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Noway to heal Qualton from being schizo.

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#1 colonel klinck

colonel klinck
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Posted 12 September 2008 - 05:27 AM

I nearly finish SoBH. All quests done but one remains frustating to me.
Last quest I came to Qualton to confront him with a letter proving that it was him who instigate the baron' s murder.
I found a full schizo/ paranoïd Qualton who runned mad and attacked me. I had to kill him.
It is said that if you use a restoration spell on him he recovers then you don't have to kill him.
I tried this way but nothing change, using the spell on him made him to attack me. So he has to explose under my weapons...
There is something buggy here. So does someone have a CLUAcode to trigger the event when he is healed ?
I mean, I've already searched with NI and I found two triggers corresponding as following :

I've tried to CLUAConsole like that

But it changes nothing. Qualton says the same thing and always attacks me.

So can anyone tell me what's wrong ?
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#2 colonel klinck

colonel klinck
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Posted 12 September 2008 - 07:36 AM

Here is the screenshot of the BHQUAL.BCS
If someone will have a look.

Attached Images

  • Pour_Qualton.JPG

Stupidity valued on stock exchange ? Good ! No more financial crisis ! God we should be surrounded by multibillionnaries !

#3 colonel klinck

colonel klinck
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Posted 28 October 2011 - 07:49 AM

Three years later I see that nonone answered...
Never mind. I've just begun another play on mega install and when I'll get this problem again I'll rewrite this topic !!!!
Stupidity valued on stock exchange ? Good ! No more financial crisis ! God we should be surrounded by multibillionnaries !

#4 mr fantastic

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Posted 28 October 2011 - 05:40 PM

Three years later I see that nonone answered...
Never mind. I've just begun another play on mega install and when I'll get this problem again I'll rewrite this topic !!!!

I'm doing tactic play at the moment, will see if I get that bug when I get there.
First of all what mods did you install?? Did you have any problems with any other mods??

If you get many bugs , than maybe something is wrong with your MegaMod install, biggest traffic is in the Mega Mod section :lol: , maybe someone there could help you.
I wanted infravison like the elves...But 'tis more than just taking their eyes



#5 colonel klinck

colonel klinck
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Posted 13 November 2011 - 02:58 AM

Hum, sorry for being late. But it has been more than two years that I stopped playing at my mega install. So I'm back again but first of all I absolutly don't remember how to post my weidu.log file. I know that I need to use NI but don't remember how...
Can You help me please ?
Stupidity valued on stock exchange ? Good ! No more financial crisis ! God we should be surrounded by multibillionnaries !

#6 -wise grimwald-

-wise grimwald-
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Posted 28 May 2012 - 08:35 PM

Hum, sorry for being late. But it has been more than two years that I stopped playing at my mega install. So
I'm back again but first of all I absolutly don't remember how to post my weidu.log file. I know that I need to use NI but don't remember how...
Can You help me please ?

You don't need NI. You can open your weidu.log in notepad. You have to use the "open with" option.