File Submitter: Slug
File Submitted: 21 Sep 2008
File Updated: 21 Sep 2008
File Category: Gameplay Changes
Forum: No Information
Readme: No Information
----AlterFX 0.8b----
The goal of this mod is to remove the pink magical shader from the mysticism spells.
It also removes many of the magical effects which can hamper FPS in large battles.
Extract the AlterFX.esp in to your Oblivion Data folder. Use the launcher to select the mod.
Use OBMM or Wrye Bash and ensure that the mod is loaded after any others which affect magic settings in the game.
The mod may conflict with spell strip.
It was tested using Oblivion 1.2 (Shivering Isles) with the latest OOO and MMM using FCOM.
Requires the 1.2 patch to be installed.
Created by Slug
Click here to download this file
Edited by Slug, 14 October 2008 - 11:53 PM.