Might want to post your code. I'm guessing you missed a bracket or tilde or something like that.
Thanks for your time Miloch.
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.sto$~ ~override~
READ_LONG 0x2c "buy_off" ELSE 0
READ_LONG 0x30 "buy_num" ELSE 0
READ_LONG 0x34 "sale_off" ELSE 0
READ_LONG 0x4c "drink_off" ELSE 0
READ_LONG 0x70 "cure_off" ELSE 0
SET "bolts" = 0
FOR (index = 0 ; index < buy_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN
READ_LONG ("%buy_off%" + ("%index%" * 0x04)) "item"
PATCH_IF ("%item%" = 5) BEGIN // arrows
SET "bolts" = 1
PATCH_IF ("%item%" = 31) BEGIN // bolts
SET "bolts" = 2
SET "index" = "%buy_num%" // kills loop
PATCH_IF ("%bolts%" = 1) BEGIN // if arrows but no bolts
INSERT_BYTES "%buy_off%" 0x04
WRITE_LONG "%buy_off%" 31
WRITE_LONG 0x30 ("%buy_num%" + 1)
// adjust offsets for older-formatted stores
PATCH_IF ("%sale_off%" > "%buy_off%") BEGIN
WRITE_LONG 0x34 ("%sale_off%" + 0x04)
PATCH_IF ("%drink_off%" > "%buy_off%") BEGIN
WRITE_LONG 0x4c ("%drink_off%" + 0x04)
PATCH_IF ("%cure_off%" > "%buy_off%") BEGIN
WRITE_LONG 0x70 ("%cure_off%" + 0x04)
COPY_EXISTING ~kuobolt.itm~ ~override~ // kuo-toa bolts
~sahbolt.itm~ ~override~ // sahuagin bolts
WRITE_LONG 0x34 30 // guess
COPY_EXISTING ~kuobolt2.itm~ ~override~ // kuo-toa bolts
~kuobolt3.itm~ ~override~ // kuo-toa bolts
WRITE_LONG 0x34 30 // guess
BEGIN ~Full Plate .BAM~
COPY ~CA_Tweaks/misc/IPLAT04.bam~ ~override~
BEGIN ~Moose Paperdoll~
COPY ~CA_Tweaks/misc/amooinv.bam~ ~override~
BEGIN ~Meepo Soundset~
COPY ~CA_Tweaks/soundset~ ~override~
COPY_EXISTING ~meepo.cre~ ~override~
SAY INITIAL_MEETING ~Err...hello.~ [Meepo _Initial Meeting_]
SAY HAPPY ~I is good servant, oh yes.~ [Meepo _Happy_]
SAY UNHAPPY_ANNOYED ~But you can't.~ [Meepo _Unhappy Annoyed_]
SAY UNHAPPY_SERIOUS ~You demandings after big drinking binge maybe?~ [Meepo _Unhappy Serious_]
SAY UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT ~You going to Hell!~ [Meepo _Breaking Point_]
SAY LEADER ~Yes oh yes. Call on me you may.~ [Meepo _Leader_]
SAY TIRED ~I wants a nap maybe.~ [Meepo _Tired_]
SAY BORED ~You not got better things to do like quests, maybe?~ [Meepo _Bored_]
SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~I lops off heads like nobody's business!~ [Meepo _Battle Cry 1_]
SAY ATTACK1 ~Ok, stand back then, coulds be messy!~ [Meepo _Attack 1_]
SAY ATTACK2 ~Hit you on the head and leave lump, maybe?~ [Meepo _Attack 2_]
SAY DYING ~Aaauh nu!~ [Meepo _Dying_]
SAY HURT ~No hurst, no hurts, pleeese no hurst!~ [Meepo _Hurt_]
SAY AREA_FOREST ~Something here smells like dirt? Needs good washing maybe.~ [Meepo _Area Forrest_]
SAY AREA_CITY ~What is this, stale cookie? Ugh, that is no cookie.~ [Meepo _Area City_]
SAY AREA_DUNGEON ~Coulds get lost in here. Maybe you shoulds get me a candle, or maybe a parakeet in cage. Ugh, smelly.~ [Meepo _Area Dungeon_]
SAY AREA_DAY ~Ok I... oh! I steps in something squishy.~ [Meepo _Area Day_]
SAY AREA_NIGHT ~Maybe you shoulds get me a candle.~ [Meepo _Area Night_]
SAY SELECT_COMMON1 ~What?~ [Meepo _Select Common 1_]
SAY SELECT_COMMON2 ~What else, what else, what else?~ [Meepo _Select Common 2_]
SAY SELECT_COMMON3 ~Huh, string? Oooo, good string it is. Like string when you tie shoelaces together, but better.~ [Meepo _Select Common 3_]
SAY SELECT_COMMON4 ~Oooo, pretty colors.~ [Meepo _Select Common 4_]
SAY SELECT_COMMON5 ~Dum de du dum dum de.~ [Meepo _Select Common 5_]
SAY SELECT_COMMON6 ~Don't be so pushy!~ [Meepo _Select Common 6_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION1 ~Ok, is your game I supposes.~ [Meepo _Select Action 1_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION2 ~You demanding you is.~ [Meepo _Select Action 2_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION3 ~I'm just a slave, workin, slavein away.~ [Meepo _Select Action 3_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION4 ~Ooo, nice work. Marvelous, just marvelous.~ [Meepo _Select Action 4_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION5 ~What else I gots to do? Cut toenails?~ [Meepo _Select Action 5_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION6 ~Fine, fine. Has it your way.~ [Meepo _Select Action 6_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION7 ~Hum, this coulds take all day.~ [Meepo _Select Action 7_]
SAY REACT_TO_DIE_GENERAL ~Hell isn't place for you, maybe a?~ [Meepo _React To Die General_]
SAY CRITICAL_HIT ~Pow! Straight to the moon!~ [Meepo _Critical Hit_]
SAY CRITICAL_MISS ~Hell!~ [Meepo _Critical Miss_]
SAY TARGET_IMMUNE ~Dooooooooom.~ [Meepo _Target Immune_]
SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~You has lots of stuff, you do. Packrat you is.~ [Meepo _Inventory Full_]
SAY PICKED_POCKET ~Oooo, what's this?~ [Meepo _Picked Pocket_]
BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES linenums:0'>BACKUP ~CA_Tweaks/backup~ // location to store files for
AUTHOR ~sampsca@yahoo.com~ // email address displayed if install fails
README ~CA_Tweaks/readme.txt~
BEGIN~Make Misc Bags of Holding Bottomless~
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.sto$~ ~override~
READ_LONG 0x08 "itemtype" ELSE 0
PATCH_IF ("%itemtype%" = 5) BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT 0x22 65535
BEGIN~Rest Anywhere~
COPY_EXISTING ~ar0087.are~ ~override/xr2400.are~
~ar0087.are~ ~override/xr2600.are~
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.are$~ ~override~
READ_BYTE 0x48 "flags"
WRITE_BYTE 0x48 ("%flags%" BOR 0b10000000)
BEGIN~Sellable Items~
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.itm$~ ~override~
READ_SHORT 0x1c "type" ELSE 0 // 17 - mace, 18 - sling, 26 - staff, 37 - book
READ_LONG 0x34 "price" ELSE 0
PATCH_IF ((("%type%" = 17) OR ("%type%" = 18) OR ("%type%" = 26) OR ("%type%" = 37)) AND ("%price%" = 0)) BEGIN
WRITE_LONG 0x34 1 // set price to 1 gp
// stores which buy arrows now buy bolts (mainly affects BGT/Tutu)
COPY_EXISTING_REGEXP GLOB ~^.+\.sto$~ ~override~
READ_LONG 0x2c "buy_off" ELSE 0
READ_LONG 0x30 "buy_num" ELSE 0
READ_LONG 0x34 "sale_off" ELSE 0
READ_LONG 0x4c "drink_off" ELSE 0
READ_LONG 0x70 "cure_off" ELSE 0
SET "bolts" = 0
FOR (index = 0 ; index < buy_num ; index = index + 1) BEGIN
READ_LONG ("%buy_off%" + ("%index%" * 0x04)) "item"
PATCH_IF ("%item%" = 5) BEGIN // arrows
SET "bolts" = 1
PATCH_IF ("%item%" = 31) BEGIN // bolts
SET "bolts" = 2
SET "index" = "%buy_num%" // kills loop
PATCH_IF ("%bolts%" = 1) BEGIN // if arrows but no bolts
INSERT_BYTES "%buy_off%" 0x04
WRITE_LONG "%buy_off%" 31
WRITE_LONG 0x30 ("%buy_num%" + 1)
// adjust offsets for older-formatted stores
PATCH_IF ("%sale_off%" > "%buy_off%") BEGIN
WRITE_LONG 0x34 ("%sale_off%" + 0x04)
PATCH_IF ("%drink_off%" > "%buy_off%") BEGIN
WRITE_LONG 0x4c ("%drink_off%" + 0x04)
PATCH_IF ("%cure_off%" > "%buy_off%") BEGIN
WRITE_LONG 0x70 ("%cure_off%" + 0x04)
COPY_EXISTING ~kuobolt.itm~ ~override~ // kuo-toa bolts
~sahbolt.itm~ ~override~ // sahuagin bolts
WRITE_LONG 0x34 30 // guess
COPY_EXISTING ~kuobolt2.itm~ ~override~ // kuo-toa bolts
~kuobolt3.itm~ ~override~ // kuo-toa bolts
WRITE_LONG 0x34 30 // guess
BEGIN ~Full Plate .BAM~
COPY ~CA_Tweaks/misc/IPLAT04.bam~ ~override~
BEGIN ~Moose Paperdoll~
COPY ~CA_Tweaks/misc/amooinv.bam~ ~override~
BEGIN ~Meepo Soundset~
COPY ~CA_Tweaks/soundset~ ~override~
COPY_EXISTING ~meepo.cre~ ~override~
SAY INITIAL_MEETING ~Err...hello.~ [Meepo _Initial Meeting_]
SAY HAPPY ~I is good servant, oh yes.~ [Meepo _Happy_]
SAY UNHAPPY_ANNOYED ~But you can't.~ [Meepo _Unhappy Annoyed_]
SAY UNHAPPY_SERIOUS ~You demandings after big drinking binge maybe?~ [Meepo _Unhappy Serious_]
SAY UNHAPPY_BREAKING_POINT ~You going to Hell!~ [Meepo _Breaking Point_]
SAY LEADER ~Yes oh yes. Call on me you may.~ [Meepo _Leader_]
SAY TIRED ~I wants a nap maybe.~ [Meepo _Tired_]
SAY BORED ~You not got better things to do like quests, maybe?~ [Meepo _Bored_]
SAY BATTLE_CRY1 ~I lops off heads like nobody's business!~ [Meepo _Battle Cry 1_]
SAY ATTACK1 ~Ok, stand back then, coulds be messy!~ [Meepo _Attack 1_]
SAY ATTACK2 ~Hit you on the head and leave lump, maybe?~ [Meepo _Attack 2_]
SAY DYING ~Aaauh nu!~ [Meepo _Dying_]
SAY HURT ~No hurst, no hurts, pleeese no hurst!~ [Meepo _Hurt_]
SAY AREA_FOREST ~Something here smells like dirt? Needs good washing maybe.~ [Meepo _Area Forrest_]
SAY AREA_CITY ~What is this, stale cookie? Ugh, that is no cookie.~ [Meepo _Area City_]
SAY AREA_DUNGEON ~Coulds get lost in here. Maybe you shoulds get me a candle, or maybe a parakeet in cage. Ugh, smelly.~ [Meepo _Area Dungeon_]
SAY AREA_DAY ~Ok I... oh! I steps in something squishy.~ [Meepo _Area Day_]
SAY AREA_NIGHT ~Maybe you shoulds get me a candle.~ [Meepo _Area Night_]
SAY SELECT_COMMON1 ~What?~ [Meepo _Select Common 1_]
SAY SELECT_COMMON2 ~What else, what else, what else?~ [Meepo _Select Common 2_]
SAY SELECT_COMMON3 ~Huh, string? Oooo, good string it is. Like string when you tie shoelaces together, but better.~ [Meepo _Select Common 3_]
SAY SELECT_COMMON4 ~Oooo, pretty colors.~ [Meepo _Select Common 4_]
SAY SELECT_COMMON5 ~Dum de du dum dum de.~ [Meepo _Select Common 5_]
SAY SELECT_COMMON6 ~Don't be so pushy!~ [Meepo _Select Common 6_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION1 ~Ok, is your game I supposes.~ [Meepo _Select Action 1_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION2 ~You demanding you is.~ [Meepo _Select Action 2_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION3 ~I'm just a slave, workin, slavein away.~ [Meepo _Select Action 3_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION4 ~Ooo, nice work. Marvelous, just marvelous.~ [Meepo _Select Action 4_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION5 ~What else I gots to do? Cut toenails?~ [Meepo _Select Action 5_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION6 ~Fine, fine. Has it your way.~ [Meepo _Select Action 6_]
SAY SELECT_ACTION7 ~Hum, this coulds take all day.~ [Meepo _Select Action 7_]
SAY REACT_TO_DIE_GENERAL ~Hell isn't place for you, maybe a?~ [Meepo _React To Die General_]
SAY CRITICAL_HIT ~Pow! Straight to the moon!~ [Meepo _Critical Hit_]
SAY CRITICAL_MISS ~Hell!~ [Meepo _Critical Miss_]
SAY TARGET_IMMUNE ~Dooooooooom.~ [Meepo _Target Immune_]SAY INVENTORY_FULL ~You has lots of stuff, you do. Packrat you is.~ [Meepo _Inventory Full_]SAY PICKED_POCKET ~Oooo, what's this?~ [Meepo _Picked Pocket_]BUT_ONLY_IF_IT_CHANGES
"Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart-arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"
--<CHARNAME> to Portalbendarwinden
___________Old pen and paper modules of the 70s and 80s.___________
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