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Baldur's Gate Meme

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#81 JAMoczo

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Posted 25 August 2008 - 04:08 PM

JAMoczo, I cannot thank you enough for portraying Anomen (at last!). I adore Xan, but I just think it's unfair that he's been getting all of the attention. *chuckles* ^_^ So here's a cookie for drawing a cute little Anomen with big blue eyes!!! :cookie:

Well, from a character perspective, Viviane has a problem with other mages (just ask her best friend/little sister Imoen), and it doesn't help either that Xan is convinced they're all doomed, meaning that he doesn't trust in Viviane's completely awesome powerz. Also, between Kelsey and the Flirt Pack, I'm actually quite fond of Anomen :)

And thanks for the cookie!

I Hate Elminster!
(proud member of the We Hate Elminster club)

?Here, take this. It?s a few special concoctions I whipped up to help you tomorrow should Lorne decide to poison you, cheat, or simply give you several gaping chest wounds.?
- Sand, Neverwinter Nights 2

?I would grieve for Eldoth, if it were not for the sense of joy I now feel.?
- Xan, Baldur?s Gate

I can does write fanfiction?

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#82 JAMoczo

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Posted 25 August 2008 - 04:10 PM

I say, what's Imoen costium on #20 panel?

Wonderful work! :D

Isn't she the pink haired Drow?

No, that's Viconia dressing up as Imoen.

I think Imoen is the pink haired, pink bearded Anomen. :D

I still don't know who Sarevok is supposed to be in that yellow hood. O.o

- :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Why this doesn't surprize me?

Anomen = Keldorn
Sarevok = Viconia (she has a yellow hood on in her portrait O_O)
Keldorn = Viviane
Imoen = Anomen (she painted on the beard and, heck, decided it should be pink)
Viviane = Sarevok
Viconia = Imoen (that was the harder one to do, I'm surprised anyone got it!)


I Hate Elminster!
(proud member of the We Hate Elminster club)

?Here, take this. It?s a few special concoctions I whipped up to help you tomorrow should Lorne decide to poison you, cheat, or simply give you several gaping chest wounds.?
- Sand, Neverwinter Nights 2

?I would grieve for Eldoth, if it were not for the sense of joy I now feel.?
- Xan, Baldur?s Gate

I can does write fanfiction?

Have Facebook? Then you should join The Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart! ... please :)

#83 JAMoczo

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Posted 25 August 2008 - 04:14 PM

ooo these are addictive!

Sammi, you made my hand cry :crying:

Absolutely stunning, and even more so since my hand hurt after drawing MSPaint stick figures.

(and priests of Lathander are totally the best :D )

And Dark Star, yours was also quite beautiful... out of curiousity, who does yon half-drow choose as her boytoy?

Edited by JAMoczo, 25 August 2008 - 04:18 PM.


I Hate Elminster!
(proud member of the We Hate Elminster club)

?Here, take this. It?s a few special concoctions I whipped up to help you tomorrow should Lorne decide to poison you, cheat, or simply give you several gaping chest wounds.?
- Sand, Neverwinter Nights 2

?I would grieve for Eldoth, if it were not for the sense of joy I now feel.?
- Xan, Baldur?s Gate

I can does write fanfiction?

Have Facebook? Then you should join The Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart! ... please :)

#84 Sir_Carnifex


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Posted 25 August 2008 - 04:41 PM

Well, well, I think I'll have to give a shot at this some time. I've been saying that to myself ever since this first appeared...
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." - Herm Albright

#85 Dark Star

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Posted 25 August 2008 - 04:59 PM

JAMoczo, no one, actually. Despite being half-drow, she's doesn't think about sex that much, so she's either in love with someone or not - and she's pretty well on her own. "It's better to be alone than to be with some random man" ©
...But, well, she fell in love with Anomen.
Carry your heart till the end.

#86 JAMoczo

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Posted 25 August 2008 - 05:05 PM

JAMoczo, no one, actually. Despite being half-drow, she's doesn't think about sex that much, so she's either in love with someone or not - and she's pretty well on her own. "It's better to be alone than to be with some random man" ©
...But, well, she fell in love with Anomen.

He IS awfully charming... especially if you ask him if he is or not :) If you happen to be Mazzy, well, he's not charming at all.

I Hate Elminster!
(proud member of the We Hate Elminster club)

?Here, take this. It?s a few special concoctions I whipped up to help you tomorrow should Lorne decide to poison you, cheat, or simply give you several gaping chest wounds.?
- Sand, Neverwinter Nights 2

?I would grieve for Eldoth, if it were not for the sense of joy I now feel.?
- Xan, Baldur?s Gate

I can does write fanfiction?

Have Facebook? Then you should join The Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart! ... please :)

#87 Erephine


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Posted 26 August 2008 - 03:02 AM

nice meme Erephine ^_^ nice to see an Edwin fangirl here! today we can count 1,000 Xan fangirls, 10 Sarevok fangirls, 10 Anomen fangirls and 5 Kivan fangirls (there's me among them). lol these numbers are totally made up but there are really tons of Xan fans ^_^ he's got such a particular personality. Too bad he can't cast magic missiles (that's why I abandoned him at the bridge of the Gnoll Stronghold before picking up Dynaheir... evil me)

btw hey you colored it all!! my hand hurts even after an *uncolored* meme, if I had colored it my hand would have exploded :-D

From what I've seen Xan also totally deserves them :D But, yes, Edwin! (he feels a bit left out with all the Xangirlism)

To be fair only the first drawing of Leigh deserves to be called coloured... the rest is... smudgy paint on even wonkier lineart? :rolleyes:

It totally exploded, anyway.

Absolutely stunning, and even more so since my hand hurt after drawing MSPaint stick figures.

(and priests of Lathander are totally the best :D )

Thanks ^_^

(I'm sure she would be inclined to agree with you there. :P )

I just had to submit mine :rolleyes:
Click to view full image and see all the details ^^'

P.S. Look at the second picture with Drizzt. Do you see his boots? Well, they weren't boots before inking. They were russian valenki ^^'
P.P.S. Forgive my mistakes if any, but I'm already sleepy and I'm afraid the evil spider has already eaten my brain. Mgva-ha-ha!!! ~

Wow, that's a lot of post(post)script. :blink:

You have some really neat lineart there. 'Uncle Drizzt' made me giggle :P Why did you get rid of the valenki?


#88 Aliya


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Posted 26 August 2008 - 03:17 AM

:woot: Erephine, this is so cool!!! I simply love, all panels., since I'm, myself, like Xan and love Edwin.

Hello, fellow Russian Dark-Star! I love, your style. Simply. Love.

I'm doing my own Meme, and will be here soon.

#89 Sammi Somara

Sammi Somara

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Posted 26 August 2008 - 05:06 PM

Wow Epantiras, thanks for putting my meme up on the thread too. I'm surprised some people actually had the patience to fill it out! (I'm still not done!)
Err...Are paladins even allowed to say 'ass'?

I hate Elminster!
(Proud Member of the We Hate Elminster Club)

The Maesters of Yevon: Putting the Spira back into 'conspiracy'.

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#90 Epantiras


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Posted 27 August 2008 - 12:07 PM

Wow Epantiras, thanks for putting my meme up on the thread too. I'm surprised some people actually had the patience to fill it out! (I'm still not done!)

You're welcome ;-)
I look forward to see your own meme

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Oh, and Epantiras, you're simply Epantirastic.

(and no, I'M not egocentric!)

I Hate Elminster! (proud member of the We Hate Elminster club)

#91 Dark Star

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Posted 28 August 2008 - 08:44 AM

He IS awfully charming... especially if you ask him if he is or not If you happen to be Mazzy, well, he's not charming at all.

Yeeesss... :wub: He's not ideal (no one is), but yes, he's charming and chivalrous and even a bit fatherly sometimes. (Hello there, uncle Sigmund :shifty: ) Still, I nearly fell from my chair when I found out he's a virgin.

Wow, that's a lot of post(post)script.

You haven't seen a LOT of postscript :P I love writing PSs )

You have some really neat lineart there.

Thanks :blush:

Why did you get rid of the valenki?

Well, erm, as you can see, Imoen has already sneaked his swords and somehow managed to replace his own cool cloak with another one. No doubt Imoen could have stolen his boots too, replacing them with valenki, without Drizzt noticing (I believe in sis), but I'm afraid that'd be too much for poor Drizzt ^_^

Hello, fellow Russian Dark-Star!

Nice to meet you too! I wanted to drink vodka to celebrate our acquaintance, but a bear smashed the bottle so... *heavy sigh*

I love, your style. Simply. Love.

Thank you very much ) That's especially pleasant to hear 'cos I don't think I draw well )
Carry your heart till the end.

#92 Aliya


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Posted 29 August 2008 - 07:14 AM

Ow, how my hand hurts! Sammi, it's your fault! :rolleyes:


Hope you like it! :D

#93 Erephine


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Posted 29 August 2008 - 10:34 AM

ahaha, you dubbed him Eddie in the NPC section too :wub:

Those last two panels seem distinctly familiar (though your costume is much niftier) :P


#94 Epantiras


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Posted 29 August 2008 - 12:25 PM

:D the 'reload' and the 'Vodka' panel are my favourites

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Oh, and Epantiras, you're simply Epantirastic.

(and no, I'M not egocentric!)

I Hate Elminster! (proud member of the We Hate Elminster club)

#95 Sammi Somara

Sammi Somara

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 08:03 AM

XD poor Xan, offending Sarevok and whatnot. He's doooooomed.
Err...Are paladins even allowed to say 'ass'?

I hate Elminster!
(Proud Member of the We Hate Elminster Club)

The Maesters of Yevon: Putting the Spira back into 'conspiracy'.

Four Ways To Describe Sigil: The Cage, The Center of the Multiverse, The City of Doors, Doughnut on a Stick.

#96 Aliya


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Posted 30 August 2008 - 08:11 AM

Thanks, everyone! I just love this topic!

And Erephine, we have similiar tastes! And your PC, is very familiar...

#97 JAMoczo

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Posted 30 August 2008 - 12:20 PM

Ow, how my hand hurts! Sammi, it's your fault! :rolleyes:

Hope you like it! :D

1. that was delightful; and
2. We should start a We Hate Elminster club :devil:

I Hate Elminster!
(proud member of the We Hate Elminster club)

?Here, take this. It?s a few special concoctions I whipped up to help you tomorrow should Lorne decide to poison you, cheat, or simply give you several gaping chest wounds.?
- Sand, Neverwinter Nights 2

?I would grieve for Eldoth, if it were not for the sense of joy I now feel.?
- Xan, Baldur?s Gate

I can does write fanfiction?

Have Facebook? Then you should join The Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart! ... please :)

#98 Epantiras


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Posted 31 August 2008 - 01:14 AM

We should start a We Hate Elminster club

me joins ;-)

oO My DA Gallery Oo
oO My Artcorner on SHS Oo
oO "Ask the Betrayer" parody comic Oo
oO My other parody comics on SHS Oo

Oh, and Epantiras, you're simply Epantirastic.

(and no, I'M not egocentric!)

I Hate Elminster! (proud member of the We Hate Elminster club)

#99 Aliya


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Posted 31 August 2008 - 02:49 AM

We should start a We Hate Elminster club

me joins ;-)

Me too! :devil:

But Rayac (The Cowled Wizard in The Docks) love Elminster... :mellow:

#100 JAMoczo

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Posted 01 September 2008 - 08:24 AM

We should start a We Hate Elminster club

me joins ;-)

Me too! :devil:

But Rayac (The Cowled Wizard in The Docks) love Elminster... :mellow:

And that's why we kill him! :D It can be the first step on the We Hate Elminster group's path to getting rid of Elminster. Or someone can just bake cookies.

And on another note, someone should make a meme (because these are so much fun to fill out!) that forces you to draw a party of people that you/your PC hates :D That could even be a fanart challenge! Just an idea :)

I Hate Elminster!
(proud member of the We Hate Elminster club)

?Here, take this. It?s a few special concoctions I whipped up to help you tomorrow should Lorne decide to poison you, cheat, or simply give you several gaping chest wounds.?
- Sand, Neverwinter Nights 2

?I would grieve for Eldoth, if it were not for the sense of joy I now feel.?
- Xan, Baldur?s Gate

I can does write fanfiction?

Have Facebook? Then you should join The Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart! ... please :)