Undersigil Glabrezu
Posted 13 September 2008 - 11:08 AM
I realize this could have balance issues, but it needn't be too bad. You don't HAVE to go down there, and even if you are grinding using the Cloudkill Worm Genocide strategy, you can just avoid him/run away like you are probably doing with the Trelons anyway.
Posted 13 September 2008 - 12:07 PM
One thing you may find interesting though. *SPOILER WARNING* regarding the upcoming Expanded Deionarra's Truth mod.
In the Expanded Deionarra's Truth mod that I'm working on (about 50% finished at this point, so it'll be in the next version with any luck), you will be able to get one of the rare glabrezu drops - actually the RAREST glabrezu drop - during the course of the quest. I'm referring to the hammer "Heaven and Earth". It won't be easy though

Posted 05 December 2008 - 07:26 AM
My biggest incentive for this would be to make it possible for all those magical epic lootzorz items to be actually usable for anything other than slaughtering Hive Thugs in a fit of sadism (even though Dak'kon can already just drop them with a single strike). At least for me, it's hard to muster excessive concern for balance impact when the game allows you to kill just about anything with a couple Bladestorm spells and even provides you with an area that serves very little purpose other than gaining experience ludicrously fast. "Making the game more unbalanced" as things are would be like spitting in the middle of the pacific ocean, and the Greater Glabrezu showing up early would actually be something that kinda resembles a powerful dangerous enemy requiring a modicum of strategy and preparation, which is something the game seriously lacks.
Posted 05 December 2008 - 08:10 AM
well quite true. at the the last parts with whihc i totaly agree. But guys from bioware were always bi-polar. one time they make something with both action and story and this mix gots crazy (BG1&2). and betwen that they do a story masterpiece (PS:T) with fighting so randomly sucky, and they they server fighting game (IWD) which history - which is great - is totaly wasted and covered by hacking and slashing... =\I don't mean to be a bother, but have you given any thought to this?
My biggest incentive for this would be to make it possible for all those magical epic lootzorz items to be actually usable for anything other than slaughtering Hive Thugs in a fit of sadism (even though Dak'kon can already just drop them with a single strike). At least for me, it's hard to muster excessive concern for balance impact when the game allows you to kill just about anything with a couple Bladestorm spells and even provides you with an area that serves very little purpose other than gaining experience ludicrously fast. "Making the game more unbalanced" as things are would be like spitting in the middle of the pacific ocean, and the Greater Glabrezu showing up early would actually be something that kinda resembles a powerful dangerous enemy requiring a modicum of strategy and preparation, which is something the game seriously lacks.
i lust for game with PS:T story and PR aspect AND BG2/IWD fighting... but yea i know - me with my daydreaming

Posted 05 December 2008 - 06:22 PM
Also, even though BG, PST and IWD all used Bioware's infinity engine, PST was developed by black isle studios , not bioware. It was especially Chris Avellone's brainchild and such games that are made with so much love and brilliance are really hard to make. Avellone himself has not managed to make something equal to PST afterwards. But I'll have to agree that the best combat we've seen in IE games is that of BG2 and IWD.
Posted 11 December 2008 - 10:34 PM
I really can appreciate wanting to get a chance to actually use the rare drops. And it's not -their- being imbalancing that worries me... it's the insane amount of xp you get for every kill in the upgraded version. At 70,000 xp per pop, you'd be gaining levels at an insane rate, and it would trivialize xp gains for the rest of the game.
I'd be a lot more inclined to do it if the xp gains could be toned down to sane levels for the time you'd be doing it. Something like 10,000xp per Greater Glazebru before you leave Sigil, instead of 70,000, sounds about right. That way you could try for the rare items without pretty much necessarily making the rest of the game trivially easy. That would make actually making the tweak considerably more involved and time consuming though.
Edited by Qwinn, 11 December 2008 - 10:36 PM.
Posted 12 December 2008 - 02:53 AM
The same mobs, after returning to Sigil, will yield the full 70000 xp.
Hopefully everyone will agree this is a decent compromise between the valid concern about not being able to get the rare drops till too close to the end of the game, and the similarly valid concern of completely unbalancing everything in Curst and beyond.
Posted 12 December 2008 - 04:07 AM
Posted 17 December 2008 - 12:06 PM
There will still be an Early Glabrezu tweak, meaning you can get the greater glabrezu to spawn before leaving Sigil.
Posted 01 January 2009 - 12:50 PM
May suggest an alternative tweak: why not add Bell's Shield, Ring Zero, Umei Kaihen and Heaven and Earth to the Curiosity Shop and remove the Glabrezu encounter altogether(or just the items they drop)? This would fix all of the above problems. Due amount of gold they cost most players won't be able to afford all these items thus reducing unbalance factor of the items and removing the possibility of "easy" gold farming.
Posted 01 January 2009 - 01:55 PM
Edited by taplonaplo, 01 January 2009 - 01:56 PM.
Posted 02 January 2009 - 10:24 PM
Posted 03 January 2009 - 11:29 PM