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The ones we hate

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#21 SaintZenn


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Posted 13 September 2008 - 08:44 PM

Forgot one in NWN2. That sexist M.....F..... Bishop. Please make a mod that lets you kill npcs, please! Women who want to romance him are screwed in the head. Why would you want to romance a sexist dog who talks you down?

There's a really good reason. It's fun to break men like that.
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Mme. Thenardier:
I used to dream that I would meet a prince
But God Almighty, have you seen what's happened since?
Master of the house? Isn't worth me spit!
`Comforter, philosopher' and lifelong sh*t!
Cunning little brain, regular Voltaire
Thinks he's quite a lover but there's not much there
What a cruel trick of nature landed me with such a louse
God knows how I've lasted living with this bastard in the house!

#22 GeN1e


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Posted 13 September 2008 - 09:11 PM

BG2 - Jaheira, Elhan (elven general), Adalon - for their arrogance
BG2 TOB - CYRIC!!! I hate tricksters. Thanks to TOB I hate him even outside of BG series :(
NWN HOTU - Mephisto - i hate tricksters
Fallout2 - village elder - why should i ever bother with Geck, i wonder?
KOTOR2 - Kreia, Handmaidens for their "put down your weapons and you shall not be harmed"
TES Arena - Jagar Tharn

PS Valygar - he looks exactly like a certain arrogant person.

Edited by GeN1e, 13 September 2008 - 09:13 PM.

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#23 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 05:27 AM

Fallout 2: That brother and sister team. There purpose is what? A waste of an npc slot?

Meaning Devon and Mirian, well, you can hire Mirian out :whistling: or sell them.

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#24 Cal Jones

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 11:50 AM

If you play as a male and, uh, romance the father's son, the dialogue is very funny. Best to do as a save and reload thing, though, so you're not stuck with him...

#25 Orthodoxia

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 12:33 PM

BG - Played it only once, didn't get around to hate anyone. Yet.
BG2 - Anomen. It's just one big no where he's concerned. And just about any and every elf in the game.
NWN - Aribeth, because I don't like paladins & Valen, because I don't give a damn if you trust me or not.
NWN2 - Bishop!! Thank you for letting me kill him in the and and thank you for letting me see him getting dissolved in the Wall in MotB.
KotOR - Carth, he's a copy of Anomen down to his beard. Bastila too.
KotOR 2 - Atris, hypocritical to the core, like most jedi are.
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#26 Bluenose


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Posted 16 September 2008 - 04:37 AM

BG1 with the NPC project - Eldoth. Absolutely no redeeming features at all. A shallow grave is too good for him.

BG2 - Jaheira. Yes Jaheira, your husband died and you haven't got him to boss around any more. Now go find someone else to bother. And stop trying to make me love you, it's creepy and disrespectful.

NWN1 OC - Lord Nasher. Always someone else's fault with him.

NWN2 OC - Shandra. This is my party, I'm the hero. Waaahhhh!!! :wacko:

NWN2 MotB - One of Many. You are ugly and creepy and I never want to see you again.

KotOR1 and KotOR2 - Master Vrook. The real reason so many jedi turned to the dark side. Here's a clue, until you understand a situation don't start making judgements.

Jade Empire - Sky. Yes, Sky, it was tragic. You get over it quick once you met a pretty girl though.

Back from the brink.

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#27 Lysan Lurraxol

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Posted 16 September 2008 - 09:48 AM

Sky. Yes, Sky, it was tragic. You get over it quick once you met a pretty girl though.

Or a pretty guy. Apparently no-one told Bioware male sexuality generally doesn't work that way :unsure:

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#28 RoguishLoaf

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Posted 19 September 2008 - 02:08 PM

BG2: The ones I "disliked" were the ones I found a bit bland or useless. So I nominate Cernd and Haer'Dalis. Because the first thing I think when I have an empty slot in a party plan is "By Bhaal's scrotum! This party really needs a dull werewolf and a crap bard!"

KotOR2 - Ugh, most of them were annoying and if not that dull to some degree. But bonus points to Disciple and whoever wrote him. because "I've been following you for ten years and I've loved you since I was like ten" it the BEST way to make us love a character (And extra bonus points to the mong who wrote Kreia's end dialogues, where you get "DISCIPLE WUVED YOU" but nothing for Atton, who had just as much if not more of a romantic prescence)
Speaking of Kreia... By the Gods, it's like she goes out of the way to annoy me. I don't mind a good character telling me off for evil things and an evil character teling me off for good things... but the same character telling me off for both? And don't get me started on that beggar scene! I figured she was manipulating me like two minutes after meeting her, she didn't need to rub it in and the game didn't need to treat it like WHOA REVELATION. It was so... so... so obvious.

NWN2 - Qara. Just Qara. Aaargh.

Mass Effect - Liara. She DRAWS HER EYEBROWS ON. And she's really creepy. 'Nuff said.

#29 Cal Jones

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Posted 26 October 2008 - 12:10 PM

KotOR1 - didn't really dislike anyone, though Bastila is a bit of a snot at first. I didn't use Juhani much, because her silly fake Russian accent reminded me too much of Jaheira, who irritates the heck out of me.

KotOR2 - Handmaiden (come on, is the skimpy black underwear really necessary? The other handmaidens had no problem dueling you in their regular clothes. Besides, you'd have thought she'd wear white undies to go with her outfit... Still, it was more the lack of any kind of sense of humour that put me off).

Disciple/Mical - He's not exactly dislikeable, he's just...bland. And I agree about the Kreia epilogues. I'd rather have a romance with any of the other male characters (well, apart from Hanharr, but I always got Mira instead). Mical is basically your paladin type - the good two shoes nicey nicey fella. Women like a man with a bit of darkness to him - it makes them so much more interesting.

Atris - well, yes. I spared her miserable life bad I'm damned if I wasn't tempted to finish the job. Vrook too, though I liked the other two Jedi enough that I didn't want to kill them. But oh well.

#30 berelinde



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Posted 26 October 2008 - 02:11 PM

Women like a man with a bit of darkness to him

Not all...

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#31 Solar's Harper

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Posted 26 October 2008 - 05:28 PM

Hmm, bit of a list still in the works, nonetheless:

Alora - That... damn song. Stop singing it already!! :o
Eldoth - Guess. :P
Skie - That damn soundtrack nearly sent me deaf. Note to self; never to have volume turned up when she's present.

Anomen - Most reasons kind of obvious, the thing that disturbs me most is the constant hot & cold sessions with the female PC. Although like Edwin, he is fun to make fun of, so he has earned a redemption point as far as I'm concerned. :)
Selfish - Yup, this guy too. I hate having to take the good path to save a perfectly good NPC, even if I've done the worst kind of evil path throughout the game. (namely do the jobs, then murder everyone in sight for XP :devil: well, nearly everyone.)

Disciple (Mical) - Something about this one really ticks me off, perhaps the inability to have a significantly different view on the Republic? Hm, have to think on that. Regardless, in practical terms he always turns out a bit average in comparison to the others, don't know why Atton is so jealous when this guy is around, nope, no idea at all. :)

Vrook - Arrogant, holier-than-thou etc, etc. It's a good thing he was actually intended to be a jerk to our poor Exile. :)

Tactics Ogre: Let us Cling Together
Kachua - Perhaps the only person in the game that really gripes me with their personal issues, essentially an attention seeker with a bit of a overboard way of going about things. Invaluable as an NPC though so there are some good qualities, and some moments are heartwarming enough to ward off scorn.

Duke Ronway - If you've ever done the Chaotic Path in this game, then you know precisely why I hate him. For those that haven't though, make a list of Lord Nasher's qualities from NWN1, and then mix it in a cocktail of Bodhi's schemes. ;)

Command & Conquer 1
Seth - Yup, what's not to dislike about this guy's obvious disdain for those beneath him? :) Sure was rewarding to see him go... until I noticed what level I was on, then I hated Kane even more. <_<

Fallout 2
Elder of Arroyo - Wait! You want me to go out and search for some 'holy device' ALONE?! Since when did we pick the straws and.. oh nevermind, I'll just sulk some more, maybe join a slaver's guild or a New Reno crime family. Let's see you be so happy about sending out ONE person to find the GECK then! Hmph.

Ok, that's out of the system. Essentially the plotline built upon the Elder seems a little iffy at best, in a world that's been pretty much nuked to near-death status, she sends out one of her kids alone into the wasteland, with hardly anything of practical value and very few clues on where to start out looking for the GECK. Chances of success are obviously near nil for the average person, suppose that's why the name Chosen One keeps popping up so regularly. <_<
Still, seeing her later in the game did change a few biases a little, alas, not enough to get rid of the grumbling though.

Renesco - Don't know what exactly this guy has against monthly extortion and accusations of murder. But seriously, he needs to pull that nose of his back a little, yeesh. ;)

First Citizen Lynette - Obviously the most upstanding citizen of Vault City, both in rank, and tightn--err, snobbery. :whistling: Generally dislikeable until much later, but nonetheless I love making her angry, the angry face is just the best around for this one. :D

Myron - This guy is creepy, crazy, and a total sadist by the sounds of him. If he was older, I bet would become the next Frankenstien - maybe creating a walking Jet Monster. <_<
Pretty useless as an NPC though, I say it's best to leave him in Golgotha, doesn't matter in what way. Only redeeming quality I reckon would be the ability to create new drugs at minimal expense, such as stimpacks, though outdated really when he comes along - it makes for easy money, true to New Reno style. 8)

Many more to name, but I'll stop there for now.

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#32 Cal Jones

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Posted 26 October 2008 - 10:47 PM

Ha, what about the vault leader in Fallout (1)? Thanks for the chip, now go and don't come back!

#33 Jenne


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Posted 27 October 2008 - 12:11 AM

Ajantis - oh, kneel before the mighty pompous one.
Tiax - I thought he was supposed to be funny, but for me, he wasn't. Period.

Minsc - I started to hate him after hearing "go for the eyes, Boo" for the billionth time.

Heh, I simply loved everyone.

Diriel - because he's such a bigot. But still, I loved to have him in my party.

The oh so mighty Nasrudin - "Yes, i'm a living god. So shut up and do what I want from you already."

Fallout I:
Apart from the Vaultmaster, none.

Fallout II:
Myron - his comments about my bottom just didn't turn me on. Sorry, Myron. Get a backbone.
Vic - when he calls me boss for the n-th time, I just want to scream in frustration.

Elminster this, Elminster that. Give me 2000 years and a pointy hat and I will kick his arse.

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#34 magrat

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Posted 27 October 2008 - 01:22 AM

BG - Eldoth. He's probably the only character I can honestly say I hate.

BG2 - I'm not a Haer'Dalis fan, and I find Cernd quite dull in the main, but I don't hate them. Korgan amuses me, but I've only taken him along once or twice. I don't think I hate any of the BG2 lot.

NWN - I've only started playing it and I have Tomi as my henchman -- but I really wish he'd talk a bit more and, you know, be a bit more interactive...

Starcraft - Jim Raynor and all the terran soldiers. I just... guh. I hate their voices, and I'm protoss-loyal to the end :)
AKA arabellaesque
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#35 Lysan Lurraxol

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Posted 27 October 2008 - 03:14 AM

NWN - I've only started playing it and I have Tomi as my henchman -- but I really wish he'd talk a bit more and, you know, be a bit more interactive...

This, IMO, is the main flaw of NWN OC. If you want interesting characters and a good storyline, I'd skip ahead to the two expansions - you really won't miss much.

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#36 magrat

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Posted 27 October 2008 - 06:30 AM

NWN - I've only started playing it and I have Tomi as my henchman -- but I really wish he'd talk a bit more and, you know, be a bit more interactive...

This, IMO, is the main flaw of NWN OC. If you want interesting characters and a good storyline, I'd skip ahead to the two expansions - you really won't miss much.

Yeah -- we found the NWN CDs when we moved, and I don't think we ever purchased the expansions, though they're on my Xmas-Want list :) I don't mind the game too much -- it's new and interesting in that way, but it just feels very quiet and... uh, empty, I suppose, to a degree. Of course, I'm about 5 years behind when it comes to gaming, so I have a fair bit of catching up to do with all the gasmes around now that I still haven't tried... :)
AKA arabellaesque
Dragon Scoll
All alone, cold fields you wander
Memories of it cloud your sight
Fills your dreams, disturbs your slumber
Lost your way -- a fallen knight
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#37 Cal Jones

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Posted 27 October 2008 - 10:45 AM

(OT) Nothing wrong with that. Games I've played for the first time this year include KotOR I and II, IWD2 (and again with the NPC pack) and (soon) Jade Empire. I didn't even play Fallout 1 and 2 until last year. It's amazing how many games you miss when you are mired in MMORPG hell. :D

I have Oblivion waiting as well and also mean to try NWN2 - just need to buy some extra RAM but am plucking up the courage because I'm such a technical spaz. :D

#38 Eleima


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Posted 27 October 2008 - 11:08 AM

Totally off topic, but I *really*really*really* recommend trying out Oblivion, Cal. You're in for quite a ride.

Oh, and back on topic, I hate Jauffre in Oblivion. Seriously, you let them steal the Amulet of Kings? Seriously? :huh:

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#39 Choo Choo

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Posted 27 October 2008 - 11:26 AM

Totally off topic, but I *really*really*really* recommend trying out Oblivion, Cal. You're in for quite a ride.

Oh, and back on topic, I hate Jauffre in Oblivion. Seriously, you let them steal the Amulet of Kings? Seriously? :huh:

Quoted for truth.

Also, what is it with Baurus (and Jauffre, as well!) saying "Oh, you are a (former) prisoner and we have no idea who you are and we have no idea if you're able to do this but we'll simply saddle the fate of the mortal realm on your shoulders anyway. Have fun."

theacefes: You have to be realistic as well, you can't just be Swedish!

#40 Yovaneth


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Posted 27 October 2008 - 12:13 PM

(OT) Nothing wrong with that. Games I've played for the first time this year include KotOR I and II, IWD2 (and again with the NPC pack) and (soon) Jade Empire. I didn't even play Fallout 1 and 2 until last year. It's amazing how many games you miss when you are mired in MMORPG hell. :D

I have Oblivion waiting as well and also mean to try NWN2 - just need to buy some extra RAM but am plucking up the courage because I'm such a technical spaz. :D

<ot> Before you start Oblivion, either PM me or stick a message up somewhere that I can't miss it. Oblivion is pretty spectacular out of the box but I amassed a few mods that make it truly drop-dead gorgeous. I didn't finish it though; I just lost interest somewhere in the Shivering Isles. Also, make sure your PC can play NWN 2 and it will run Oblivion okay, but not necessarily the other way round. My PC only just notices Oblivion even with all the mods but NWN2 on medium to high settings brings it to its knees.</ot>


Edited by Yovaneth, 27 October 2008 - 12:16 PM.