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Pendant of Yemeth Quest (SPOILERS)

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#21 Daulmakan


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Posted 23 December 2008 - 02:56 PM

I would welcome an expanded Yemeth quest as well.

item_pack.jpg   Drows.jpg


#22 --Bob--

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 06:24 PM

There are a couple of small bugs in this quest:

1) Killing the Rake, then attempting to talk to the Rake-Chaser during the day results in an Ubiquitous Zombie
2) If you finish the quest by signing the contract, the Rake-Chaser will reappear once you leave and re-enter the screen and begin the same dialogue tree as before (This actually results in a infinite exp loop, but only for about 1600exp and it requires sitting through a lot of dialogue)

Not anything game-breaking, but someone might like to know


#23 Qwinn

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 06:48 PM

Wow, damn, those sound like good catches. Thanks. Will confirm and fix soon.


#24 Ephyon

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 08:42 PM

While not a bug, there's something odd about the two Abishai that I never encountered before: I can't talk to them with either Annah or Grace in my party. Yes, this happened before as well, but usually just sending them to stand in a corner far away solved this. I can't tell if any change has been made on the two fiends because of the quest, but now the two will still complain about the girls no matter where I put them, I need to get out of the bar and kick them out of the party before they'll talk to me. I though this was odd, especially when I talked to the Githerai engineer in the foundry and noticing that having Grace stand a bit back (far closer than with the two fiends) still served to have her spill everything about the weapon.

#25 gothemasticator

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Posted 09 January 2009 - 01:01 PM

I recently played through the yemeth/rake chaser quest as many ways as I could figure out, and I have one suggestion:

If you sign the contract and then kill rake chaser anyway, shouldn't your alignment shift toward chaotic, even just a little? Breaking a contract does seem like an unlawful thing to do.

Now, in thinkin that through, I wonder if the contract still stands even though the human male form of the fiend is dead. Would the surviving being, in whatever form it's higher-ups give it, still be bound by the contract? If this is so, then perhaps no alignment shift is necessary, since the lawful fiends at the bar basically do the same to the pc.

What do you think?

PS Qwinn, it's fun to see you contributing to Drog's patch thread, too!


EDIT: I think it is strange that even after hearing all information from rake-chaser the pc needs to identify the pendant of yemeth. Is there a way to trigger item-identified by checking which dialogue paths have been taken?

Edited by gothemasticator, 09 January 2009 - 02:29 PM.

#26 narfi ref

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Posted 18 January 2009 - 06:51 PM

If you talk to Ratbone, and then speak to Rakechaser without speaking to anyone else, you get prompted to kill him, possibly without any other options other than leave; I'm not sure. If you then go to the two Ba'atezu in the bar, they act as if you've made a deal with them.

#27 gothemasticator

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Posted 25 January 2009 - 11:18 PM

Just like to confirm: 1) Killing the Rake, then attempting to talk to the Rake-Chaser during the day results in an Ubiquitous Zombie.

Same result in my game.


#28 Qwinn

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Posted 26 January 2009 - 03:29 AM

Cool, that'll definitely be fixed in the next version. Thanks for the report.


#29 -Guest-

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Posted 07 February 2009 - 11:31 AM

I just finished this one. I signed the renegotiated contract and killed the eiryenes as she was walking away, then killed the fiends after giving them the pendant.

Xquix helped me out and I ended up killing him too. I found it amusing he thought me too lawful to help out as I was 83 points chaotic on the scale of souls.

slightly off topic:
Saves changed with the editors available crash the game when loaded.

#30 POINGjam

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 02:16 PM

After I've gotten the pendant and killed all the fiends, is there anything left?  Does the pendant actually do anything, or should I just sell it?

#31 Qwinn

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Posted 30 March 2009 - 08:35 PM

As of the current version, it doesn't do anything.


#32 -Dalehound-

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Posted 11 October 2009 - 07:47 AM

I definitely enjoyed this quest. I made the deal with Rake Chaser and just left him alone after that. Killed the Fiends.

I like the idea of having...



As it is, its not that hard to beat the slave. I'd also expect to see people getting suspicious with him doing the staggering thing at some points such as when you mention a wager on it.

Also, letting Morte go wild on him is perfect.

To kill him fresh out of the Mortuary, all you need is either get Dak'kon or Taunt him with Morte. Spoils the later quest but...

What I'd also love to see is Rake Chaser reacting to you afterword. Making the deal. Its like you didn't have it in place if you don't kill him. Hopefully in the expanded?

#33 Markus Ramikin

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Posted 11 October 2009 - 08:58 AM

Hm... I don't get this quest. It didn't really work for me. I talked to the fellow in Ragpicker's Square and he told me the story, but it didn't start any quest... some time later I talked to rake and somehow I had the dialogue option to tell him I'm going to kill him (why?)... Then once I killed him I got the pendant of yemeth and that's it. There wasn't any quest and there wasn't any real -sense- to it all.

Edited by Markus Ramikin, 11 October 2009 - 08:59 AM.


#34 Qwinn

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Posted 11 October 2009 - 01:21 PM


Ratbone in Ragpickers points you to the two devils in the Smoldering Corpse Bar, who have a -lot- to say about it all. If you skipped that part of it, I can see why you feel the way you do.

I didn't add journal or quest entries because the dialogue file didn't have any for me to restore, and I figured people would rather be assured that the writing and dialogue in the restored quest really is 100% Black Isle content rather than having me adding stuff of that nature and wondering if what they're seeing was original or by me.


Edited by Qwinn, 11 October 2009 - 01:27 PM.

#35 Skie Nightfall

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Posted 23 April 2010 - 03:47 AM

Just like to confirm: 1) Killing the Rake, then attempting to talk to the Rake-Chaser during the day results in an Ubiquitous Zombie.

Same result in my game.


That still happens :)

What you can do however is kill Rake during the day and speak to Chaser during the night.

Edited by Skie Nightfall, 23 April 2010 - 03:59 AM.

#36 -Stinker-

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Posted 18 June 2010 - 10:10 AM

I was reading around and found a mention of you stating an update to the quest would be a while coming... something around 2010? I just happed to check the date and it appears that the time is here. Do you still have thoughts/ideas/plans along that line?

#37 Freddy

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Posted 13 July 2010 - 02:29 PM

Hello I would also like to know!

I am playing through the game as a thief and I think I will play it as a mage next. I was going to wait until the next version of your mods are released before making the next character so I was wondering if you had a general idea of around when you plan to release 5.0

#38 Wally.S

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Posted 06 August 2010 - 01:29 PM

I just went through the Pendant of Yemeth Quest and found a couple of issues with it.

* If you go ahead and kill Rake-Chaser and take the pendant before talking to the fiends in The Burning Corpse, the fiends will talk to you like they've already given you the quest to retrieve the pendant.
If you give them the pendant and afterwards engage them in conversation, they have forgotten all about it, and you can ask about the suspicious dustman and get the introduction to the quest.

* When I give them the pendant, they try to bestow me some power but fail because of some magic laid upon me (TNO). Does this happen under all circumstances or can this magic be removed somehow? After the fiends have gotten the pendant, you will no longer be able to choose a dialogue regarding the pendant or the promised power.

* If you choose not to give the pendant to the fiends, they will attack you to get it. If you loose the fight, you will end up in the mortuary but you will still have the pendant, they wanted to rob from you. :D

- But those issues aside I found it to be a very interesting quest. Funny fiends. :-)

#39 Freddy

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Posted 08 August 2010 - 07:51 AM

* When I give them the pendant, they try to bestow me some power but fail because of some magic laid upon me (TNO). Does this happen under all circumstances or can this magic be removed somehow? After the fiends have gotten the pendant, you will no longer be able to choose a dialogue regarding the pendant or the promised power.

There is no way to remove the magic, there is no reward for the quest. I remember reading there were plans to do something with this quest in the future, to finish it and give it some kind of reward.

#40 -Seth-

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Posted 23 August 2010 - 03:40 PM

I've recently been playing Torment for the first time in years with all the fancy patches and such, including UB. I'm having a problem with this quest. I talked to Ratbone and got his request for 5 rat tails. However, I already had 5 tails (the rat tail charms that provide thiefy bonuses, right?) in my inventory, and when I talked to him again, he had no option to take them. He says "Do you have the tails" and my only option is to say "No I don't." Dropping and picking up the tails doesn't seem to do anything. Is there anything I can do to progress the quest? I haven't significantly interacted with anyone in the quest yet, I spoke to Rake-Chaser earlier but just asked him my questions about Pharod/journal/etc. Thanks.