Dawn Star
--OP, Not Romanced, No Father-- **OP, Not Romanced, No Father, Keep DH, Bind DS, and Free WD will get same Epilogue**
The defeat of Sun Li signaled a new beginning for the Jade Empire, and a personal awakening in Dawn Star. Despite the loss of the Master she thought she knew, with the restoration of the natural order the Empire seemed alive with possibility. She had seen the heart of the land in turmoil, so she retraced her steps, replacing memories of destruction with sights of renewal. Soon she found herself back in the ruin of Two Rivers. It was painful, but she took comfort in knowing that the fish were abundant and the land remained fertile; eventually new settlers would come. She replanted her garden, a flower for each of her lost friends, and set out across the Empire once more.
--OP, Not Romanced, Father-- **OP, Not Romanced, With Father, Keep DH, Bind DS, and Free WD will get same Epilogue**
The defeat of Sun Li signaled a new beginning for the Jade Empire, but it brought little personal comfort to Dawn Star. She was conflicted: the father she never knew had been her mentor all along, but had also never truly existed, his caring nature just a lie to hide darker intentions. Her search for peace of mind took her back to the simpler life of a borderland village much like Two Rivers, where she built her own school in the manner of the Master she had believed in. The schemes of Sun Li died in the palace, but the teachings of her cherished Master would persevere. At least in this, the man Dawn Star had hoped to know would live on with her.
--OP, Romanced, No Father--
The defeat of Sun Li signaled a new beginning for the Jade Empire, and for the lives of <FullName> and Dawn Star. They had faced much together, and Dawn Star looked forward to the peace their efforts had brought. In the ensuing years she worked to make the Empire a gentle place that cared for all people equally. The land was not always free of strife, but <FullName> and Dawn Star always tried to find a common ground for all concerned. They lived long and well, and all of the Jade Empire remembers their names.
--OP, Romanced, Father--
The defeat of Sun Li signaled a new beginning for the Jade Empire, and for the lives of <FullName> and Dawn Star. Despite their victory, Dawn Star was conflicted: The father she never knew had been her mentor all along, but he had also never truly existed, his caring nature just a lie to hide darker intentions. It was difficult to put that aside, but the stability of her relationship with <FullName> let her see that such dishonesty was the exception, not the rule. In the years that followed they worked together to make their homeland a better place. They lived long and well, and all of the Jade Empire remembers their names.
--CF, Romanced, Released WD--
The defeat of Sun Li signaled a new beginning for the Jade Empire, and for the lives of <FullName> and Dawn Star. Despite the victory, Dawn Star was conflicted: she was changed by the journey and by <FullName>'s insistence that she be more aggressive. She felt at odds with the new peace, so she and her Spirit Monk companion eventually left the restructuring of the Empire to others and sought more adventurous climes. They never settled down, preferring to call all of the Jade Empire their home.
--CF, Romanced, No Father—
The defeat of Sun Li signaled the rise of <FullName>, and at his side stood Dawn Star. She was devoted to his efforts; he had convinced her that the only valid response to adversity is an adequately forceful reply. Only a firm hand could prevent another tyrant coming to power, and no one was more suited than the Spirit Monk she had helped ascend. Dawn Star became a tempering influence, and made certain that the people of the Empire had their needs met, if not all of their wants. Their Empire, as long as it lasted, was strong and prosperous.
--CF, Romanced, Father—
The defeat of Sun Li signaled the rise of <FullName>, and Dawn Star was ever at his side. She was devoted to his efforts, but personal turmoil clouded her mind. She had found her lost father, but Sun Li was not the man she had wanted him to be. It was as if he had killed her true father, the idealized Master Li that now only existed in her memories. She grew cold over time, and without her tempering influence, the Jade Empire became a demanding place to live, controlled through force of arms. But the tighter the reigns, the harder the resistance, and the reigns were very tight indeed. Dawn Star would stand by <FullName> to the end.
Silk Fox
--OP, Not Romanced--
Though the credibility of her family was understandably marred by the actions of her father and uncle, Princess Sun Lian emerged from the incident with a newfound credibility that easily secured her claim to the throne. This was thanks in no small part to keeping <FullName> very close at hand, and making sure the people knew that <he/she> had her full support throughout the ordeal. Empress Sun Lian ruled over a new golden age of the Jade Empire that seemed like it would never end.
--OP, Male Romance--**If you do Not Romance, Keep DH, Bind SF, and Free WD you will get the same Epilogue**
Though the credibility of her family was understandably marred by the actions of her father and uncle, Princess Sun Lian emerged from the incident with a newfound credibility that easily secured her claim to the throne. This was thanks in no small part to keeping <FullName> very close at hand. He was welcomed as her companion, and eventually as Emperor at her side. Together they would rule over a new golden age that seemed like it would never end..
--OP, Female Romance--**If you do Not Romance, Keep DH, Bind SF, and Free WD you will get the same Epilogue**
Though the credibility of her family was understandably marred by the actions of her father and uncle, Princess Sun Lian emerged from the incident with a newfound credibility that easily secured her claim to the throne. This was thanks in no small part to keeping <FullName> very close at hand, and making sure the people knew that she had her full support throughout the ordeal. Empress Sun Lian and <FullName> ruled in concert, remaining close companions and sharing the burden of leadership as they guided the Jade Empire through a new golden age.
--CF, Romanced, Released WD--
Princess Sun Lian was praised for helping save the Empire, and with <FullName> close at hand she was soon appointed Empress. It became apparent, however, that she still held the same disdain for the bonds imposed by her position. <FullName> had pushed her to revel in the traits she showed as Silk Fox, and now that freedom seemed further away than ever. She withdrew, much as her father had done, and soon even an audience in the palace was a rare event. In truth, she was spending much of her time in the streets of the Imperial City, hiding her face once more. Her rule was prosperous enough, but it was never more than a game to her and <FullName>.
--CF, Male Romance--
In the wake of Sun Li's defeat, <FullName> assumed control of the Empire. Princess Lian lent the new emperor legitimacy through her family line, and as Emperor and Empress they turned a chaotic and fractured land into an economic and military powerhouse. Anyone who challenged their rule awakened a fury that not even the gods could contain, and even whispered secrets earned quick reprisals. Empress Lian continued to prowl as the shadowy Silk Fox, but unbeknownst to those who had encountered the supposed outlaw, this new version was dedicated to maintaining the new order. Much as Death's Hand had served her father, she controlled the flow of all information within the Empire. This combination of power and cunning ensured that the reign of <FullName> would be long remembered.
--CF, Female Romance--
After the death of Sun Li, the Princess and <FullName> assumed control. They quickly crushed any opposition to the partnership they formed, and turned a chaotic and fractured land into an economic and military powerhouse. Anyone that threatened the stability of their Empire awakened a fury not even the gods could contain. It became dangerous to speak against them even in the lowliest of taverns, and Sun Lian and <FullName> were often amused that, despite the power they could command, their enemies were often more afraid of the shadowy Silk Fox that could now somehow be in two places at once. Even at their height of their power they made time for such games they both enjoyed.
--OP, Not Romanced--**If you do Not Romance, Keep DH, Bind Sky, and Free WD you will get the same Epilogue**
Drastic shifts in power always create political and economic turbulence. In the years following the defeat of Emperor Sun Li, however, things were remarkably calm, with food supplies reaching the poor and Imperial control of areas abandoned to near-lawlessness quickly restored. Those who were there credit the smooth transition to the aid of a group called the Guild. Working under some mysterious Imperial sanction, the Guild's agents moved supplies quickly to those who needed them most and helped the Imperial Army pinpoint the camps of bandit leaders and others who threatened Imperial control. While the Guild faded from sight as peace was restored, stories persisted. Most stories recounted the exploits of this mysterious organization's dashing new leader, Sky. His ready smile, endless energy and kindness quickly made him a legend among the common people.
--OP, Female Romance--
Shortly after the death of its leader, Gao the Greater, the Guild quickly found itself with a new man at the top and its attention turning sharply away from the slave trade. Sky would quickly deny any involvement in such a thing, and despite their suspicions, most people accepted that only one woman would ever know the full truth. If little else, Sky was always clear on one subject: his undying love for <FullName>. The couple's exploits and their devotion to each other were the stuff of legend. As they so often do, the tales outgrew the people, and the couple quietly withdrew from the public eye. Where they are now, few can say, but there is a small, unmarked grave in the farmlands outside Tien's Landing that finds itself adorned with flowers once a year without fail.
--OP, Male Romance--
Never one to pass up an opportunity, Sky quickly established himself as a replacement for Gao the Greater, seizing control of the leaderless Guild and quickly turning the organization into something he deemed "respectable." While hardly paragons of society, the members of the Guild were brutally effective in stamping out much of the slave trade. Sky and <FullName> remained constant companions, and neither of them could find it in their heart to ever really settle down. Tales of their exploits are still told, growing more fantastic with each repetition.
--CF, Romanced, Released WD--
For a time, Sky found peace, but there was always a question in his heart about what could have been if only <FullName> had seized the power of the Water Dragon. Plagued with uncertainty, Sky turned back to the life he had known before, descending into the underworld to wage a bloody campaign against the leaders of the Guild. His victory was short lived, however, as Sky grew careless with his life and noticed too late the acrid taste of his poisoned wine. Some say he struggled to say something as he fell, maybe a name, but in the end, Sky died alone.
--CF, Female Romance--
What does it take for a mortal to hold the affections of a god? Sky's dedication to his love never wavered, and he stood proudly at her side, enforcing her will without question. Over the years, his name became more dreaded than Death's Hand, for Sky worked in the shadows, and his informants were everywhere. There were moments when Sky would lie alone in the middle of the night--for no god needs sleep--and he would question the path his life had taken. It was invariably on those nights that the Empress would find time to come to him, and the next day would always find more steel in his eyes and a dark resolve burning in his heart.
--CF, Male Romance--
What does it take for a mortal to hold the affections of a god? Sky's dedication never wavered, and he stood proudly at the side of the Spirit Monk who had risen to become a living god. Together they ruled an empire enslaved by fear; never before had history seen such a combination of overt power and subversive guile. When all men can be convinced to cast suspicious eyes upon their brothers, perfect control is possible, even if such a balance can only be maintained for short time.
Death’s Hand
--Release WD--
After the power of the Water Dragon was restored, Death's Hand was sustained by <FullName>'s force of will. Some considered this cruel, and to Death's Hand it was just continued enslavement, but in the weeks that followed, the influence that had corrupted him began to fade, and a semblance of self returned. For the first time in decades, Death's Hand felt something other than rage; sadness for how he, as Sun Kin, had helped attack Dirge so long ago. Acceptance of this changed him, and he wandered the Empire seeking redemption. No longer bound to Sun Li's armor, he wore it anyway, a symbol not of the monster he was forced to be, but of the monster he had not recognized within himself.
--Keep WD--
Bound to <FullName>'s will, Death's Hand served the new Empire wherever the face of terror was needed to quell dissention. Infused by the ever growing power of his master, his physical form was eventually corrupted beyond what his armor could contain, and he became something... other. Much to <FullName>'s approval, as the new form proved far more efficient at instilling fear. Besides, those allowed to comment agreed that the symbolism of trapping him within his brother's armor had always seemed somewhat quaint.
Kang the Mad
After Sun Li's defeat, Kang the Mad enjoyed actual public appreciation for his devices. It was brief, however, and as the Empire returned to peace, his machines once more became the greatest identifiable threat to the common good. His flyers grew faster and more durable, the driving force often an angry mob hurling ever larger stones. When last seen, Kang was boarding an alarmingly bare-bones device he had dubbed the Celestial Rocket Chair. While it allowed him to evade his latest pursuers, the launch also left a crater that suggested the escape was more permanent than he might have planned. Despite this, on each anniversary of their victory, <FullName> would find a fantastic new machine on <his/her> doorstep, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
After Sun Li's defeat, Kang the Mad was in great demand. There was a new Empire to fortify, and <FullName> had Kang working around the clock. In time, however, Kang grew to resent how his devices were used. He felt that, similar to the flyers he had made for Gao the Greater, duplicates inherently diminished the effectiveness of them all. Kang became reclusive, and eventually an explosion at his main factory appeared to take his life (and that of anyone that might have known his trade secrets). Occasionally there were reports of strange devices appearing on the borderlands of the Empire, but by the time any of <FullName>'s forces could arrive, any trace had disappeared.
--OP, Lord Lao--
Revealing Kang the Mad as Lord Lao could have had a great effect on the Empire, but after the victory over Sun Li, Kang remained much as he was. He continued to build wonders for <FullName>, and he was still criticized for the chaos his machines created, but angry mobs have no sting when you are a minor deity. At first, Lao Kang found this liberating, and his inventions reached new heights of destructive potential. But after a time, he realized that his pursuers had been the driving force behind him. Nothing stirs the imagination like having your life depend upon your next creation. Few understood his motives when he began actively arming his most vocal detractors, but he insisted, standing amidst the craters, that it was for the good of all.
--CF, Lord Lao--
After Sun Li's defeat, <FullName> fortified the Empire against any possible assault. Kang the Mad, revealed as the minor deity Lord Lao, continued his service to the new Emperor, creating ever more fearful devices, each intended for a more powerful target than the last. But Lao Kang knew that some day, probably sometime after helping subjugate the rest of the heavens, he would no longer be of use. He was certain he would eventually be called to build a machine to pull his own heart out to steal his power, and that just gave him the willies. His last invention opened a portal to another plane of existence, and he, along with a good portion of the Golden Delta, disappeared within. Nothing says "I quit" like a crater the size of a lake.
Chai Ka
Not all destinies serve heaven. Heaven, too, can be caught in a larger, more malignant fate. Chai Ka the Heavenly Gate Guardian fulfilled his destiny, but he failed in the eyes of heaven. Cast out from the Celestial Bureacracy, he wandered as a tormented demon, bereft of purpose. His anchor, the child Wild Flower, also wandered. Sustained by the celestial powers that gave her rebirth, she knew life but not death. Forever a child in body, she saw the wasteland her homeland had become and cursed the fate that made it so.
The will of the heavens was fulfilled. The heart of the Water Dragon was restored, and her soul, reborn. Balance returned to the heavens, and the Jade Empire endured. His duty discharged, Chai Ka the Heavenly Gate Guardian returned to his heaven once more. In honor of her service to the heavens, the girl, Wild Flower, whom Chai Ka had raised to serve as his anchor, was granted the most precious gift of all: Life. She was given a chance to live a new life according to her own whim.
Ya Zhen
The birth of a new god is a time of infinite possibility. Anything can be accomplished by those with the will to seize it. Ya Zhen was a prisoner in the body of the child Wild Flower, but his master's ascension freed him. The ways of fate and power are fickle, and he backed the winning side. With <FullName>'s power growing, he could serve no better master. This mortal with the heart of a true god would not last forever. Someday the demon's time will come again.
In the shattered mind of Wild Flower dwelled the demon Ya Zhen. The power of the one who freed him grew, giving the demon endless possibilities. For a time, he lived by the pledge he made, serving a power greater than himself, but mortals remain mortal, and in time, they die. And when his pledge no longer binds him... then the demon's time will come again.
Henpecked Hou
Henpecked Hou's wife finally tracked him down and brought him back home to settle back into the simple bun master's life. A few years later, he became a father for the first time. Though having septuplets at his age was not unheard of, having seven daughters at once was a bit peculiar. Shortly thereafter, Hou became deathly ill after accidentally eating a bun he intended to give to his wife. Hou's wife invited her entire family to live with them while he was bedridden. Hou recovered more quickly than expected, but word of his poisonous bun made sure that his career as a bun master was over. Instead, Hou became a delivery man, delivering packages throughout the Empire. He has yet to return from his first delivery.
Black Whirlwind
The Black Whirlwind accepted a job hunting demons for the Celestial Bureaucracy, but the ensuing red tape frustrated him so much that he gave up and made for the Mysterious East. Shortly thereafter, the Empire received a great influx of Outlanders, many of whom were missing limbs and other body parts. He returned to the Jade Empire several years later, but this time he came from the west. He couldn't explain how he did it, but he was the only person unsurprised to arrive back where he started. Expressing a newfound hatred for a people who couldn't make a decent bowl of wine, the Black Whirlwind vowed to never again leave the Jade Empire. A week later, he got bored and headed off to the north.
Sir Roderick
Sir Roderick Ponce von Fontlebottom the Magnificent Bastard left the Jade Empire a broken man. His skills had failed him at the moment of greatest import, and he found it difficult to stomach his defeat, despite his grand capacity. Surely he had not lost as badly as he thought. Surely there was some explanation. Surely he still had something to teach this barbaric land. After much soul searching, he traded his last pair of pantaloons for passage to the Prosperous East, and he began the long journey home. It is said he eventually discovered the Fountain of Couth, and is now virtually unflappable. That or he was accidentally killed by the Black Whirlwind. It is hard to say; people seemed to lose interest. As for Percival, he tired of being called "Shirley" and returned to his village.