The archive of resolved bug reports
Posted 06 February 2010 - 09:08 AM
Although it's not really an issue, the items (boots of speed and avoidance) dropped by the chosen of cyric are not compatible with Weimer's item upgrade mod. (in the sense they can't be used for item upgrade mod) It seems that they are different from the original in game ones, possibly because you were afraid that some other mod might modify the original in game boots of speed and thus the fairness of the encounter itself.
Posted 07 February 2010 - 04:48 AM
Posted 07 February 2010 - 05:01 AM
Ok I got past the journal, but I don't think the quest continues. Does it have to do with the fact Bodhi is already dead? (I'm in chapter 6)
The Graveyard District crypts use a different area in Chapter 6 (AR0808.ARE) and you won't be able to find Arledrian there since his script is set up to move him to the Chapter 3 crypts (AR0801.ARE). Besides, Arledrian's quest wouldn't make much sense from the RP perspective so late in the game. If the player doesn't come to his aid in Chapter 3, it's can be easily assumed that he died.
Posted 11 February 2010 - 10:59 PM
Edit: Actually it seems Haer'Dalis bent the rules a little by having 2 points in short swords as well... hmm...
Edited by persocom01, 11 February 2010 - 11:19 PM.
Posted 21 September 2010 - 12:20 AM
I got to the Cyric encounter, and just at the start of the fight Nalia was abducted by Isea and some guards. I wouldn't find this odd if Venturis (?) hadn't just magically sealed the area off. Can this be changed in a future update?
Posted 21 September 2010 - 12:31 AM
Posted 21 September 2010 - 01:08 AM
Posted 17 October 2010 - 12:22 PM
Edited by mos_anted, 17 October 2010 - 12:28 PM.
Posted 02 May 2011 - 01:04 AM
It works nicely when those spells are cast by mages.
Posted 02 May 2011 - 06:08 PM
For some reason, the Evasion HLA doesn't seem to work against fireballs and lightning bolts used by atweaks demons.
It works nicely when those spells are cast by mages.
It's because the demon abilities are cloned versions of the wizard spells, and Evasion specifically protects from the wizard spell codes.
Changing evasion to protect from the fireball and lightning bolt projectiles may work, as well as being more compatible with any other mod that clones the protected spells - i.e. a cleric kit that gets lightning bolt as a priest spell.
Posted 03 May 2011 - 02:13 AM
Posted 15 August 2011 - 03:50 AM
@29 = ~BARDE : Le barde est aussi un roublard, mais très différent du voleur. Sa force réside dans sa personnalité plaisante et charmeuse. Grâce à cela et à son ingéniosité, il peut voyager à travers le monde. Le barde est un musicien talentueux et une mine inépuisable de rumeurs, d'histoires et de contes. Tout ce qu'il croise est pour lui source d'apprentissage ; c'est un touche-à-tout, mais il ne maîtrise rien parfaitement. Bien que la plupart des bardes soient des fripouilles, leurs histoires et leurs chants sont bienvenus presque partout et inspirent souvent la confiance à ceux qui les écoutent. Un barde peut rassembler ses alliés en chantant des chansons héroïques ou en élaborant des histoires sur comment ses compagnons prendront le dessus sur leurs adversaires et remporter la journée. Les effets du chant du barde varient en fonction de son niveau :
niveau 1 : +1 au toucher et à tous les jets de sauvegarde, le chant augmente le moral
niveau 9 : +1 au toucher et à tous les jets de sauvegarde, le chant guérit de la Peur
niveau 18 : +2 au toucher et à tous les jets de sauvegarde, le chant immunise contre la Peur~
should be
@29 = ~BARDE : Le barde est aussi un roublard, mais très différent du voleur. Sa force réside dans sa personnalité plaisante et charmeuse. Grâce à cela et à son ingéniosité, il peut voyager à travers le monde. Le barde est un musicien talentueux et une mine inépuisable de rumeurs, d'histoires et de contes. Tout ce qu'il croise est pour lui source d'apprentissage ; c'est un touche-à-tout, mais il ne maîtrise rien parfaitement. Bien que la plupart des bardes soient des fripouilles, leurs histoires et leurs chants sont bienvenus presque partout et inspirent souvent la confiance à ceux qui les écoutent. Un barde peut rassembler ses alliés en chantant des chansons héroïques ou en élaborant des histoires sur comment ses compagnons prendront le dessus sur leurs adversaires et remporter la journée. Les effets du chant du barde varient en fonction de son niveau :
Niveau 1 : +1 au toucher et à tous les jets de sauvegarde, le chant augmente le moral
Niveau 9 : +2 au toucher et à tous les jets de sauvegarde, le chant guérit de la Peur
Niveau 18 : +3 au toucher et à tous les jets de sauvegarde, le chant immunise contre la Peur~
(For reference, the english TRA files / readme file says this :
@29 = ~BARD: The bard is also a rogue, but he is very different from the thief. His strength is his pleasant and charming personality. With it and his wits he makes his way through the world. A bard is a talented musician and a walking storehouse of gossip, tall tales, and lore. He learns a little bit about everything that crosses his path; he is a jack-of-all- trades but master of none. While many bards are scoundrels, their stories and songs are welcome almost everywhere and are often inspirational to the listeners. A bard can rally his allies by singing heroic songs or weaving inspiring tales about how his companions will overcome their foes and win the day. The effect of the bard's song varies according to his level:
1st: +1 to hit and all saving throws, song raises morale
9th: +2 to hit and all saving throws, song removes fear
18th: +3 to hit and all saving throws, song protects from fear~
Posted 15 August 2011 - 03:55 AM
Anyway it's not a bug, but a translation's mistake - there is no chance that we see it on a bug reports' topic. Ok I saw it, but it's because I know you name and was intrigued by this post.
(it will be fixed in a next update)
Edited by Graoumf, 15 August 2011 - 04:12 AM.
Posted 15 August 2011 - 04:16 AM
I thought that once a translation had been given to the author of a mod, any (small) translation error left was to be corrected by the author, instead of the translation team.
Posted 31 August 2011 - 09:53 PM
SourceThe first involves the Chosen of Cyric encounter. If you manage to interrupt the cleric's 1st spell, he ceases all activity, remaining completly still until you hit him with something.
Second is a very minor thing with the shadow thieves content from quest pack with RR, specifically regarding the short sword of backstabbing that Aran Linvail recieves with RR's enhancements. If you destroy the shadow thieves in chapter 6 for Inspector Brega, Aran does not have the sword on him, which he should have. Is this an incompatibility, or have I missed something obvious?
Posted 31 August 2011 - 10:28 PM
The first involves the Chosen of Cyric encounter. If you manage to interrupt the cleric's 1st spell, he ceases all activity, remaining completly still until you hit him with something.
IIRC, this was fixed in v4.45. Zaeron and Selina had some similar issues.
Second is a very minor thing with the shadow thieves content from quest pack with RR, specifically regarding the short sword of backstabbing that Aran Linvail recieves with RR's enhancements. If you destroy the shadow thieves in chapter 6 for Inspector Brega, Aran does not have the sword on him, which he should have. Is this an incompatibility, or have I missed something obvious?
It will be fixed in the next update.
Posted 18 October 2011 - 06:38 AM
Must be @1284:// Player 6 translates Arledrian's journal (this is for non-Bioware elven and half-elven NPCs)
IF ~~ THEN BEGIN iPlayer6
SAY @1283
@1283 = ~(<PLAYER5> studies the journal for a moment, scribbles down some notes and hands it back to you.)~
@1284 = ~(<PLAYER6> studies the journal for a moment, scribbles down some notes and hands it back to you.)~
Posted 18 October 2011 - 08:45 AM
Some mistake in rr#arlej.d:
Cheers, will fix.
Posted 19 May 2012 - 10:38 AM
I would like to make a request that mithril is changed to mithral in your mod. Mithral is the official FR term and GTUL changes the vanilla game to use this name.
The Arms and Equipment Guide which RR's Drow Chain Mail is taken from uses mithril and I personally prefer that spelling too. However, for the sake of consistency, I'll change it to mithral so that it matches the fixpack.
I also have some potential typos to report for version 4.48.
Thanks, these will be corrected in the next update.