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Non-conflicting body mesh

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#1 Sticz


    Monkey - In the time of Chimpanzees

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Posted 24 July 2008 - 10:45 AM

I have tried several meshes for better female's but none I have seen really match up will with the default body pieces on the vanilla armors. Does anyone know of a body replacement that link's up really well? I have tried BAB, Roberts Female, Eshme and exnem's, any other suggestions?

I have also tried the 'topless' mod for the vanilla body, its rather... lacking... as far as texturing and such.


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#2 Dark Warrior

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Posted 14 August 2008 - 10:20 PM

Sticz, on Jul 24 2008, 01:45 PM, said:

I have tried several meshes for better female's but none I have seen really match up will with the default body pieces on the vanilla armors. Does anyone know of a body replacement that link's up really well? I have tried BAB, Roberts Female, Eshme and exnem's, any other suggestions?

I have also tried the 'topless' mod for the vanilla body, its rather... lacking... as far as texturing and such.



There is also FF, fantasy figures, that might work a little better.

The thing to take into consideration, is anytime something like body meshes are messed with, and then mixed, you will experience some clipping issues.

#3 SickleYield

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Posted 06 November 2008 - 02:05 PM

Most people will use a default clothing/armor replacer designed for the given body mod in that case. FF has one and I believe most others do as well.
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