-~
DO ~SetGlobal("EsiriakAerie","GLOBAL",1)~
== "##ESIJ" ~Haha! Your thoughts are amusing, girl. YOu would dare as about my heritige? Very well, you will hear it, and I think you will enjoy it.~
= ~My father was Erilias, my mother Nethiriak. Both led war parties for years against the Avariel. Yes, girl, I know what you are. Anyway, they enjoyed years of plucking the wings from those pigs and watching them crawl and die in the dust at their feet...~
== AERIEJ ~W-what? No, that is not what I asked! Stop!~
== "##ESIJ" ~... Until one day they brought me along for the fun...~
== AERIEJ ~No! Stop! Do not!~
== "##ESIJ" ~... But I will not tell you of that, dear elf. I fear you would strike out at me, and even though I would relish crushing your weak mind, a gap in the party would not be welcome.~
== AERIEJ ~One day you will pay for what you just said...~
== "##ESIJ" ~Oh, silence yourself girl. The world is not as wonderful as Quayle portrayed it. No, do not speak, silence!~

	!StateCheck("Aerie",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN ##ESIJ Aerie-Esiriak2
~So, "winged" elf. How did you feel when you lost your wings? I could easily find out, but I think it would be best if the rest of us heard.~
DO ~SetGlobal("EsiriakAerie","GLOBAL",2)~
== AERIEJ ~After out last conversation, I refuse to converse with you, Mind Flayer.~
== ##ESIJ ~Haha; you act as if I give you a choice! Very well.~
= ~Awww, poor little elf, locked in a cage. I see the bandits had their fun with you, haha...~
== AERIEJ ~No! Do not speak of it! Please!~
== ##ESIJ ~...Diseased and dirty. Always crying. Do you cast spells to replenish your tear ducts so the world will pity you? You are pathetically weak, Aerie, and I don't see why you are even here. But saving that human child... What a noble cause! Your mother would be so proud...~
== AERIEJ ~No! Shut up! SHUT UP!~
== ##ESIJ ~Temper, temper, elf. Hahahahaha....~

	!StateCheck("##Esiri",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN AERIEJ Aerie-Esiriak3
~Esiriak, you are cruel and heartless. How do you sleep at night, knowing the suffering you cause to all around you? How many mothers cry themselves to sleep because you have taken away their sons and daughters?~
DO ~SetGlobal("EsiriakAerie","GLOBAL",3)~
== "##ESIJ" "Quiet easily, actually. Only the strong survive in this world, elf, and the weak are nothing but tools to be used. The reason you are still alive has escaped me completely. A pity you didn?t kill yourself when you were caged."
== AERIEJ ~You are evil! You care of nothing but yourself! You?re nothing but a weak coward! I- AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!~
== "##ESIJ" ~Yes, scream! Scream for mercy, bitch! You dare challenge me? Very well! If it were not for <CHARNAME>, I would rip your very skull apart, whore!~
== AERIEJ ~Get out, get out! Leave here, fiend! Lest I-I h-hurt you... <CHARNAME>! HELP!~
++ ~Get out, Illithid, lest I tell the Order of your presence!~ EXTERN "##ESIJ" Aerie-Esi3.1
++ ~Aerie, just ignore him. We need him in the party.~ EXTERN AERIEJ Aerie-Esi3.2

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Aerie-Esi3.2
SAY ~<CHARNAME>... You, value this, "thing" above me? How? I-I will leave, then...~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~~ EXTERN "##ESIJ" Aerie-Esi3.21

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Aerie-Esi3.21
SAY ~Haha! The bitch realized, finally. What she had in her head, <CHARNAME>...~
IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("Aerie",LeaveParty())~ EXIT

IF ~~ THEN BEGIN Aerie-Esi3.1
SAY ~<CHARNAME>, you may be strong but I can still tear your mind apart; this bitch is mine.~

IF ~Global("EsiriakAnomen","GLOBAL",0)
	!StateCheck("IJ#Esir",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN ANOMENJ Anomen-Esiriak1
~I am curious, Esiriak, as of why you do not offer your services to the Order? One with your... abilities would be of great value in the fight against evil.~
DO ~SetGlobal("EsiriakAnomen","GLOBAL",1)~
== IJ#esirC ~Are you blind? Or just daft? I have the form of an Illithid, you fool! The Order would kill me on sight. I do not even wish to work with such dogs, anyway. Protectors of the weak, bah! Weak should be slaughtered to make way for the strong.~
== ANOMENJ ~Spoken like a true bastard. Bah, silence yourself, Illithid. I see now you are nothing but scum, as is all your race! <CHARNAME> protects you, but go too far and I will take matters into my own hands.~
== IJ#esirC ~Yes, do that, like you did when Saerk killed your pathetic sister.~
== ANOMENJ ~You dare!~
== IJ#esirC ~Yes, I dare, human! Now be silent or I'll tell more.~

IF ~Global("EsiriakAnomen","GLOBAL",1)
!StateCheck("Anomen",STATE_SLEEPING)~ ANOMENJ Anomen-Esiriak2
~Poking around in my head again, are you, Mind Flayer Keep out of my mind, as it is none of your concern.~
DO ~SetGlobal("EsiriakAnomen","GLOBAL",2)~
== IJ#esirC ~So sorry, paladin, but I was merely wondering how you survive with such a self-righteous imp turd filling your skull.~
== ANOMENJ ~I survive and protect others, monster!~
== IJ#esirC ~The weak, you mean.~
== ANOMENJ ~Yes, the weak, if that is what you call them! Now, silence! And stay OUT of my skull!~
== IJ#EsirC ~Perhaps if you tried to block me it would be a moderate challenge.~

IF ~Global("EsiriakAnomen","GLOBAL",2)
!StateCheck("Anomen",STATE_SLEEPING)~ IJ#EsirC Esiriak-Anomen3
~That is a better attempt, Anomen. However, you lack the mental stamina to hold it out.~
DO ~SetGlobal("Esiriak-Anomen","GLOBAL",3)~
== ANOMENJ ~What are you talking of, Esiriak?~
== IJ#EsirC ~No offence to your choice of images, but <CHARNAME>'s big toe is not the most interesting things I have seen in your head.~
== ANOMENJ ~Er...~
== IJ#EsirC ~Hahaha...!~


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Edited by Icendoan, 04 November 2008 - 08:29 AM.

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#64 Icendoan


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Posted 04 November 2008 - 09:20 AM

Oh, you need to EXIT on the last line of each banter, please!

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#65 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 11:53 AM

Oh, you need to EXIT on the last line of each banter, please!

And the CHAIN's need to start with an "IF ~" not with a "GLOBAL("EsiriakAerie","GLOBAL",1)", like the second one...

But I'll leave the dialog moding for you Icendoan, with this: I would have used (master) IJ#esir, (minor) IJ#EsirB, IJ#EsirC, IJ#EsirD... as my dialog files, while IJ#Esir was the death variable for Esiriak in the .cre file, thus also in the dialogs. All this is will be a subject to change if needed. I also adjusted the dialog a bit for the last Aerie-Esiriak talk. :whistling:
Download the last one, if you want to know what.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 04 November 2008 - 11:54 AM.

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#66 Icendoan


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Posted 04 November 2008 - 12:12 PM

Ok, sure. I will always get errors like this, especially when I type in the Quick Reply box! I just spotted that bug there.

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#67 Thanatos.

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 08:55 PM

This mod musta given you ulcers, I've already got 2 :wall:

#68 Icendoan


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Posted 04 November 2008 - 11:48 PM

No, it just makes me more than a little tired, and I make mistakes like those. It is usually surface stuff that isn't amazingly hard to fix.



Edited by Icendoan, 04 November 2008 - 11:48 PM.

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#69 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 12:51 AM

Again thanks for Icendoan. Should I remake the Death Variable & Prefix to E9 ? As always, not thoroughly checked v0.084 release, but it installs fine...
And a little word of warning, if you ask me to change the DV, I might just quit upgrading the mod. :devil:

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 05 November 2008 - 11:50 AM.

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#70 Thanatos.

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 12:55 AM

I'll start writing now. :new_thumbs:

Bow before Jarno's ruthless might! :Bow:

#71 Thanatos.

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 03:02 AM

Edit: Banter Spoilers removed.

Edited by Ithilian Delorio, 30 January 2009 - 10:05 PM.

#72 Thanatos.

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 03:37 AM

Edit: Banter Spoilers removed.

Edited by Ithilian Delorio, 30 January 2009 - 10:05 PM.

#73 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 04:41 AM


Already and done the Cernds barters.
Few questions to Icendoan, of the differences in Globals:
Is it better to use same Global 0, 1, 2... or several,, as it goes on like:
IF ~Global("EsiriakCernd2","GLOBAL",0)
Also I saw there was SetGlobal("EsiriakCernd1","GLOBAL",1) and SetGlobal("EsiriakCernd1","LOCALS",1) what's the difference? For these type of dialogs, probably the "GLOBAL"s.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 05 November 2008 - 04:51 AM.

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#74 Icendoan


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 09:55 AM

Having EsiriakName as a GLOBAL would be better, and a GLOBAL can be referenced by other things. Can we put checks into the Anomen banters to make sure he is MHOotRH Approved, please!

IF ~InParty("Anomen")
!StateCheck("Anomen",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN IJ#EsirC Esiriak-AnomenN1
~So, human. Youw wish to join the order, hmm? I wonder why you have yet to reveal my existence to them, or even turn me in! Haha! It would definitly grant you a place in their halls.~
DO ~SetGlobal("EsiriakAnomenN","GLOBAL",1)~
== ANOMENJ ~I will not be baited by you, demon. I know your psionic powers far surpass my own strength.~
== IJ#EsirC ~Finally, one who admits I could destroy them. Refreshing.~ EXIT

IF ~InParty("IJ#Esir")
Global("EsiriakAnomenN","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN ANOMENJ Esiriak-AnomenN2
~So, demon. How do you remain in this Realm? Why have your masters not summoned you back?~
DO ~SetGlobal("EsirialAnomenN","GLOBAL",2)~
== IJ#EsirC ~Naive fool! I escaped that place, and the only reason I have not been caught is that my... lords, cannot pinpoint me. This is why I remain moving, with you, insufferable though you are.~
== ANOMENJ ~I should have known it was for your own reasons. Do you not care for our lives, if your Lords found you?~
== IJ#EsirC ~No, I do not. Now shut your mouth, lest I rip those putrid skin flaps from your withered face.~ EXIT

IF ~InParty("Anomen")
!StateCheck("Anomen",STATE_SLEEPING)~ THEN IJ#EsirC Esiriak-AnomenN3
~Casting me looks again, hmm? Maybe your eyes be forfeit, so you quell that habit.~
DO ~SetGlobal("EsiriakAnomenN","GLOBAL",3)~
== ANOMENJ ~Oh, silence yourself, demon. I care not for your empty threats.~
== IJ#EsirC ~Hah. The Abyss would destroy you in less than an hour, with your magic filled with reveration to distant and callous gods, nor your withered mace or even your tongue will save you. Maybe I will give some introductions, to the minor there.~
== ANOMENJ ~I said silence. Hurl all the insults you wish, I will not be drawn into this pointless argument.~
== IJ#EsirC ~Go hug your dead mother, paladin-to-be, maybe her icy decaying cadaver will help you in this big, bad world...~
== ANOMENJ ~Silence!~ EXIT

Is Anomen, and that is all from me for today.

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#75 Crazee

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 10:16 AM

Not only does this look really interesting, but things actually seem to be getting done ... before my very eyes! Good job, guys. I can't wait to play this - a new idea, and a different style of NPC, for sure. I hope he's not too overpowered, though.

#76 Icendoan


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Posted 05 November 2008 - 11:34 AM

Due to the code I send Jarno, it isn't, and this character is being more complex by the minute. Due to how easy I am finding banters, I might make my own NPC mod, or code for another... After this, possibly Morgrin and KY.


Edited by Icendoan, 05 November 2008 - 11:35 AM.

Proud member of the 'I HATE Elminster!' Club!

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#77 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 11:46 AM

Ups, well, I found bug by looking my code and so I fixed it.

Having EsiriakName as a GLOBAL would be better, and a GLOBAL can be referenced by other things. Can we put checks into the Anomen banters to make sure he is MHOotRH Approved, please!

We actually should take a variable from Anomens barters within the quest to make sure...
And due to not knowing one, I haven't implemented your code into the release, but thanks anyway!

Not only does this look really interesting, but things actually seem to be getting done ... before my very eyes! Good job, guys. I can't wait to play this - a new idea, and a different style of NPC, for sure. I hope he's not too overpowered, though.

Yes, we should take a room so we can make out... Did I just say that? It sounded really gay, and not the happy sort. I swear I didn't meant it...

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#78 Thanatos.

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Posted 05 November 2008 - 05:00 PM

Thanks Crazee. If you want to help don't hesitate :D
Great work Jarno and Icen!

#79 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 12:15 AM

Thanks for excluding the spoilers from the first post, as I don't want them to be revealed off hand, as then there is no adventure...

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#80 Thanatos.

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 02:28 PM

Anything for my favourite little imp. No offense Cespenar!