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Worldmap v7.1 released

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#1 weigo

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Posted 28 July 2008 - 08:46 AM

Worldmap v7.1
Changed area flag for ARD000 from 4 to 6 so travel is enabled by adjacent & dialog instead of just by dialog.
Added Drizzt Saga translation code to new_tables_BP.tph
Fixed translation string ordering for ?Revised? component BGT translation files.
Updated several translation files in several languages.

And here is the download: BP BGT Worldmap v7.1

After a long waiting time, worldmap v7.0 is ready.

First of all a big :cheers: and thanks to Erebusant. For this release he did so much great work with the Tutu and EasyTutu compatibility. Also he is doing the support with so much patience. Without him,it wouldn't be possible to release the new worldmap.

Now to the facts:

The worldmap is gettig larger. Yacomo sent me a new worldmap file with 8000x6300. Then I labeled all cities, mountains, hills, forests and so on.
Then erebusant and I tried to manage as in v6.6 that we have two different worldmap sizes again.
The last few month, erebusant managed to get the worldmap compatible with Tutu/EasyTutu.

And here is the download: BP BGT Worldmap v7.0

* Component 1

1. Use revised worldmap for Megamodification, or

1. Original travel times and area visibility, or
2. Revised travel times and area visibility

1. Large worldmap size (4900x3500), or
2. Huge worldmap size (8000x6300)

2. Use revised worldmap for Tutu/EasyTutu

* Component 2

1. Use new worldmap for Throne of Bhaal, or
2. Use clothmap style map for Throne of Bhaal

* Component 3

1. Savegame converter

Edited by weigo, 29 December 2008 - 02:38 AM.


BP-BGT-Worldmap-v6.6 (Download)

#2 Bearwere

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Posted 28 July 2008 - 11:12 AM

congtratulations. but why there are so many old versions?

#3 erebusant


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Posted 28 July 2008 - 11:19 AM

congtratulations. but why there are so many old versions?

Where? On SHS, the only "old" version is v6.6.3. Any other download locations may have older versions, but we have no control over whether it ever gets updated or not.

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#4 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 28 July 2008 - 11:37 AM

He probably means the BP_BGT_Worldmap_v7_0.rar's in the download thing, all(6) made today between 07:13 PM and Today, 07:34 PM.

Edited by Jarno Mikkola, 28 July 2008 - 11:38 AM.

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#5 erebusant


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Posted 28 July 2008 - 12:50 PM

He probably means the BP_BGT_Worldmap_v7_0.rar's in the download thing, all(6) made today between 07:13 PM and Today, 07:34 PM.

Oh yes, those are other saved versions. In any case, just click on the BIG upper Download button at the top, and you'll get the download.

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#6 Hoppy


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Posted 28 July 2008 - 06:20 PM

What is the "Flag" Component? I did not see anything in the top post or readme/changelog. :o

EDIT: I may have answered that question myself.

Edited by Hoppy, 28 July 2008 - 06:29 PM.

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#7 melkor_morgoth75



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Posted 28 July 2008 - 10:55 PM

Excellent work as usual mates!

Just a quick question ... is this version just supporting "Stone of Askavar" mod for BGT (released in future)?


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#8 erebusant


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Posted 29 July 2008 - 04:53 AM

What is the "Flag" Component? I did not see anything in the top post or readme/changelog. :o

EDIT: I may have answered that question myself.

Until weigo can get a new package uploaded with the revised .tp2 DO NOT install the "Flag" component. It is a developer tool which will cause all the ares installed in your map to appear. You can open your .tp2 and go to the end and comment out the whole component (I think it's listed as component #6) by placing a /* at the beginning of the related code, and a */ at the very end of the .tp2.

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#9 erebusant


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Posted 29 July 2008 - 04:55 AM

Excellent work as usual mates!

Just a quick question ... is this version just supporting "Stone of Askavar" mod for BGT (released in future)?


This version supports any mod that uses the proper code to install the Worldmap files that are required. As usual, Worldmap MUST be installed after the installation of any such mod.

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#10 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 29 July 2008 - 09:46 AM

You can open your .tp2 and go to the end and comment out the whole component...

/* BEGIN ~Flag~

COPY_EXISTING ~worldmap.wmp~ ~override/worldmap.wmp~

  READ_LONG 0x0c "wmpoff"

  READ_LONG (0x24 + "%wmpoff%") "areoff"

  READ_LONG (0x20 + "%wmpoff%") "#are"

  FOR (cnt=0;cnt<"%#are%";cnt=cnt+1) BEGIN

READ_ASCII	 ("%areoff%" + "%cnt%" * 240) "area"

WRITE_LONG ("%areoff%" + "%cnt%" * 240 + 48) 7

//PATCH_PRINT ~%area% - %flag%~ */
Or??? :unsure: Not wanting to download again... :D

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#11 erebusant


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Posted 29 July 2008 - 01:57 PM

Make sure to surround the END at the end of the component as well like so:

BEGIN ~Flag~
COPY_EXISTING ~worldmap.wmp~ ~override/worldmap.wmp~
  READ_LONG 0x0c "wmpoff"
  READ_LONG (0x24 + "%wmpoff%") "areoff"
  READ_LONG (0x20 + "%wmpoff%") "#are"
  FOR (cnt=0;cnt<"%#are%";cnt=cnt+1) BEGIN
READ_ASCII ("%areoff%" + "%cnt%" * 240) "area"
WRITE_LONG ("%areoff%" + "%cnt%" * 240 + 48) 7
//PATCH_PRINT ~%area% - %flag%~

Edited by erebusant, 29 July 2008 - 02:04 PM.

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#12 CTHULHU007

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Posted 29 July 2008 - 03:23 PM

Does this release fix the "Unreachable Area" bug for modded areas?
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#13 erebusant


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Posted 29 July 2008 - 04:58 PM

Does this release fix the "Unreachable Area" bug for modded areas?

All areas, modded or not should have been "reachable" with all previous versions of Worldmap, and should still be reachable with this version. I still don't understand what went FUBAR with your installation, however the fact that you were playing along fine with the worldmap in your game originally and it suddenly started having issues indicates to me that something within your game has become seriously corrupted. As long as you have a BGII-SoA/BP-BGT_Worldmap folder, and a BGII-SoA/Worldmap folder that contains the 3 files in it that Worldmap requires to install, and they are complete files, there is absolutely no reason I can see that worldmap would not be 1. Installable, and 2. Playable within your game. The big concern to me is that all of the tries you made at posting your worldmap.wmp resulted in files that were corrupted and unopenable. At this point your best shot is to completely de-install your game, uninstall BGII-SoA from your computer to remove it from your registry, delete any extraneous BGII-SoA folders or files from your computer and re-install from scratch with a completely "fresh" install of BGII-SoA + ToB + 26498 Patch + Fresh extractions of all the mods you want to play into your BGII-SoA folder and freshly installing all the mods into your game. Other than that, there isn't much else to offer you. Sorry. :(

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#14 melkor_morgoth75



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Posted 30 July 2008 - 11:06 PM

v 7.0a doesn't need the latest patch released for v.7, is that correct? And the "flag" component has been removed?


Edited by melkor_morgoth75, 30 July 2008 - 11:13 PM.

Tired of the same boring spawned creatures u face in BG? Try BGSpawn

#15 erebusant


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Posted 31 July 2008 - 12:38 AM

v 7.0a doesn't need the latest patch released for v.7, is that correct? And the "flag" component has been removed?


Yes, it is all set to go with no patches. :cheers:

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#16 Drelnza

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Posted 31 July 2008 - 11:02 PM

Superb! Thanks to all involved with  the release.

I am a touch confused about the EasyTutu compatability. I thought the previous version of the World Map was fully compatable with EasyTutu? If this is the case what extra compatability does this version offer? I have just started a new game with SoBH installed and was wondering whether it is worth restarting.

#17 erebusant


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Posted 01 August 2008 - 08:56 PM

Superb! Thanks to all involved with the release.

I am a touch confused about the EasyTutu compatability. I thought the previous version of the World Map was fully compatable with EasyTutu? If this is the case what extra compatability does this version offer? I have just started a new game with SoBH installed and was wondering whether it is worth restarting.

If you aren't very far into your game, it is definately worth installing v7. You would however need to re-install Bonehill as well after updating it's worldmap files with the v7 patch.

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#18 Shaitan

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Posted 02 August 2008 - 11:20 PM

When installing on an EasyTutu it gives me an error and rolls back (it's the part wher I have to chose between easytut and BP).

#19 erebusant


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Posted 03 August 2008 - 12:08 AM

When installing on an EasyTutu it gives me an error and rolls back (it's the part wher I have to chose between easytut and BP).

Could you post your debug file from when you get your error please?

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#20 Shaitan

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Posted 03 August 2008 - 02:48 AM

Here you are

Attached Files