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Dialogue Bugs?

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#1 Deviija

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Posted 14 August 2008 - 01:23 AM

Hey there! I'm liking the Luxleys a lot. Andrei is such a catch. ;) I like the slightly naive but prone to dark rages and loyalty thing he has going on, especially to the family who looks upon him so badly (imo) but he's so dedicated.

Okay, so I'm travelling with the Luxleys, Minsc, Aerie and Nathaniel. I'm in Chapter 4 right now, and I've done about every sidequest in the game so far. The issue that's come up, but wasn't too concerning, was this dialogue recycling that was going on.

Andrei and Seb tease Aerie about bumping into a begger on the street, then he gets hit by a cart and dies, and she's horrified -- only to find out that it's a joke. It was cute. ;) And then later the follow up dialogue about Seb apologizing and giving Aerie a dress will pop up.

Okay, no problem, right? But then this dialogue will replay over and over and over throughout the game. :(

Like I said, it isn't a big deal or a game-breaker. Everything else works fine and all the family quests and spawns are working well so far. But... Andrei and Seb haven't had banters with any of my other companions. It just keeps doing the loop with Aerie. I'm just missing out on potential banters with Minsc and Nathaniel, I think. :(

#2 Deviija

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Posted 14 August 2008 - 01:26 AM

[Whoops, double posted! Deleted.]

Edited by Deviija, 14 August 2008 - 01:27 AM.

#3 Ankhes

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Posted 14 August 2008 - 06:56 AM

Yeah I've been having that same dialog over and over again too. I just thought it was all the mods I have installed.

#4 Deviija

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Posted 14 August 2008 - 04:08 PM

It might be that, too. I have about 9 mods installed. The majority are WeiNPC compatible ones. BG fixes, NPC Banter pack, Flirt Packs, and such.

#5 Kaeloree


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Posted 14 August 2008 - 10:39 PM

In the CLUA Console, set this variable:


Miss S, when you see this--and for anyone else who wants to fix this in their own installations--in BFHLSEB.D, change

~I must say, I'm thoroughly disappointed. I expected better of you! You didn't see that beggar in the street that you knocked over?~ [FHLSAE3]
DO ~SetGlobal("FHLSebAerieTalk","GLOBAL",1)~


~I must say, I'm thoroughly disappointed. I expected better of you! You didn't see that beggar in the street that you knocked over?~ [FHLSAE3]
DO ~SetGlobal("FHLSebUnorderAerieTalk2","GLOBAL",1)~

#6 Deviija

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Posted 14 August 2008 - 11:14 PM

Where should I change that at? In the scripts or in the code somewhere that's installed in my BGII folder? Or... :) I just want to be sure what I'm doing. I appreciate the help very much.

#7 Ankhes

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Posted 15 August 2008 - 07:01 AM

Where should I change that at? In the scripts or in the code somewhere that's installed in my BGII folder? Or... :) I just want to be sure what I'm doing. I appreciate the help very much.

Same here! Or I guess I can just keep fast-clicking through it every time it pops up.

#8 Deviija

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Posted 15 August 2008 - 07:10 AM

Yeah, fast clicking through it is what I do for now. Though considering it's a pretty long dialogue (both of them) and it's come up for the, oh, thirtieth time... I'd be happy to fix it. :)

#9 Gwendolyne

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Posted 17 June 2021 - 03:46 AM

Fxed in version 2.0.0.  ;)

Edited by Gwendolyne, 17 June 2021 - 03:46 AM.


In progress : Menace sur le Royaume de Diamant Éternel there.


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Posted 17 June 2021 - 11:59 AM

13 years later ... you should get a medal  :cheers:

Project Infinity public BETA - mod manager for Infinity Engine games

Infinity Auto Packager - automatically generate and adds mod packages to GitHub release

Modder's Guide to GitHub - you cannot have progress without committing changes

#11 jastey

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Posted 17 June 2021 - 08:59 PM

Isn't that the normal cycle length for IE mods?