No, this isn't a Morte romance... that would be way too creepy. Then again, the component's pretty creepy anyway, but in a funny way.
And actually, it's not going to be a separate component. It's going to be part of the "Restored Sounds and Banters" component.
There are 27 unused sound files - seriously, 27 - all by Morte, all flirts with female zombies. Some of them are hilarious.
WARNING: SPOILERS. The following is the text of the flirts to be added. Highlight to read.
(Thanks to Platter for the transcriptions, these come from his Unimplemented Files web page)
MRT488 - "Hello deadly and delicious."
MRT490 - "Hello my sweet cadaverous beauty."
MRT491 - "Ooh, look at this sweet cadaverous flower."
MRT492 - "You don't need an identify spell to know what she wants."
MRT493 - "Ah, Chief, if I don't come back, it's 'cause I'm gonna be dying the little death with that zombie chit."
MRT494 - "Ooh... I want to be buried with her."
MRT495 - "I sooo want to lie in her coffin."
MRT496 - "Do you want to get buried together?"
MRT497 - "Want to trade death experiences?"
MRT498 - "Your coffin or mine?"
MRT499 - "Hello my beautiful grave angel."
MRT500 - "Enough about me, ok? What do you think about me?"
MRT501 - "I think I'm in love."
MRT502 - "I think I'm in lust... uh... love."
MRT503 - "So what was your death like?"
MRT504 - "You know, I really like the way the grave mold highlights your cheekbones."
MRT505 - "Your skin is a lovely shade of ghoul green."
MRT506 - "You are the most succulent shade of ghoul green."
MRT507 - "Oh... now that's a sight for dead eyes."
MRT508 - "What is this rotting vision I see before me?"
MRT509 - "Oh... this one has almost all her parts!"
MRT510 - "Hey chief... this zombie chit is scouting my territory, you know what I mean?"
MRT511 - "Hello. I'm Morte. And your name was uh...?"
MRT512 - "Rigor mortis has never looked so good."
MRT512D - "Oh... did you hurt yourself when you fell out of heaven?"
MRT513 - "Psst... Hey chief, you see the way she was looking at me? Huh? You see that? You see the way she was following the curve of my occipital bone? Yeah baby."
MRT514 - "Oh my sweet dirtiness."
I'm planning on making these pop up randomly as banters after you've finished talking to any female zombie. I'll probably give it a 50% chance of popping one up. Should make the initial mortuary run a lot more amusing for those who've already run through it a hundred times

They will pop up as a dialogue box, so I don't have to redo the whole thing for the Subtitled Cutscenes component (and also because just playing them as sounds directly, they won't get the echo effect you're supposed to get in the Mortuary and Dead Nations if you have environmental effects on). Therefore, I will be needing translations on these. I'll produce a .tra for it soon.
I'm also looking through the unused sound files to see if I can reconstruct any new voice banters for this next release. There's the possibility of a couple. I'll post them to this thread once I've done so.
Edited by Qwinn, 07 September 2008 - 02:41 AM.