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PS:T Fixpack & PS:T UB hit v2.0, PS:T Tweaks hits v3.0

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#1 Kaeloree


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Posted 19 August 2008 - 02:25 PM

Busy as ever, our PS:T guru Qwinn has just made a round of updates to his Planescape: Torment mods!

The major changes from the first versions are Italian, Spanish and German translations, and the Fixpack has 36 new fixes.

The Planescape: Torment Fixpack is a comprehensive WeiDU Fixpack for Black Isle's classic Planescape: Torment CRPG. Fixing literally hundreds of bugs and thousands of typos, thereby restoring a lot of lost and inactive content, the PS:T Fixpack (along with PS:T Unfinished Business and Qwinn's PS:T Tweak Pack) provides a completely new Planescape: Torment experience! Click here for a list of the most important fixes, as well as further information on the mod itself.

Planescape: Torment Unfinished Business takes the almost-but-not-quite-finished content that shipped with Black Isle's classic Planescape: Torment CRPG and polishes, bugfixes and finishes it so you can see and enjoy the new content in your game! With 14 components is a must-have for anyone interested in seeing what the developers didn't get time to do--or even if you're just looking for some new content! Click here for information on each of the compenents and further information on the mod itself.

Qwinn's Planescape: Torment Tweaks adds a few ease-of-use tweaks to your Planescape: Torment install, as well as one or two must-have components! Including a banter accelerator, ease-of-use tweaks and several content changes, this is an extremely useful mod for any player. Click here for information on each of the components and further information on the mod itself.

Before downloading the new version of the fixpack, read the updating instructions! They're very important. If you don't follow them it's quite possible your game may get fubared!

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#2 Qwinn

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Posted 20 August 2008 - 06:26 AM

Just as a quick correction, the italian translation is complete and available in this version :)

Hope you'll all enjoy!


#3 Kaeloree


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Posted 20 August 2008 - 01:45 PM

Fixed in my post. :cheers:

#4 Thaurin

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Posted 23 August 2008 - 07:23 AM


I thought I'd just grace this with reply since no one seems to bother. This looks really nice and I've never even finished Planescape: Torment! I still have the original box from when it was first released.

I do have a question. Can I expect problems if I play this with an existing save game? It's still early on in the game, but I have replayed the first rooms so many times that I'd rather not replay it. So far I have encountered no probems, but I couldn't find any recommendations for starting a new game in the notes.

Thanks for the great work!

#5 scient

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Posted 23 August 2008 - 11:39 AM

To ensure that your game includes all the fixes and such it is recommended to start a new game. Since you said it is near the beginning it won't hurt to make a new game. Qwinn can prob give you a more definitive answer but I think stuff saved in the GAM/SAV pre-fix pack might make it so stuff doesn't work as intended.

Those interested in the classic TBS game Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri / Alien Crossover should check out the unofficial patch I work on here.

#6 -thatmckenzie-

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Posted 29 August 2008 - 07:24 AM

Thanks to all involved. It really is like a new game after all the fixes and inclusions.

#7 Qwinn

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Posted 29 August 2008 - 10:22 PM

Very happy to hear you're enjoying it :)

I'm still hoping someone'll check out the back room of the foundry and post about it, lol (the one where they're building a weapon). I'm so proud of the scripting I got working in that place, heh, had to recreate a very large area file that was missing to make it work.


Edited by Qwinn, 29 August 2008 - 10:23 PM.

#8 -Guest-

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Posted 06 October 2008 - 06:24 AM

So I need to start a new game to have ALL new fixes but if I'm just fine with as many new fixes from where I already am, is a new game still necessary? Would kind of mess things up in my opinion.

#9 Qwinn

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Posted 06 October 2008 - 07:25 AM

If you're talking about just going from version 1.0 to version 2.0, then yeah, you should be fine. (though I wouldn't recommend the subtitled cutscenes component in that case).

If you're talking about save games without my Fixpack at all, then no, no guarantees on save games.

When version 3.0 comes out, it's going to require a new game - period. This is mitigated somewhat by the fact that there will be lots of new stuff even in the very earliest parts of the game.


Edited by Qwinn, 06 October 2008 - 07:27 AM.

#10 -Guest-

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Posted 06 October 2008 - 12:39 PM

Thank you for this complete answer to my earlier post as a guest though I admit that I didn't really need to ask if I had considered the instructions. And I want to add my thanks to everyone involved for the fine support of this game.

#11 -will-

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Posted 16 November 2008 - 12:37 PM

Thank you for this complete answer to my earlier post as a guest though I admit that I didn't really need to ask if I had considered the instructions. And I want to add my thanks to everyone involved for the fine support of this game.

thanks for this pack, its really usefull

#12 -Kaeln-

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Posted 18 November 2008 - 01:36 PM

Great looking fix pack. Love the format for installing only the desired fixes, love the fact that someone is still out there fixing additional content for this classic game. Keep up the excellent work, I am looking forward to 3.0

#13 -Kamcar1-

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Posted 02 December 2008 - 06:01 AM

Just went ahead and got this game on ebay, so don't have it with me yet, but looking forward to playing it with all new the fixes and what not. This has really gone a long way to preserving and enhancing what was, even with all the bugs, an amazing game. And now I can enjoy it with much more vigor and less swearing at my computer! Thank you Qwinn, Platter, and all the others who have spent the time putting this together, it really is something special.


If you're talking about just going from version 1.0 to version 2.0, then yeah, you should be fine. (though I wouldn't recommend the subtitled cutscenes component in that case).

If you're talking about save games without my Fixpack at all, then no, no guarantees on save games.

When version 3.0 comes out, it's going to require a new game - period. This is mitigated somewhat by the fact that there will be lots of new stuff even in the very earliest parts of the game.


#14 -Eric-

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Posted 06 February 2010 - 07:21 PM

PS:T is one of my all time favorite games. Thanks so much Qwinn for all the time and work you put into the mods. I'm thrilled to find all your stuff after all these years. I was planning to give the game another run through and decided to look to see if there are any patches. What a surprise to find all this great stuff for my favorite game. I can only imagine how much work you put into it all.

#15 -Dandelo-

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Posted 27 October 2010 - 09:30 AM

Thank you so much Qwinn! I love this game so much and your fixes have brought new life into it. I love the new scripts and depth added to the game. With the G3 widescreen and everything - I am a happy man. Even so I miss the shittiness at times (probably just nostalgia).

#16 -Bruce-

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Posted 01 April 2012 - 04:49 AM

Hey guys, every time I click the link for the patch the site can't be found. Where did it go???? :-(

#17 Kaeloree


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Posted 01 April 2012 - 05:02 AM

http://www.shsforums...gine-mods/]Here[/url]. :)