Once arrived in Brimstone Bridge area I got a CTD after a few seconds .
after some research I found this on this forum
I followed the advices given there but I must hve done stg wrong cause It changes nothing. I reload just before going to this unstable area but CTD again once arrived.
So I guess there must be stg I missed .
I followed this advice :
*** Fixed for the next version ***
To fix that locally just execute the following command line from your game directory and try your savegame again :CODEweidu --out override --biff-get-rest AM1700.*WAV(make sure you have WeiDU.exe there)
Just got the same problem, CTD after reaching the bridge area.
This could be a really thick question...but, how do I execute the "command line"? Do I run weidu.exe scroll through the options then enter the *whole* line when prompted or am I supposed to do this someplace else?
I tried on weidu.exe, typed the line "--out override --biff-get-rest AM1700.*WAV", the window closed by itself without any confirmation then I loaded BGII, opened my last autosave (ie the save before I move into the bridge area) but still got the crash. What am I doing wrong
Open Notepad, or wordpad, type the line into it, then "Save As", and name your file CtB Brimstone Bridge Fix.bat, then select "All Files" in the file type, and save it as a batch file. Put the batch file in your main SoA directory and double-click on it to execute it.
I've done this but I don't understand what does mean : "...and save it as a batch file...".