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Your 5 favourite games.

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#41 Kellen


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Posted 30 August 2008 - 06:19 AM

Secret of Mana


Dreamfall: The Longest Journey (The longest Journey is awesome too)

I started Dreamfall, when my uncle rented it. Unfortunately I never got too far.

Some suggestions from me.

Sacred is a pretty enjoyable, Diablo-esque game. NWN series can be enjoyable, though most take a mod over the OC(for the first for sure). IWD. Warcraft 3. C&C Series (Highlights, C&C2 C&C3(Kane's Wrath) RA2). Dark Colony(fun game, but for the Windows 95)

1st Person Shooters
Tom Clancy games make pretty excellent 1st person shooters(Splinter Cell series getting the high nomination from me). SW:Battlefront and Halo. C&C Renegade. SW: Bounty Hunter (I believe it can be first person or third person. Maybe just third person)

PoP series(Though Warrior Within is a bit graphic.) Shadow of the Colossus(excellent and very moving game, though it does get kind of monotonous in between big points). Demonstone. Star Ocean: Til the End of Time. Legend of Legaia (Always hold a piece of my heart)

That's pretty much all my current/recent gaming efforts, or one's that I've really enjoyed.

Edited by Kellen, 30 August 2008 - 06:21 AM.

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#42 Aliya


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Posted 01 September 2008 - 04:21 AM

1st Person Shooters
Tom Clancy games make pretty excellent 1st person shooters(Splinter Cell series getting the high nomination from me). SW:Battlefront and Halo. C&C Renegade. SW: Bounty Hunter (I believe it can be first person or third person. Maybe just third person)
That's pretty much all my current/recent gaming efforts, or one's that I've really enjoyed.

Yay, Tom Clansy! ^_^

#43 Danilus

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Posted 01 September 2008 - 12:59 PM

Ok I shall list my 5's by type.

RPG's (and their sub-generes)

1. Baldurs Gate Trillogy
2. Dungeon Master 2
3. Starwars: KtoR
4. Neverwinter Nights
5. Elder Scrolls: Oblivion

1. Team Fortress 2
2. CoD: Modern Warfare
3. Half Life 2
4. Deus Ex
5. Battlefield: Bad Company

Beat 'Em Ups
1. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
2. Golden Axe :D
3. Marvel vs Capcom
4. 64th Street: A Detective Story ^_^
5. Streets of Rage 3

#44 darlarosa


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Posted 02 September 2008 - 03:28 PM

1.Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
2.Baldur's gate 2(with/without TOB or modding)
3.Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time
4.Sims 2
5. Marvel Ultimate Alliance for PS2
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#45 Eleima


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Posted 02 September 2008 - 11:10 PM

Gosh, only five? I'll try to narrow it down, how's that?

Baldur's Gate 2 (SoA & ToB, need I explain? :D )
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (the first time I played, my jaw dropped, and I went, "wooooooooow!", and my lower lip started trembling!...)
Unreal Tournament 2004 (when I need to shoot something to blow off a bit of steam... ^_^ )
Curse of Monkey Island (but the Monkey Island series in general)
King's Quest Series (gets me so nostalgic of the "good old days".... ;) )
The Longest Journey & Dreamfall (really can't seperate one from the other in my mind)
Grim Fandango (Great music, great story, great humor, one of the greatest games of all times. 'Nuff said!)
Zork Nemesis (but the Zork series in general, especially Return to Zork and Zork Grand Inquisitor. "Want some rye? Course ya do!" :lol: )

I think that pretty much covers my fave games of all time. The ones I would take with me if I was marooned on a tropical island with nothing but my books and my putter... ^_^

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#46 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 02 September 2008 - 11:54 PM

And the top five today are:
1) Moonstone (the Amiga version, but da%& the sounds were nice)
2) Fallout
3) C&C: RA
4) UFO: Aftershock
5) Freelancer

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#47 Aliya


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Posted 05 September 2008 - 09:40 AM

Ok, mine:
BG1 & 2 - (With huge number of mods, the game is classics)
Black & White 2 - ("My tiger will bite your head off!")
Fable: TLC - (I'll play it, until I'll get Fable 2)
TES: Morrowind - (If only bugs...)
Unreal 2004 - (Flak Cannon + Short Distance = Bloody hell!)
NFS: Most Wanted - (Fool cops! You can't catch Meeee.....)
HoMM5 - (Agrael is my favourite char!)
C&C: Zero Hour - (Take THAT, Dr Thrax!) :D

#48 Grunker


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Posted 11 September 2008 - 10:55 PM

Here's mine:

1. Planescape: Torment

It had depth, it had style, it had story, it had character, and it made you *care*. Without question my favourite game. A bit of a paradox though, since its also the game with the lowest replayability-value ever. I only played through twice.

2. Baldur's Gate Series

It didn't have Torment's depth or story, but at least it had depth and story, something very rare today. And every design-feature PS:T lacked, BG had.

3. Sid Meier's Civilization Series (especially #4)

The only game on my list that isn't an RPG. It made my list because it provides eternal entertainment, tons of depth, fantastic design and last but not least as much detail as anyone could ask.

4. The Witcher

This game stole my heart by mere concept alone, but the handling was just as great. We have asked for a roleplaying redemption since Baldur's Gate, and I say this game brought it.

5. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines

It stayed true to the setting (incredibly true), and for a P&P-player, it was amazing to see the world you imagined in your mind play out in perfection in front of you. A fluent combat-system and the best voice-acting I've ever heard in game, makes this one of my favourite.

But five games make a small list... Games like Deus Ex, Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy (seriously, play this game) and similar games could easily make a list of my favourite games.

In terms of the best tactical challenge an RPG has ever offered, The Temple of Elemental Evil takes a clear first place without a single competitor.
"I've heard people complain that the game [the new Prince of Persia] is too easy, which seems odd to me, since I died more times than The Nameless One in a smoothie-maker."

- Yahtzee

#49 Aliya


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Posted 18 September 2008 - 01:25 AM

1. Baldur's Gate (!)

2. Unreal Tournament 2004

3. Quake 4

4. Need for Speed: Pro Street

5. Heroes of Might and Magic 5

#50 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 18 September 2008 - 02:42 AM

Todays result:
There is only one game that takes the whole pot, and it's called: WeiDU_the_Game .

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#51 Icendoan


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Posted 18 September 2008 - 06:51 AM

I lost at that! I was an idiot and forgot my BEGIN for my loops >_<

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#52 Aliya


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Posted 18 September 2008 - 07:15 AM

I lost at that! I was an idiot and forgot my BEGIN for my loops >_<


*raises eyebrow* :rolleyes:

#53 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 18 September 2008 - 07:23 AM

I lost at that!

You are talking about your mind here, of course. :doh:

I was an idiot and forgot my BEGIN for my loops >_<

And here you are talking about the WeiDU_the_edit game, not about what you do with the results of those and other peoples games... :whistling:

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#54 Icendoan


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Posted 18 September 2008 - 07:58 AM

Oh, right!


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#55 GeN1e


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Posted 01 October 2008 - 07:26 AM

Diablo 2 (slightly modded) - can be played for eternity
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 - again, for eternity
Might and Magic 7
Fallout 2
All of those Bioware RPG games

Retired from modding.

#56 Aliya


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Posted 01 October 2008 - 08:25 AM

Ah, I see that Homm3 is more popular, than Homm 4 & 5. Interesting, you have much untapped power... :D

#57 GeN1e


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Posted 01 October 2008 - 09:48 AM

HoMM4 was my first and I wondered why so many people would reject such a great game. Well, I learned why once I got HoMM3 :)

Retired from modding.

#58 Crazee

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Posted 01 October 2008 - 09:49 AM

Though it's subject to change, depending on my mood, I'd have to say ...

The Baldur's Gate series
Final Fantasy X
Neverwinter Nights 2 (and MotB)
Sims 2
Pokemon Red (for the gameboy)

By tomorrow, I'll have changed this entirely, but for now, I am satisfied.

#59 Daulmakan


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Posted 01 October 2008 - 01:26 PM

HOMM3 rules.

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#60 Grunker


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Posted 02 October 2008 - 02:19 AM

HOMM3 rules.

Enter HOMM5, HOMM3 with a graphic update and minor improvements :)
"I've heard people complain that the game [the new Prince of Persia] is too easy, which seems odd to me, since I died more times than The Nameless One in a smoothie-maker."

- Yahtzee