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Another UB component for next version - will need translators

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#1 Qwinn

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Posted 06 September 2008 - 10:44 PM

Restored Morte Flirts!

No, this isn't a Morte romance... that would be way too creepy. Then again, the component's pretty creepy anyway, but in a funny way.

And actually, it's not going to be a separate component. It's going to be part of the "Restored Sounds and Banters" component.

There are 27 unused sound files - seriously, 27 - all by Morte, all flirts with female zombies. Some of them are hilarious.

WARNING: SPOILERS. The following is the text of the flirts to be added. Highlight to read.

(Thanks to Platter for the transcriptions, these come from his Unimplemented Files web page)

MRT488 - "Hello deadly and delicious."
MRT490 - "Hello my sweet cadaverous beauty."
MRT491 - "Ooh, look at this sweet cadaverous flower."
MRT492 - "You don't need an identify spell to know what she wants."
MRT493 - "Ah, Chief, if I don't come back, it's 'cause I'm gonna be dying the little death with that zombie chit."
MRT494 - "Ooh... I want to be buried with her."
MRT495 - "I sooo want to lie in her coffin."
MRT496 - "Do you want to get buried together?"
MRT497 - "Want to trade death experiences?"
MRT498 - "Your coffin or mine?"
MRT499 - "Hello my beautiful grave angel."
MRT500 - "Enough about me, ok? What do you think about me?"
MRT501 - "I think I'm in love."
MRT502 - "I think I'm in lust... uh... love."
MRT503 - "So what was your death like?"
MRT504 - "You know, I really like the way the grave mold highlights your cheekbones."
MRT505 - "Your skin is a lovely shade of ghoul green."
MRT506 - "You are the most succulent shade of ghoul green."
MRT507 - "Oh... now that's a sight for dead eyes."
MRT508 - "What is this rotting vision I see before me?"
MRT509 - "Oh... this one has almost all her parts!"
MRT510 - "Hey chief... this zombie chit is scouting my territory, you know what I mean?"
MRT511 - "Hello. I'm Morte. And your name was uh...?"
MRT512 - "Rigor mortis has never looked so good."
MRT512D - "Oh... did you hurt yourself when you fell out of heaven?"
MRT513 - "Psst... Hey chief, you see the way she was looking at me? Huh? You see that? You see the way she was following the curve of my occipital bone? Yeah baby."
MRT514 - "Oh my sweet dirtiness."

I'm planning on making these pop up randomly as banters after you've finished talking to any female zombie. I'll probably give it a 50% chance of popping one up. Should make the initial mortuary run a lot more amusing for those who've already run through it a hundred times :) Not to mention the Dustman bar and the Dead Nations.

They will pop up as a dialogue box, so I don't have to redo the whole thing for the Subtitled Cutscenes component (and also because just playing them as sounds directly, they won't get the echo effect you're supposed to get in the Mortuary and Dead Nations if you have environmental effects on). Therefore, I will be needing translations on these. I'll produce a .tra for it soon.

I'm also looking through the unused sound files to see if I can reconstruct any new voice banters for this next release. There's the possibility of a couple. I'll post them to this thread once I've done so.


Edited by Qwinn, 07 September 2008 - 02:41 AM.

#2 Qwinn

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Posted 06 September 2008 - 11:44 PM

Okay, yes, there will be some restored banters as well. I'll add them to this post as I find them, whited out so you'll need to highlight them to read them, so I don't spoil for you.

EDIT: Wow, a hell of a lot more than I thought I'd be able to come up with.

EDIT 2: Okay, that should be it. Even found a couple unimplemented sound files that weren't in Platter's list too. 14 totally new banters and one extended one - not bad :)

EDIT 3: Heh, added one more, this between Morte, Grace and Annah, at the bottom. So 15 + 1 extended :)

EDIT 4: Switched it around a bit. There's now 2 Morte-Annah-Grace banters, and there's no longer an extended existing one.


Morte: "Grace, I'm scared. Hold me?" [MRT163]
Grace: "You may be scared Morte, but I would be afraid too if I were to hold you." [FFG135]

Morte: "Grace, do you want to put me in your inventory?" [MRT162]
Grace: "I'm afraid my pack would be quite stuffy, Morte." [FFG136]

Morte: "Grace, I need a sensory touch!" [MRT164]
Grace: "Oh Morte, do you ever tire of being improper?" [FFG137]

Annah: "So just how many souls have you taken into the Abyss?" [ANA311B]
Grace: "Actually, none. It made my adolescence rather difficult. But I am sure you are no stranger to that." [FFG144]
Annah: "I hope a hound litters in your bed roll." [ANA586A]

Annah: "Never trust a Tanar?ri, that's what I say." [ANA314B]
Grace: "I agree. Tanar'ri by their nature are unpredictable." [FFG145]

Annah: "You might want to strike out on yer own." [ANA310A]
Grace: "I think it's time for a swim in lake you." [FFG139]
Annah: "Oh, no. Ladies first." [ANA310D]

Annah: "Are you ready to leave yet, fiend?" [ANA308B]
Grace: "Actually, I rather enjoy the company. The resentment directed toward me makes me feel quite brisk." [FFG142]

Grace: "Have you ever thought about doing something with your hair?" [FFG143]
Annah: "Oh, sizing up our necks for a feast, are yeh?" [ANA313A]

Annah: "Stop starin' at my tail, ye skull!" [ANA305E]
Morte: "I'm not staring. I'm drooling." [MRT196]

Annah: "Hey Morte, you want the good news? Yer goin' bald." [ANA578AA]
Morte: "Ow, your comments, they sting me like, uh... like stinging things." [MRT458D]

Annah: "Back off, skull!" [ANA316A]
Morte: "Do you have ice water in your veins?" [MRT481]
Annah: "Keep up yer chatter, skull, and I'll be seeing what you have in your veins." [ANA574A]
Morte: "Ten times more than you I'll bet." [MRT528]


Morte: "Fiendling, if that accent was any thicker you wouldn't be able to breathe." [MRT545]
Annah: "Ooh, if I were you I'd be prepared to pick up your teeth." [ANA578A]
Morte: "Been there, done that, fiendling. Pain: yeah, it's old hat." [MRT535]


Nordom: "Attention: Morte. I have a question. What is fate?" [NOR321A]
Morte: "Fall-From-Grace scratching the back of my skull while singing the Sonata of Lights in my ear." [MRT574]
Nordom: "Fate does not seem to possess the complexities that many believe." [NOR322]


(this follows after the similar existing banter where Annah yells at Morte for "blaspheming" against the Lady of Pain)
Morte: "If things get any worse I might as well go dance in the Lady's shadow." [MRT552A]
Annah: "Would you stop it?" [ANA287C]
Morte: "Oh! I'm sorry... you know, what I meant to say was that I might as well go dip my pen in the Lady of Pain if things get any worse." [MRT552B]
Grace: "I appreciate your energy, Morte, but perhaps you might direct it inwards." [FFG138]
Morte: "Sheesh... you women all stick together." [MRT552C]

Morte: "You know, sometimes I sure miss having a body." [MRT543A]
Annah: "Well, listen to ye! Not hard to see why it up and left." [ANA613C]
Morte: "Your words are like whips across my naked shoulders." [MRT460A]
Grace: "Morte, I'm curious, what happened to your body?" [FFG326]
Morte: "It probably went looking for you." [MRT543B]


Edited by Qwinn, 07 September 2008 - 03:16 PM.

#3 Qwinn

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 03:40 AM

In addition to everything listed above, Grace will get a new stand-alone line when she enters most parts of the Hive for the first time, similar to the existing 3 entries in the Restored Sounds and Banters component.

"The Hive changes so rapidly. It has changed a great deal since I was here last." [FFG053]

And pretty sure that'll finish off this component. I'll post the .tra soon as I've got it finished.


Edited by Qwinn, 07 September 2008 - 04:24 AM.

#4 -xantrius-

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 11:41 AM

Wow looks truly awesome.

#5 Qwinn

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 01:21 PM

Thanks xantrius :)

Okay, here's the new expanded sounds.tra. Anyone that could translate this into any of the existing languages, I'd be highly appreciative.

(Note that the first 3 lines have already been translated for every language)


P.S. Replaced file, added a single line to the beginning of a banter to make it an Annah-Morte banter instead of a Morte-Annah banter, to balance it out a bit since there's already a lot more started by Morte than by Annah. Also compressed the .tra.

P.P.S. Replaced file again after a couple of small issues pointed out by Homisite. Just capitalized "lake you" and replaced a ` with a '.


Attached Files

Edited by Qwinn, 09 September 2008 - 11:33 PM.

#6 HomiSite

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 06:27 AM

I'll transcript the sounds, already did around 50%. The most sounds are available in the german version, more details later.

#7 Qwinn

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 06:40 AM

Awesome, thanks Homisite :)


#8 HomiSite

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Posted 10 September 2008 - 06:48 AM

Here is the german transcription/translation.

UPDATE: ZenJu and I finished the revision, here is the final version of the new sounds.tra:

Attached File  sounds_ger5.tra   5.79K   362 downloads(I did not mark the translated parts manually, because TREP then won't open such files)

Edited by HomiSite, 14 September 2008 - 08:30 AM.

#9 Zyrica

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Posted 10 September 2008 - 09:25 AM

These banters are really awesome! I really don't understand why weren't they originally implemented to the game!?! What a waste! A humble thank you for you all that are working to get them back ( and all the other content too!). You rock!

You live in your little world and I live in mine. Both have little to do with the reality...

#10 HomiSite

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 08:29 AM

Final german version of new sounds.tra in my above posting #8!

#11 Qwinn

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Posted 16 September 2008 - 05:50 AM

Thanks tons, Homisite!

I didn't respond till now cause I wanted to find out the status of the other translations. German's taken care of, obviously (wewt), and Ghildrean is again taking care of the spanish translation. So we're all set on those.

Italian, however, is a problem. Yakkuz has real life issues to deal with, and won't be able to help translate anytime soon (good luck with it, Yakkuz). Any italian translators out there willing to handle translating for the sounds and the expanded Deionarra's Truth component (which I should have a finalized .tra for within the week or so)?


Edited by Qwinn, 16 September 2008 - 05:51 AM.