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[TESTERS] Needed for Keeping Yoshimo v0.2

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#1 Icendoan


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Posted 23 September 2008 - 11:01 PM

Lemernis and I over at G3 have made a mod called Keeping Yoshimo, we need more testers, particularly those of bigger installs and the like. It is fine with both SoA and ToB, and more content will be implemented over the course of a few weeks.

Post here comments and bugs for the mod and any incompatibilities you may find.

Thanks to The Bigg, we have v0.2 and a different way of Keeping Yoshimo. He will now be using the same .CRE file so any edits, such as in Lv1NPCs are preserved. It should also allow any 'hidden' banters and interjections already there to trigger.

Due to my not clearing the backup folder, the download was huge, a cleared version has been put up, with no other changes. If you have already Downloaded this, don't worry. :)


Attached Files

Edited by Icendoan, 25 September 2008 - 12:20 PM.

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Mods in development: Keeping Yoshimo

#2 Bardess


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Posted 24 September 2008 - 07:32 AM

I could test, but it may take me a while. Anyway... keeping Yoshimo? Yoshi's great, but it's not fair, he was the local traitor! o.o

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#3 Icendoan


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Posted 24 September 2008 - 07:37 AM

There are still options to kill him if you like! It is just that some people wanted more from Yoshimo, and felt that he was cut short a bit, so we decided to expand him a little.

Doesn't matter how long it will take, and you can even put off testing until the next version as there is more content to come. There is nothing that should make you hurry :)

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Mods in development: Keeping Yoshimo

#4 Lemernis

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Posted 24 September 2008 - 02:01 PM

In a nutshell, the mod

* allows players to keep Yoshimo for the entire saga
* adds dialogue re: Yoshi's betrayal of the PC (his spying b/c Irenicus' Geas)
* adds an entirely new subplot for Yoshi with dialgoues and an encounter
* adds a Tree of Life dialogue for Yoshi

This is what we have so far for v.1. Mainly, at this stage what we're ready to test is the coding to keep him throughout the saga. We have quite a bit more content in the works for v.2, but right now want to get the most basic stuff in good working order.

For those who have always wanted to have this option I think you will not be disappointed. It really is great fun to keep him for the saga. When I first did this (via use of a variable and a game editor, prior to the creation of this mod) Yoshi reached level 38 and became a backstabbing juggernaut. :twisted:

#5 the bigg

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Posted 25 September 2008 - 08:36 AM

You might want to clean up the backup directory and removing the extraneous setup-mymod.tp2/exe in the mod directory, both for optimizing the download size and for avoiding potential issues.

Italian users: help test the Stivan NPC!

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If possible, send diffs, translations and other contributions using Git.

#6 Icendoan


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Posted 25 September 2008 - 11:01 AM

Ok, I was surprised at the size of the file lol

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Mods in development: Keeping Yoshimo

#7 Lemernis

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Posted 25 September 2008 - 01:59 PM

To install:

1) Extract the .rar #!Yoshimo to BG II - SoA folder.
2) From the #!Yoshimo folder move setup-#!yoshi and setup-#!yoshi.tp2 to BG II - SoA folder.
3) Run setup-#!yoshi.

#8 Icendoan


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Posted 25 September 2008 - 10:27 PM

Sorry, but I recompiled it to make it easier and haven't told him yet, just extract and install xD

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Mods in development: Keeping Yoshimo

#9 Lemernis

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Posted 02 October 2008 - 03:32 AM

Just a caution to players that this is an open Alpha test, and it would be wisest for anyone kind enough to help us playtest at this stage to run a separate game with this mod installed strictly for the purposes of helping us getting it working. We would advise players against adding this mod in its Alpha state to a run-through SoA/ToB in which the player wants to enjoy a bug-free gaming experience.

We now have a forum at G3 for this mod and playtesters should post bug reports and comments there.

#10 Yuwakusha

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Posted 02 December 2008 - 11:22 PM

I'd love to test this, if you've got room for more of course. :D

#11 Irbis


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Posted 03 December 2008 - 12:31 AM


There are still options to kill him if you like! It is just that some people wanted more from Yoshimo, and felt that he was cut short a bit, so we decided to expand him a little.

thats me :D keep up the good work guys!


#12 Thanatos.

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Posted 03 December 2008 - 04:28 PM

Well, he isthe only Asian NPC ^_^

#13 Lemernis

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Posted 14 March 2009 - 04:46 AM

Any reviews of this mod? I've been so busy the only time I had for it was at the development end, and haven't actualy been able to fully playtest it!

Is it installing okay?

Any bugs?

What do you think of the content?

On another site, the mod got some high words of praise. Only one review, but it was a 9/10.

There is more content we hope to develop for the mod in the future: further development of Yoshimo's backstory, some party discussion of issues of trust and loyalty raised by Yoshi's past behavior (both working for Irenicus and our own subplot), and a fun little quest. But our primary goal was simply to give players the option to use Yoshimo for the entire saga. That was the main purpose of the mod. Hopefully that is enough. Our little subplot about mages hunting Yoshi down just provided a rationale for our workaround, and (hopefully) provides an enjoyable battle.

We knew we couldn't possibly satisfy every player with the 'voice' we gave to the character. Everyone has their own internal conception of each of the NPCs, and it varies from person to person. But hopefully what we wrote isn't way out of line with how most people conceive of Yoshi. I think we did a respectable job on that front.