The ones we hate
Posted 11 September 2008 - 09:37 PM
For me it's
The Duck Hunt Dog
Back when I had an NES there was no internet to use so I didn't know the light bulb trick. Oh how he laughed.
Every single female side kick in every video.
When has there ever been a USEFUL female side kick in a video game that is a) not kidnapped b) wounded at some point and you have to find a cure for her or watch her die in your arms or both c) is not brain washed at some point and you have to win her back or kill her.
Mme. Thenardier:
I used to dream that I would meet a prince
But God Almighty, have you seen what's happened since?
Master of the house? Isn't worth me spit!
`Comforter, philosopher' and lifelong sh*t!
Cunning little brain, regular Voltaire
Thinks he's quite a lover but there's not much there
What a cruel trick of nature landed me with such a louse
God knows how I've lasted living with this bastard in the house!
Posted 11 September 2008 - 10:15 PM
Altogether very bad for such a important role.
Never liked Billy from Deus Ex: Invisible War either.
- Yahtzee
Posted 11 September 2008 - 11:13 PM
- BG1: Xan ("What's the point?") - I started out liking him, but the futility got too much, after a while. RL is depressing enough.
- BG2: Aerie - Helpless female? No thanks. Helpless female who equates sex with evil while manipulating others' emotions? Ick.
Cernd - It's called "responsibility" and mature people take ownership of their mistakes. - IWD2 NPC: nobody - it's all brilliant... or did you mean characters I love to hate? In that case, Diriel, because I abhor his racial bias, and Salomeya, because she degrades my PC. But I love to have them in the party.
- NWN2: Qara - special plane in hell reserved for those who consider entitlement an art form. Though... gah... through my dabbling in fanfic and letting my imagination run with her, I'm starting to uncover some humanity in her arrogance. Must. Stop. Thinking. Like. A. Human. Being.
"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde
berelinde's mods
TolkienAcrossTheWater website
TolkienAcrossTheWater Forum
Posted 11 September 2008 - 11:52 PM
Mazzy: You are NOT a palladin! Stop acting like one because you will NEVER be one! I felt so sorry for Valygar....
NWN2- Cassivir: I'm sorry... but you were pretty pathetic palladin. So gutless and boring.
Posted 12 September 2008 - 12:33 AM
- Baldur's Gate: Xan, cause he lacks the most important ability for a mage... the ability to cast Fireball!
- BGII: Haer'Dalis, because I hate bards.
- Fallout: The Overseer. But darn the plot was so nice.
- Master of Magic: Sss'ra, by the power of the Dark Elves and the Draconians, I will never let you to seal the planes again...
- Diablo II: Tyriel, the typical angle, just flies there on the clouds, while I kill, burn and purge the world! And after, he goes and destroys the world.
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 12 September 2008 - 01:26 AM
1. BG1 - Quayle. His "S-M-R-T" is driving me insane.
2. BG2 - Neeber. Can you sign my shirt?

3. Diablo 2 - Nikolo... Nikolop... You know, that zombie, that froze Malah's daughter?
4. NWN - Maugrim.
5. NWN2 - Casavir. Yes, he's a paladin. Yes, he's a only romance option for females. And I hate him.
6. TES3 - Morrowind - 4th and 5th Nerevarine Quests. Run there, and collect votes.
7. UT2004 - Malcolm. That, b.stard, always kills me.
8. HoMM5 - Gothric. He wants to slay my Favourite Agrael. And I must, run from him, all over the map.
Posted 12 September 2008 - 05:20 AM
Nihlathak? The one who locked Anya (one of the Elders' daughter) away.3. Diablo 2 - Nikolo... Nikolop... You know, that zombie, that froze Malah's daughter?

"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood
we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan
Posted 12 September 2008 - 06:41 AM
BG2: Cernd. A useless class druid with a boring personality. Plus he's a dead beat dad. Haer D'alis just plain sucks.
NWN2: Qara. Her uppity attitude made me wish I could kill her. Hey stupid devs, why can't we kill npcs we don't like?? That boring paladin that you romance, forgot his name. Wow us ladies get the winners I tell you. Bad enough we have to suffer Anomen and Carth.
Kotor 2: G0T0. Worthless. Brings up what I said about killing npcs. Disciple as well.
Kotor 1: Carth. O NOES! I whine and cry, what a weak male I am. Please.
Fallout: Ian. Shoot me in the back again you SOB and I'll turn the mini gun on you.
Fallout 2: That brother and sister team. There purpose is what? A waste of an npc slot? Myron. Opps he got chunked.
Posted 12 September 2008 - 07:05 AM
BG2: Viconia. You'd expect a cleric to actually be religious, even if it's in a very twisted way because you worship a goddess like Shar. And you'd expect someone listed as "evil" to actually be malevolent. Viconia defies both.
KotOR: Carth Onasi. Sorry, Carth, I am not a licensed psychologist. You need one.
KotOR 2: The Disciple. White bread has found its avatar.
NWN2: Shandra. Oh dear Lord, Shandra. Mary Sue Ex Machina incarnate.
NWN2 MotB: Safiya. White bread has its female avatar.
Mass Effect: Liara T'Soni. Even Kaiden has ten times the depth.
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri/Alien Crossfire: Prophet Cha'Dawn. He's six years old and talks to the fungus. I'm supposed to take this guy seriously?
Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War: Dark Crusade: Brother-Captain Davian Thule. He gets trashed every time he talks to one of the other generals-Eliphas, O'Kais, and Macabee in particular tear him a new one.
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 12 September 2008 - 07:47 AM
Yes, that's it!Nihlathak? The one who locked Anya (one of the Elders' daughter) away.3. Diablo 2 - Nikolo... Nikolop... You know, that zombie, that froze Malah's daughter?

Posted 12 September 2008 - 12:50 PM
Oh and Gau from FF6 or FF3 (if you played the super nintendo version)
that kid is so wack!
Check out my gaming oriented Youtube channel >>> https://www.youtube....er/viceiceman85
Posted 13 September 2008 - 01:55 AM
BG2 - Where do I start?
Aerie. In the real world I'm the sort of woman who can bench press her own bodyweight and would rather watch Rambo than Pride and Prejudice. I don't understand girly girls and I can't abide females who pretend to be weak and pathetic in order to snare a man. Aerie is one such female and her constant whining makes me want to beat her to death with her own severed wings. There are very few NPCs in BG2 who haven't had some trauma or loss in their lives. Get over it you pathetic whining cow.
Viconia. Manipulative b****. I don't like or understand this sort of woman either. I have tried her quite a few times now but I like her less each time I play with her. Her lack of Con is also irritating.
Jaheira. I don't dislike her as much as I did in BG, and she is (for me) the least loathesome of the romanceable Bioware female NPCs, but she is bossy and judgemental. When she tells you to be quiet during the Adalon conversation, I want to garrotte her with her own intestines.
Anomen. Self-absorbed, boastful jackass. And does he have to SHOUT ALL THE TIME? I do find myself picking him up quite often, despite this, because I like his exploding undead trick (Viconia's turn undead just charms the undead, which is far less useful to me, personally). I'd like him better if he came fitted with a ball gag, though.
Mazzy. She's too holier than thou. Even Keldorn's not that bad. And I deplore the way she treats Valygar, who is one of the few NPCs I have time for.
Nalia. I've never managed a full game with her. I just can't stomach her preaching about helping the poor.
Korgan. You're not funny with your fake Scottish accent and constant crudeness, and I've heard your story about how you killed your last crew three times now. Enough.
Fallout - no one has enough personality to register on my dislike scale.
Fallout 2 - probably Myron. I've not taken him, to be honest, but after talking to him, I wouldn't want to. A friend of mine told me that if you play a female with high charisma and low intelligence, he'll actually drug and date rape you. Not sure how true that is but he's enough of a loser that it doesn't strike me as out of character.
Posted 13 September 2008 - 02:12 AM

BG1 - BG1NPC does such a wonderful job of bringing all the characters to life, that I'm having real difficulty picking any of them. I suppose I'd have to say Kivan, I really find him difficult to connect with.
BG2 - I'm not going to waste my venom on bland non-entities like Cernd, Valygar and Haer'Dalis. Instead I'll nominate Aerie. For being a useless, whiny, self-obsessed, self-righteous child. She is incredibly, stupidly naive, whinges throughout the entire game, continues to whine about her bloody wings, even when other people are recovering from much moire recent traumas, like losing their husband?!! How can a game that has such excellent, well-written female characters like Jaheira, Viconia, Imoen, even Nalia, also include this walking insult to women everywhere?
NWN - all of them. For being dull beyond belief.
HotU - Deekin. Why can I take him throughout the entire game but not Linu or the bard woman? Also, stupid companion limit meaning I have to ditch Valen or Nathyraa in Cania for Aribeth.
NWN2 - The stupid stereotypes. Khelgar, Casavir, Neeshka, Grobnar- whose loud and obnoxious, painfully unfunny dialog took all the attention away from the interesting, but sadly undeveloped Zhae've, Ammon, Elanee, Qara, Sand.
Special fiery pit reserved for selfish, but dull, and whiny Bishop. I loathed his because he was so 1 dimensional and obvious. The less said about Her Royal Highness, Mary Sue, the better.
MotB - They were all wonderful. My favourite NPCs in any game.
Planescape: Torment - Vhailor. He's so dull. even Ignus has more personality.
Jade Empire- they were all pretty bland and 1 dimensional, playing stock roles. Can't really summon up any passion or loathing for any of them.
KotOR - Stupid Wookie. How very boring. Canderous, really didn't appeal to me. The whole "ME is MACHO!!! thing really bored me. I wanted to run over Mission with the Ebon Hawk. Carth didn't do anything for me either.
KotOR II That bloody little droid. DIE!!! Mandalore, Bao-Dur and GOTO were all very dull. Everyone else was wonderful.
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Posted 13 September 2008 - 10:46 AM
BG1: Xan, above reasons
BG2: Anomen, how terrible he is. I still backstab/kill him in other ways, at least once per game.
NWN: Porbably that gnome
NWN2: Neeska, Annoying, stupid dialogs, stupid character. How the heck did she end up with a good alignment?
KOTOR: Carth, above reasons
KOTOR 2: G0T0, probably the most dull character I've ever seen.
Jade E: Henpecked Hou, terrible character, at least his stories aren't that bad, otherwise I'd kill him.
Warhammer 40k: Imperial Guardsman, "Flee, they're too much for us!" Yeah, just stop wearing t-shirts and wielding flashlights.
Posted 13 September 2008 - 12:09 PM
Other than that I don't really have too much against the characters in. (That and I just don't remember

Posted 13 September 2008 - 12:25 PM
Guild Wars: Prince Rurik. Is it wrong to cheer on an evil dwarf as he lops off the head of the only good guy in a position of authority in the kingdom?
Planescape Torment: Annah. Sorry, but tough street girls with a heart of gold underneath are about a copper a dozen, and Annah failed to stand out.
Elder Scrolls Series: Daedric pseudo-deity Azura. She can burn in hell for the Hortator/Neraverine trial thingy-an interesting enough central quest comes to a screeching halt to run all over the world and do more pointless fetch quests than I have any interest in.
Diablo Series: Any armorer. I'm your only hope for salvation against the forces of hell, and you're charging me money to repair my sword that broke on a demon's neckbone?
Wizardry VII: Tollen Dane. If you've played this game, you know why. Close second being the Magna Dane (BURN THEM, MY CHILDREN! MORE, MORE MORE!!!).
"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesterday, but it was never the streets that were evil." - Sister Miriam Godwinson, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Posted 13 September 2008 - 01:53 PM
I'd be hard pressed to find NPCs or characters I *really* hate, but let me see what I can come up with if I try really hard.
Aerie from BG2: whiny, naïve, self-centered, annoying as hell, and the constitution of a Kleenex box. Oh, and has a baby in ToB if you manage to accomplish the incredible feat of romancing her. 'Nuff said.
Connor from King's Quest: The Mask of Eternity. Um, hello? This is King's Quest, who asked him, I want my beloved royal family back! That, and his incessant "'Tis beyond my reach" when you try to grab something that's not close enough (which is quite often) will grate on any sane person's nerves.
That's basically pretty much all I can come up with.
I love Xan, Anomen, Mazzy and Valygar; I adore Alora for her perkiness; I've come to tolerate Cernd; and Jaheira has even come to grown on me (probably from reading too much fan fics in which she's portrayed in a more favorable light... I just hate that "where to now, fearless leader" talk, makes me wanna smack her). So, I guess I don't have that much pent up hate...

Check out my DeviantArt account, as well as my scribbling on FanFiction.net
Posted 13 September 2008 - 02:32 PM
Skie - she's got my Eldoth!!!!

Mazzy... yeah, not a paladin and a pig to Valy.
Viconia - calling my men dirty and then trying to bed them - isn't that oh so above the surfacers' ways, huh?
Fenthick - a wimp who caused lots of mess to the sexy lady Aribeth.

Grobnar - even though bards are underpowered, he's a shame for the class. And he sings a merry song after Bishop asks to celebrate the death of PC's mother! And he doesn't talk much, but what he does say is boh-ring.
Casavir - I'd say both him and Bishop, but I adore the ranger. Casavir doesn't talk thru the game, except for "ZOMG! don't kill those orc prisoners or I'll be REALLY disappointed!" and you can only bed him, while Bishop talks adorably enough, only to run away in the end. Of course, there's Domi's romance.

NWN2 MotB:
It was Okku in the beginning, but then the dove started to unnerve me. I don't really hate any of them, though.
Grace... ohh, I'm a nice, lawful lil succubus, look how neat I am... my Nameless One doesn't fall for that.

the wookie - ugh.
Bastila - for underestimating Revan. I hate people who betray me only to cross over to the losing side. Except when they are named Bishop.

Carth - because he plays a b**** when you're dark side, and you can't kill him. Furthermore, someone thought that us women/girls found men with 15y old sons sexy.
Handmaiden - because she only joins a male - why?? She a prostitute or sth? And because she fights him nekkie. Prostitute.
Disciple - historian! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!
Kreia - just when I began liking her, she made me feel terrible about every possible choice I would make (and that includes replaying).
Jade Empire:
Your first companion, I forgot her name. She wouldn't let me play evil, and she got what was comin' to her.
The skinny guy with the drinks, as well, just for being so ugly.
The blue guy was ok, but not much of a romance. Quoting self: "Furthermore, someone thought that us women/girls found men with 15y old sons sexy." So that's not exactly his case, but fathers are still a turnoff (at least for us younger women?). It seems to be a pattern in their games, though.
"Farewell, Charname, and may Irenicus get you!"
Mazzy to Edwin:
"When science finally locates the center of the planes, I'm sure you'll be taken aback to find that you're not it."
- Author of lil one-day Moddie fox. -
Posted 13 September 2008 - 03:59 PM
I also don't hate any hostile NPCs in either game since they convert into XP and treasure. I'd actually rather fancy a romanceable Sendai or Amelissan.
Diablo II is different. I hate the cold demon, Duriel, because he always seems to freeze me to death a few times before I kill him. Worse still are the Ancients on top of the mountain -- without using a game editor to promote my character to level 99, those guys are invincible at Hell level. What's worst in Diablo II is the logic of the game writers who decided you could have all the skills, weapons and tricks to kill Diablo, but at Hell level you have to take 45 minutes to nail the SOB. Knock off a few hundred of his hit points... ho hum, go back and get more ammo or potions... carry on, carry on... looks like he's only got 43,000,000 HP left....

See, it helps not to believe all the stuff that philosophers spout.
Posted 13 September 2008 - 07:05 PM
Duriel from Diablo 2. I have the hardest time trying to kill him. I stopped playing D2 recently because I am in Hell mode and I am at the point of going against him. I don't want to lose my uber items from being killed.

NWN Deekin. How worthless can you get. Well actually all of the npcs in NWN where lame.
Edited by Gabrielle, 13 September 2008 - 07:06 PM.