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Comments on the Rogue Rebalancing releases

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Posted 28 January 2010 - 08:31 PM

Request for improvement...

Generally, the difficulty of the CoC encounter varies according to the party composition, the Protagonist's level, the game difficulty setting and of course the tactical skills of the player. Some players find the encounter very hard while others breeze through it without problems. I'm fine with that, since my goal was to create an interesting party vs. party encounter where opponents fight fair and have no extra advantages over the player's party in terms of resistances, immunities, hit points, attribute scores, spells, special abilities etc.

Maybe give sorceress a scrol of True Seeing?

I suppose I could do that, however, it should be noted that all spells which opponents cast from scrolls can be disrupted by damage and Miscast Magic effects in RR. This behavior is contrary to the unmodded game, but it is consistent with PnP rules.

Because two other thiefs didn't seem to detect illusions (as described in documentation) at all. Well, maybe they were too busy drinkig potion of healing or whatever...

That's a possibility since their AI tends to prioritize defense over offense when they are badly hurt. Furthermore, it should be noted that Venduris' Detect Illusions ability is enhanced due to his background and special training. The other CoC members use the regular Detect Illusions skill and, just like PC Thieves, they must make the necessary skill checks in order to successfully dispel illusions.

#22 Setharnas

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Posted 28 January 2010 - 09:15 PM

Generally, the difficulty of the CoC encounter varies according to the party composition, the Protagonist's level, the game difficulty setting and of course the tactical skills of the player. Some players find the encounter very hard while others breeze through it without problems. I'm fine with that, since my goal was to create an interesting party vs. party encounter where opponents fight fair and have no extra advantages over the player's party in terms of resistances, immunities, hit points, attribute scores, spells, special abilities etc.

And you really succeeded. I'm not that much into rogue classes, only really include them for locks & traps, but RR has been a mandatory part of BG2 for me ever since I first played that encounter. The whole event is simply believable; not just overpowered mobs lining up in a queue, but a group just like your own, powerful on practically the same basis as your guys, thoughtfully setting an ambush where you'd last expect it, appropriate for opponents of this caliber - and yet introduced in a manner that just flows with the game (for me).

I've yet to find anything that tops the CoC in terms of intensity and general atmosphere - lots of mods rival it in their entirety, yes, but this one event is what I look forward to the most in every playthrough. It would definitely have made a better SoA endgame sequence for me than being beamed to hell out of the blue.

So much for my comment. ;)


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Posted 29 January 2010 - 08:40 AM

Thanks for the kind words, Setharnas.

I'm glad you found the CoC encounter enjoyable. :)

#24 ScuD

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Posted 28 February 2010 - 09:00 PM

It's probably not a game-breaking issue, but RR#STON.ITM and RR#STON2.ITM reported as corrupted by NI:
File: RR#STON.ITM  Offset: 25ah  Error message: 48 unused bytes after Unknown(256h)
File: RR#STON2.ITM  Offset: 25ah  Error message: 48 unused bytes after Unknown(256h)

Update: Sorry for the false alarm, they become corrupted after p5tweaks, "Drop Items on Petrification" component. I cannot understand why yet. Reported in the appropriate forum.

Edited by ScuD, 28 February 2010 - 09:28 PM.

#25 Miloch



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Posted 16 March 2010 - 01:41 PM

Any particular reason for this?
ASK_EVERY_COMPONENT // Disallow installing all components at once
It would be more useful, in my opinion, not to have this. There are times when I install/uninstall both RR, aTweaks and indeed many other mods for testing purposes quite a bit and don't want to sit there and answer every component or mess around with batch files. Of course, you *can* still do that even without ASK_EVERY_COMPONENT, you just get to decide whether you want to or not.

Sorry for the false alarm, they become corrupted after p5tweaks, "Drop Items on Petrification" component.

(This is fixed, incidentally.)

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Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
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Posted 16 March 2010 - 07:59 PM

There are times when I install/uninstall both RR, aTweaks and indeed many other mods for testing purposes quite a bit and don't want to sit there and answer every component or mess around with batch files.

Try this:

weinstall RR --language 0 --skip-at-view --force-install-list 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12

#27 joshuar9476

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Posted 17 March 2010 - 01:50 PM

may i make a suggestion? i would like to see you implement the option to skip the components that are already installed since you have to install in different takes ... since only the HLA's and shadow thieves are installed the second time it would save 15 seconds :whistling: if it skipped the others ....
i have a witty signature thought up, i just haven't posted it yet.

#28 Miloch



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Posted 17 March 2010 - 06:50 PM

i would like to see you implement the option to skip the components that are already installed since you have to install in different takes ..

I believe removing the ASK_EVERY_COMPONENT would enable that. And yes, I *could* use a batch file/command or comment out that 1 line myself. I'm just saying it'd be more useful in general without it, and I couldn't see any reason for it. And if you're going to keep it in and thus require a batch file to install everything at once, you may as well include that batch file with your mod (even if it's just 1 line of code, it'd make it a bit more user-friendly).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#29 Daulmakan


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Posted 24 April 2010 - 02:52 PM

I was just wondering, did you do any script updates since v4.33? I'm playing that version, and the behavior of the CoC has gotten ridiculous. They literally only appear for a minimum fraction of a second to backstab and become invisible again, and then backstab again, to the point that my chars get backstabbed 3 times in the spawn of a single second.

I've never noticed this extreme behavior until now. I have SCSII installed, but i don't think that should make any difference?

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Posted 24 April 2010 - 03:23 PM

I was just wondering, did you do any script updates since v4.33? I'm playing that version, and the behavior of the CoC has gotten ridiculous. They literally only appear for a minimum fraction of a second to backstab and become invisible again, and then backstab again, to the point that my chars get backstabbed 3 times in the spawn of a single second.

No, nothing major, just some small targeting adjustments. At any rate, none of the CoC characters should be going invisible more than once per round, unless they are under the effects of the Mislead spell, which provides infinite backstab capability for its duration.

Are you using some item/spell mods by any chance? These could alter the intended behavior, dependant on the changes they make.

#31 Daulmakan


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Posted 24 April 2010 - 03:50 PM

No, nothing major, just some small targeting adjustments. At any rate, none of the CoC characters should be going invisible more than once per round, unless they are under the effects of the Mislead spell, which provides infinite backstab capability for its duration.

That's how I recall it, backstab, small opening for me to target them, invisible again (maybe run away a bit to heal) and then backstab again, in "normal" time.

How does the Mislead thing work? Coupled with Haste/Improved Haste could it accomplish the behavior I described?

For the record, I had killed all of them save for Zaerom, who then knocked dead my two thieves trying to detect his illusions in like, 10 seconds. He backstabbed them several times faster than they could move away/swallow potions (well, only one of them, since the first died really quick). I even tried pausing the game regularly to see if I could "catch him" with his red circle on screen when he moved on to backstab my fighters and it took me at least 10 attempts to do so.

Are you using some item/spell mods by any chance? These could alter the intended behavior, dependant on the changes they make.

Yes (my own, Item Upgrade, some of Spell Revisions), but nothing I haven't used before (save for almost every component of SCS), which I assumed has no bearing since you use your own scripts.

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Posted 24 April 2010 - 04:40 PM

How does the Mislead thing work?

Exactly as you describe it here: ;)

For the record, I had killed all of them save for Zaerom, who then knocked dead my two thieves trying to detect his illusions in like, 10 seconds. He backstabbed them several times faster than they could move away/swallow potions (well, only one of them, since the first died really quick). I even tried pausing the game regularly to see if I could "catch him" with his red circle on screen when he moved on to backstab my fighters and it took me at least 10 attempts to do so.

AFAIK, Improved Haste can quicken the effect even further.

BTW, this is not new. CoC's Zaeron (and STI's Aran Linval) were using Mislead since the very first versions of CoC/STI since this works for players too. Anyway, knocking down the difficulty level to "Normal" will prevent any CoC/STI characters from using Mislead (among other things).

#33 Daulmakan


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Posted 24 April 2010 - 06:04 PM

BTW, this is not new. CoC's Zaeron (and STI's Aran Linval) were using Mislead since the very first versions of CoC/STI since this works for players too. Anyway, knocking down the difficulty level to "Normal" will prevent any CoC/STI characters from using Mislead (among other things).

That must be it, then. I think this was the first time Zaerom was the last man standing. I normally play good parties, but I don't recall Aran posing such problems before, maybe because the rest of his party sucks in comparison to the CoC.

Thank you again for this wonderful component. :cheers:

PS This was my first go with the new demons from aTWEAKS. Nice to see them gain some respectability. Cheers for that as well.

PPS Any progress on aQUESTS? :P

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Posted 24 April 2010 - 10:45 PM

PS This was my first go with the new demons from aTWEAKS. Nice to see them gain some respectability. Cheers for that as well.

Thanks! I really enjoyed working on that component and I'm glad if that shows. :)

PPS Any progress on aQUESTS? :P

Nope, I don't think it'll materialize anytime soon. I've been pretty busy with real life for the last couple of months and I probably won't be doing any active modding (i.e. anything beyond maintenance releases) for some time.

#35 -cbarchuk-

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Posted 12 April 2011 - 12:39 PM

Hey guys,

I'm trying out this mod for the first time tonight. How and where do you obtain these new items especially the improved short sword of backstabbing? Also are there item codes for these new items and weapons? Thanks and looking forward to trying it out.

#36 -Kamigoroshi-

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 01:37 AM

Bug report for version 4.65 of Rogue Rebalancing:

The Jester has the Skald's kit description, both at character creation and ingame.

#37 Wisp

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 10:57 AM

Bug report for version 4.65 of Rogue Rebalancing:

The Jester has the Skald's kit description, both at character creation and ingame.

Why you shoud hate global variables. Fixed. Thanks.

Edited by Wisp, 18 November 2013 - 10:58 AM.

#38 -Davide-

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Posted 23 November 2013 - 07:19 PM

RR doesn t work with shadowdancer bgEE kit

#39 -Guest-

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Posted 29 January 2014 - 05:36 PM

Did anyone tried this mod on Bg2 Enhanced edition?

#40 -RitnaLuknja-

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Posted 25 April 2014 - 06:18 AM

Where can I download the latest version? Download link is broken.