First off all good that someone answered my post. I thought this topic was dead. The way to do it is actually pretty simple(in concept) ; medium difficulty because on extreme difficulty you die quite fast. Buy a lot of healing needles. My weapon used was a bone dagger +1 with +1 attack speed good damage and me having proficiency in daggers. I find it is better than a enchanted axe. Also buff yourself with whatever spells dakon has.
Give them the pedant to receive 1000xp, then choose to attack them; after this ilquix will transform and aid you(not very efficient by the way, you may need to reload the game as ilquix does not always morph) keep morte and dakon hitting one target.As your
HP lowers pause the game and heall yourself right up. Many needles i mean like 60. I suspect the +2
ac tatoo and a +2 strenght tatoo would help a lot. If the fiends switch to morte or dakon run with the respective
npc and hit the fiends as they go

. Yes i know a grueling dance of micro but eventually u will kill 1 fiend. After you kill the second you retrieve the pendant for your self then speak to ilquix. You have an option to "convince" him that lawful is better than chaotic. Choose that and fight him. 12k
xp. After fiends + ilquix you get like 27k
xp. The level gap in my case was 32k but i had like 5k made over it. With this achievement I gained a level. Is that such a big deal. I imagine fighting the fiends as a mage or as a thief would be pretty impossible

. If you do not wish to do this you must part with the pendant and gain I must say an acceptable 1000
xp for your level and game area. But maybe you need it later who knows.
Another question, what the hell is the sleeping briaur( centaur goat ) in the arno's flophouse? My first time playing this game and i already found pharod and i am about to start his quest. I really hate to leave some loose ends. Oh, do I need Ilquix later on ? Should I not kill him?