Your PC! Please share.
Posted 31 October 2008 - 01:55 AM
Mostly, though, I tend to create characters and play a bit with them and then lose interest. If I'm trying a new romance, I always create someone 'new' because I tend to attach PCs to romanceable NPCs (for example, Revel, my CN bard, will always be with Edwin, and Lara, my first ever cleric and second actual PC(!), will always be Anomen's.
AKA arabellaesque
Dragon Scoll
All alone, cold fields you wander
Memories of it cloud your sight
Fills your dreams, disturbs your slumber
Lost your way -- a fallen knight

Posted 10 November 2008 - 06:53 PM

Neutral Good
Geomantic Sorceror
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 16
Intelligence: 19
Wisdom: 17
Charisma: 19
Sehtaela is passionate and quick to anger with a glib tongue. She can also be quite rebelllious, loud, and extremely vulgar. Despite those things she is kind and loyal giving her trust and compassion only to those that earn it. She can also become rather depressed easily and enjoys a good drink every so often, not that she's ever gotten out of hand of course.

My other favorite one:

Neutral Good
Strength: 18/93
Dexterity: 19
Constitution: 15
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 18
Posted 17 November 2008 - 04:23 AM
Name: Adravuil
Race: Human
Class: Kensai, dual classed into mage at level 13( With TOB)
Age: 20
Alignment: Kensai can only be Lawful good but I think Chaotic Good is More good that Lawful.
Starting stats in BG!:
Str: 18
Dex: 18
Con: 18
Intelligence: 17
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 18
Note: Strangely enough, I didn't cheat these stats. There was this time when my keyboard was defected and, well, my computer was having a hard time and I spent about 15 minutes clicking reroll and suddenly I had all stats over 16, which was a real surprise.
So: Stats at the end of BG1:
Str: 19
Dex: 18
Con: 19
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 19
Charisma: 18
Those tomes were interesting. I found it odd that there were FOUR wisdom tomes though.
Needless to say I imported him into bg2. At the end of TOB, the stats were:
Str: 20
Dex: 18
Con: 20
Intelligence: 20
Wisdom: 19
Charisma: 19
In the Bhaal dream I gave up 1 wisdom and I also gave up the 1 dex in the hell trials, that + the machine of Lum the mad turned out like that^.
Basically, he's my most powerful character without using ANY mods installed. One version is when he was dual wielding Crom Faeyr and Runehammer and with four 9'th level mage spells he basically owned everyone with the rest of the party just for the more challenging Demogorgon or Mellissan battle and romance, npc story parts. My most often employed maneuver was Time Stop+ Improved alacrity, followed by 5 nukes and improved haste+ stoneskin and whatever other buffs, then hack and slash. Most spells I cast instantly because of the Robe of Vecna and Amulet of Power duo so it was Time Stop, then 1 round for improved alacrity, 1 round of nukes and buffs, one of cutting and slashing everyone and everything. Very often everyone was dead before the time stop was over.
My preferred variant is him wielding 2 swords though, celestial fury was a must and Foebane or Hindo's Doom in the off-hand. Obviously I'm somewhat of the sword dual wielding fan.
Character Personality:
Adravuil is the type of person who likes to have power but would like to not need that power. He never gets depressed because he knows that each experience can be viewed as a disaster or as an opportunity to develop himself. He enjoys the company of people who either have intelligence or don't need intelligence to be cool and dislikes those who arrogantly believe that the world would not go on without them or those over-pious priests or paladins who can't bring themselves to see that they might actually be wrong about burning a drow at the stake. He knows his worth and the worth of others and doesn't take advice from anyone except people whom he respects at least as much as he respect himself. He knows that right and wrong are subject to each person's perception and that there is no absolute truth, therefore he doesn't judge people and only engages his enemies when he is given no other alternative. When making enemies, he first tries to resolve the matters peacefully, knowing that whatever is beyond the surface may hold the key to mutual understanding. When he gains a new companion, he realizes that he must guide him to put his life in order because no one can rely on someone who is running away from his past to watch his back. He believes that, sometimes, the end justifies the means so long as no one gets killed or winds up with irreparable physical or psychological trauma. Believing that good and evil are mutually intertwined, he avoids killing because, as long as one lives, there is still a chance that one may return to the good path and that chance he has no right to take away. As far as destiny goes, he doesn't dwell on it much. He believes that besides either accepting or fighting one's destiny, there is also the choice of ignoring it completely. Thus, he does not like to be known as someone who really helps those in need. He only tries to help people become strong or confident enough to meet their own challenges without needing extra help. He only intervenes when the malice or sadism of a higher power throws at someone a challenge they are not strong enough to face alone.
As far as attitude goes, he likes to undertake battles of wit or have a nice, hearty discussion over an ale. In matters of the heart, he knows when to wait and when to act, and when he does, he doesn't use any platonic cliches. He doesn't strive to make a relationship work. If a relationship is going to work, it will have to work without any dissimulation. He believes that happiness can only be achieved by staying true to one's self and only when being true to one's self doesn't prevent the partner from being true to herself as well.
Well, I wrote a bit much, but that's life

Posted 17 November 2008 - 12:59 PM
Posted 17 November 2008 - 01:23 PM
I didn't find any dex tomes though, which really aggravated me.
Posted 17 November 2008 - 01:40 PM
There is ONE in candlekeep, one on he top floor of Durlags Tower and one in the pocket of the priestess you need to get the childs body from, I think.
The only other one in CandleKeep is the Strength one.
Anyway, your stats only show three WIS difference

Posted 05 December 2008 - 05:41 AM
That's because I gave one point up in the dream while Irenicus was sucking out my soul. I'm serious, I played BG1 twice and found 4 tomes of wisdom each time. If you don't believe me, well, that's fineAnyway, your stats only show three WIS difference

P.S. Yeah, reaaaaaly late reply, but weirder things have happened.
Posted 05 December 2008 - 08:50 AM
EDIT: Attached my NI hits for an unmodded, patched game.
Attached Files
Edited by Icendoan, 05 December 2008 - 08:55 AM.
Posted 05 December 2008 - 09:54 AM
That's because I gave one point up in the dream while Irenicus was sucking out my soul. I'm serious, I played BG1 twice and found 4 tomes of wisdom each time. If you don't believe me, well, that's fineAnyway, your stats only show three WIS difference
Math isn't my strongest side but... you started BG1 with 16 WIS and ended it with 19 WIS. That should mean it increased by three. Irenicus soul-sucking comes into play about half a game after you stated to have 19 WIS so I don't think that go anything to do with it.
- Death, Hogfather (Terry Pratchett)
Arr! There be a pirate in the making!
Posted 05 December 2008 - 12:09 PM
Posted 05 December 2008 - 01:04 PM
STR Tome: Candlekeep
DEX Tome: Thieves Guild, barrel behind Black Lily
CON Tome: Sirine's Cave
INT Tome: Top of Ramazith's tower
WIS Tomes: Durlag's Tower, top floor on the altar, Candlekeep, Chanthlas Ulbright in BG
CHA Tome: Cave south of Gnoll Fortress.
Posted 06 December 2008 - 01:09 AM
Race: Half-Elf
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Gender: Male
Class: Priest of Talos Level: 40
Number of Attacks: 1
Lore: 120
Magic Resistance: 100
Saving Throws
Paralyze/Poison/Death: 2
Rod/Staff/Wand: 6
Petrify/Polymorph: 5
Breath Weapon: 8
Spells: 7
Quantity Item
1 Ardulia's Fall +1
1 Belt of Inertial Barrier
1 Boots of Avoidance
1 Bracers of Blinding Strike
1 Cloak of Non-Detection
1 Crom Faeyr Scroll
1 Dragon Helm
1 Flail of Ages +5
1 Fortress Shield +3
1 Gauntlets of Ogre Power
1 Gesen Bow Shaft
1 Gesen Bow String
1 Girdle of Frost Giant Strength
1 Gorgon Plate +4
1 Grease
1 Hammer of Thunderbolts +3
1 Holy Symbol of Talos
1 Ring of Free Action
1 Shadow Thief Cellar Key
1 Wave Blade
1 Wave Shaft
Spell Book
Level Spell
1 Bless
1 Command
1 Cure Light Wounds
1 Detect Evil
1 Doom
1 Horror
1 Larloch's Minor Drain
1 Lightning Bolt
1 Magic Stone
1 Protection From Evil
1 Remove Fear
1 Sanctuary
1 Shillelagh
1 Storm Shield
1 Vampiric Touch
2 Aid
2 Barkskin
2 Chant
2 Draw Upon Holy Might
2 Find Traps
2 Flame Blade
2 Hold Person
2 Know Alignment
2 Resist Fire/Cold
2 Silence 15' Radius
2 Slow Poison
2 Spiritual Hammer
3 Animate Dead
3 Cure Disease
3 Cure Medium Wounds
3 Dispel Magic
3 Glyph of Warding
3 Invisibility Purge
3 Miscast Magic
3 Protection From Fire
3 Remove Curse
3 Remove Paralysis
3 Rigid Thinking
3 Strength of One
3 Unholy Blight
3 Zone of Sweet Air
4 Animal Summoning I
4 Cause Serious Wounds
4 Cloak of Fear
4 Cure Serious Wounds
4 Death Ward
4 Defensive Harmony
4 Farsight
4 Free Action
4 Holy Power
4 Lesser Restoration
4 Mental Domination
4 Negative Plane Protection
4 Neutralize Poison
4 Poison
4 Protection From Evil 10' radius
4 Protection From Lightning
5 Animal Summoning II
5 Cause Critical Wounds
5 Champion's Strength
5 Chaotic Commands
5 Cure Critical Wounds
5 Flame Strike
5 Greater Command
5 Magic Resistance
5 Mass Cure
5 Raise Dead
5 Repulse Undead
5 Righteous Magic
5 Slay Living
5 True Seeing
6 Aerial Servant
6 Animal Summoning III
6 Blade Barrier
6 Bolt of Glory
6 Conjure Animals
6 False Dawn
6 Harm
6 Heal
6 Physical Mirror
6 Sol's Searing Orb
6 Wondrous Recall
7 Aura of Flaming Death
7 Confusion
7 Earthquake
7 Elemental Summoning
7 Energy Blades
7 Finger of Death
7 Fire Storm
7 Gate
7 Globe of Blades
7 Greater Restoration
7 Implosion
7 Mass Raise Dead
7 Regeneration
7 Resurrection
7 Shield of the Archons
7 Storm of Vengeance
7 Summon Fallen Deva
7 Sunray
7 Symbol, Death
7 Symbol, Fear
7 Symbol, Stun
7 Unholy Word
Edited by Lady Neverwinter, 06 December 2008 - 01:12 AM.
Posted 06 December 2008 - 12:23 PM
Hmm... Wait, wasn't there a time in BG1 where you had to give up one point? Or was it just in BG2 and I've got my facts mixed up?He said there was 2 in Candlekeep, when there is the STR tome and WIS tome there.
STR Tome: Candlekeep
DEX Tome: Thieves Guild, barrel behind Black Lily
CON Tome: Sirine's Cave
INT Tome: Top of Ramazith's tower
WIS Tomes: Durlag's Tower, top floor on the altar, Candlekeep, Chanthlas Ulbright in BG
CHA Tome: Cave south of Gnoll Fortress.
If so, then... lol, talk about being delusional.
Posted 06 December 2008 - 01:16 PM
Posted 06 December 2008 - 01:32 PM
I'm thinking you're combining Bg1&2.Hmm... Wait, wasn't there a time in BG1 where you had to give up one point? Or was it just in BG2 and I've got my facts mixed up?
If so, then... lol, talk about being delusional.
3 tomes in BG1, one lost in dream, one Stat increase from hell trials=3.

"She was a fire, and I had no doubt that she had already done her share of burning." - Lord Firael Algathrin
"Most assume that all the followers of Lathander are great morning people. They're very wrong." - Tanek of Cloakwood
we are all adults playing a fantasy together, - cmorgan
Posted 17 December 2010 - 05:23 AM
Vherdel Viperblade
Human Assassin
Neutral evil
Stats:------------ended with:
Str 18-------------str 21
dex 18-------------dex 20
con 18-------------con 20
int 15-------------int 17
wis 12-------------wis 15
cha 12-------------cha 14
( Yeah I got lucky )
Vherdel is a cold blooded killer, and is for hire for anyone who posses enough money.
A true succesor to his father, he is an assassin, and revels in death and slaughter.
He is very egocentric, and cares only for himself and power.
Any party members who might join him will find a blade in their back should they not agree with his decissions, or when the chance for profit arises.
He does not fear his taint, but controls it to deal death at his targets.
Obviously, becoming the new lord of murder is his goal, and none shall keep him from this goal.
He is cunning, calculating, cruel and strikes when the time is right.
Never helps anyone but himself unless he gets paid enough ( and even then double-crosses them ).
Slythe Krystin
Human Necromancer
Lawfull evil.
Stats:-------------Ended with:
str 13-------------Str 15
dex 18-------------dex 20
con 16-------------con 18
int 18-------------int 20
wis 18-------------wis 21
cha 14-------------cha 16
Slythe is a charismatic person, who often talks pleasantly with others, only to decieve them in the end.
He prefers to avoid open fights, but when he does fight he will unleash his death magics to instantly kill his foes without too much effort.
His only goal is to gain more knowledge about the arcane, and likes bending foul spirits to his will, and take the souls of the innocents to boost his powers.
He wants to become a lich, but when he found out he was a child of bhaal, obviously becoming a god would be preferable to that, since he'll have an eternity to study and gain more knowledge and power.
He often acts friendly only to gain information and knowledge he needs.
Edited by Vherdel, 17 December 2010 - 05:32 AM.