2. If this mod is still in beta, are dialogue additions likely?
3. Is this mod already traified?
4. If traified, are you willing to supply the accompanying code, should the translator wish to view the lines in context?
Sure thing.
5. Approximately how many lines need translation?
690 spread out over 2 files.
6. Describe the particulars of the mod (type of mod, brief summary of any NPCs involved)!
An NPC expansion mod which adds a romance to everyone's favourite mage, Edwin.
7. Preferred languages?

8. Please list other mods by the same author, if any, for comparison of writing style.
9. Any deadlines?
As soon as possible, but definitely before the end of the year.
10. What game and what mod is this for?
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal, the Edwin Romance mod.
11. Anything else you'd like to mention?
For the upcoming v2 of Edwin, the flirts need to be translated into the languages indicated above--that is, Chinese,

There are two files; flirts.tra is 74kb and the tflirts.tra 62kb. Some of the lines are duplicated, which makes it a little easier. I've attached them for simplicity; if you would like the accompanying dialogue files just post or send me a message and I'll send them over ASAP.

Update: Russian, Spanish and Polish translations are in, and Kurokarasu is working on the French translation, but I believe we are still in need of a Chinese translation.