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What order do you usually do the planets?

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#1 Cal Jones

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Posted 24 September 2008 - 09:57 PM

As it says.

After Dantooine I went to Kashyyyk but I was wondering if there was an optimal order (also I have the PC version with Yavin, so wondering when to tackle that).
On the other hand I've not managed to make Mission's brother quest trigger even though I know where he's supposed to be. Not sure if I missed something somewhere else though.

#2 GeN1e


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Posted 24 September 2008 - 10:31 PM

I did Tatooine, Manaan, Kashyyk, Korriban. Korriban is better to be left for the last, other are manageble in any order i think.

Edited by GeN1e, 24 September 2008 - 10:32 PM.

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#3 Daulmakan


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Posted 24 September 2008 - 11:35 PM

I usually do Tatooine, Korriban, Yavin, Kashyyk, Manaan. Switching between Korriban and Kashyyk if I want to get Jolee earlier. Spoiler regarding Korriban:

As to Mission's quest, you have to travel between planets a bit before getting some of her talks which trigger her brother's quest. I always do Tatooine first and he's never in his cell the first time I go to the sand people's camp.

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#4 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 25 September 2008 - 12:59 AM

K1: Tatooine, Kashyyk, Manaan, Korriban, Yavin Station.

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#5 Choo Choo

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Posted 25 September 2008 - 01:12 AM

I do it in the same order as Jarno.

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#6 GeN1e


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Posted 25 September 2008 - 04:06 AM

Spoiler regarding Korriban

OTOH if Korriban is done the last then there are some cool dialogue options avaliable there.

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#7 Eleima


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Posted 25 September 2008 - 05:08 AM

I just played KotOR 1 for the first time last week, and I did it in the order: Tatooine, Kashyyk, Korriban and then Manaan. I'm told that Tatooine and Kashyyk are the "easy" planets, and that Korriban and Manaan are the "hard" planets (think I read that on Game Banshee). I kinda forgot to go to Yavin, oops!
As for Mission's side quest (caution, spoilers, kinda, I guess):
didn't have a problem with it, myself.
I, myself, wasn't in too much of a hurry to get to Korriban, because

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Edited by Eleima, 25 September 2008 - 05:08 AM.

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#8 Cal Jones

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Posted 25 September 2008 - 10:02 AM

I got her quest to trigger in the end though I had to fart about and reload a few times (I forgot to save the first time I met Lena and then got blown up in a space battle between Dantooine and Tatooine, grrr!).

#9 SConrad


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Posted 25 September 2008 - 11:40 AM

I normally go to Manaan or Tatooine, followed by Kashyyk and Korriban last. The Yavin space station whenver I can, really.

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#10 Gabrielle


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Posted 25 September 2008 - 04:26 PM

Tatooine, Kashyyk, Manaan, Korriban. I will go to Korriban and get Carth's son whenever Carth has that meeting with his friend. But I won't finish the rest of the Korriban quests until last.
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#11 Bluenose


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Posted 26 September 2008 - 04:47 AM

I always leave Manaan for last, and I don't go to Korriban until Carth gets his visitor. Tatooine first, I suppose, because I pick up quite a lot of cash hunting Wraid on the dunes and swoop racing.

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#12 Bardess


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Posted 26 September 2008 - 09:32 AM

Korriban is my favorite, so I tend to go there early - I don't remember how I manage Carth's quest, though I do remember killing his stupid son once. :whistling: (I played KotOR1 through to the end at least 5 times one summer. Yes, I had nothing better to do.) I also leave Manaan for last, I don't like the planet and I am freaked out by those sharks! <_< On my first run through, I think I went to Kashyyk first, Korriban and Tatooine second and third, and Manaan last.

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#13 Tempest


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Posted 26 September 2008 - 10:30 AM

For me, it's almost always as follows:

-Yavin (Get the ball rolling on the Yavin subplot)
-Tatooine (only if romancing Bastila)
- Kashyyyk (if not)
- Dantooine (usually have enough cash by now for the CNS Enhancer belt-very useful item)
- Tatooine/Kashyyyk (whichever I didn't do first)
- Manaan
- Yavin (Second stage of the Yavin subplot)
- Korriban
- Yavin (Finish the Yavin subplot, spend all my money on the uber items)

Speaking of Yavin, for those who don't know, you can get some extremely powerful items (including special super-crystals for the lightsaber that put the other crystals on premium grade crack) if you finish the Yavin subplot, which requires visiting Yavin before finishing your third world, visiting after your third world, and making a final visit before going to the Star Forge system. Warning: the battle when finishing the subplot is pretty tough.

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#14 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 26 September 2008 - 12:45 PM

Speaking of Yavin, for those who don't know, you can get some extremely powerful items (including special super-crystals for the lightsaber that put the other crystals on premium grade crack) if you finish the Yavin subplot, which requires visiting Yavin before finishing your third world, visiting after your third world, and making a final visit before going to the Star Forge system. Warning: the battle when finishing the subplot is pretty tough.

If I remember correctly, one is able to actually get to buy the items(the uber colors :whistling: ) from the man even if you go there only after the last planet, you just have to growl back and forth a few times to the Hawk, as it will make the stations plot go on... but eventually you'll get to buy the real stuff you went there to buy.

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#15 Gabrielle


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Posted 26 September 2008 - 04:33 PM

If I am playing DS, I'll go back to Tatoonie and make threatening gestures to those people in the swoop place and the bar. Lots of DS points can be had on Tatoonie. Then its off to the Star Forge.
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#16 Orthodoxia

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Posted 27 September 2008 - 12:06 AM

For KotOR 1: Tatooine, Kashyyk, Manaan, Korriban. I so love knowing I'm Revan and being on Korriban, it makes for interesting roleplay.
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#17 Klorox

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Posted 01 October 2008 - 02:28 PM

Kashyyyk, Tatooine, Manaan, Korriban.

IMHO, this is the best way to do the planets for a few different reasons.

1) This way goes from easiest to hardest.
2) This way gets you Jolee right away (he's my favorite NPC).
3) This way gets you the Circlet of Saresh.
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#18 -xicicplc-

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Posted 14 January 2017 - 01:47 PM

Isn't there like an easter-egg conversation that triggers if you do Kashyyyk last? I've never done Kashyyyk last, so I don't know, but all the forums I've looked at say there is, but I usually do Korriban last. Though I really want to see this easter egg...mmm