As is perfectly normal in the Infinity Engine games, at some point you will be accosted by a complete stranger asking you to deliver a letter for him. The recipient is your old friend Elminster (yes, he gets a bitpart again). Elminster is very concerned about the contents of the letter and asks you to investigate why a village just south of Athkatla is being deserted by its inhabitants. You find that a demon has taken up residence in the village's lighthouse; the demon has a small favour to ask of you and in return, promises to tell why the village has been deserted. And so it begins...

The story so far....
Started by Yovaneth, Sep 08 2008 01:02 AM
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Posted 08 September 2008 - 01:02 AM
'Go for the optics, Chiktikka. GO FOR THE OPTICS!!' - Tali vas Neema
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