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#21 InTourette

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Posted 17 December 2008 - 03:10 PM

so now its getting interesting. The only thing missing is xixi, and since she is not as xixi in the game it could be that she got another name. Or she wasnt ever there, but I cant imagine something like this, if there are so many people involved.
We have the forme bodyguard, who is a zombie now.
We have Death of Names who tells you whether shes dead or not.
And we have the post which points to her location.
Since she had a bodyguard, i would search for her in Clerk's Ward. Do you think there is a possibility, that she was renamed?

#22 Daulmakan


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Posted 17 December 2008 - 04:33 PM

More potential content, nice. :D

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#23 Qwinn

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Posted 17 December 2008 - 04:43 PM

Nah, there's no one in the Clerk's Ward that could be Xixi with another name. I really think the whole thing just dead-ends. The Death of Names bit isn't a big deal... I mean, you can ask him about Dhall, too, but that doesn't really lead to anything, nor does it for Xixi. You get the quest from the bodyguard, the post supposedly points you to the next step, but even that wasn't specified... so, it just dead ends.

You already get all but one line of the dialogue with the bodyguard, so there's really nothing to restore there besides the "I'll help you" line, restoring the post line is silly because it would -literally- say "The post points to wherever the hell Xixi's going to be", and Death of Names says "Yeah, she's alive". That's it.

If you or someone wants to elaborate on what the bodyguard zombie says and create a brand new content mod for it, I think that'd be cool, but I personally don't really have any ideas for it, I have a lot more ideas regarding an Expanded Pendant of Yemeth quest and the Rubikon kidnapping thing, and I'm not going to get to -those- for quite some time, so, yeah, Xixi's way way way down on my list. If someone else wants to mod a new Xixi quest, please, by all means go for it.


Edited by Qwinn, 17 December 2008 - 04:44 PM.

#24 ghostdog

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 04:05 PM

Since someone reminded me this in another thread, are there any additional unused stuff concerning Grace's diary?

#25 Qwinn

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Posted 18 December 2008 - 04:06 PM

I wish. Nope.


#26 macabroid

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 12:32 PM

About Xixi quest: it seems that the whole Xixi story was a brainchild of Dave Maldonado. Citing Platter's words from now deleted forum talk:

Dave Maldonado;
"That whole Xixi thing, for instance... I cobbled together those zombie dialogs over the course of a day because Chris was curious about how I wrote. They were a little... ah... well, needless to say I'm a bit embarrassed about them, now. In any case, I certainly didn't expect them to go into the game. I believe I got so caught up in the rush of things that I never considered tying them into the game any better, especially since the Mortuary wasn't an area I was in charge of."

Is it possible to contact Mr.Maldonado and finally find out what was the initial idea behind this quest? Maybe he is not as busy as Avellone and McComb? Maybe something remained in his archives that could help or clarify other restorations (he wrote parts of Clerk's Ward and Sensorium)? Anyway, I think that without Maldonado's clarification the whole Xixi quest is lost forever...

And - Qwinn and scient - many thanks for these incredible restorations and bugfixes! PsT remains an absolute masterpiece of creative storytelling, the game surely deserves all these efforts!

Edited by macabroid, 02 January 2009 - 02:47 PM.