Your PC! Please share.
Posted 06 July 2008 - 11:32 PM
I'm not sure if this has been done already but I looked (a bit) and didn't see any evidence so I'll risk it. Here's mine that I'm going to take into my next bg game.
Name: Zevrad
Human Mage! (Haven't decided specialization)
Lawful Neutral
Zevrad is dedicated to the Art and a reluctant adventurer, he rarely does anything without expecting something in return but occasionally does deeds for nothing, mainly for a good word in to the right people. he normally doesn't go out of his way to do any evil deeds or annoy anyone because it usually doesn't end well.
He believes guidelines and rules are essential in everything around him, there must be guilds for certain things, nice divided sections of the city by contents etc etc, If people or things act out of a feasible and sensible guideline, things will get out of hand and confusing and Zev dosen't like that, it gives him a headache. Bizarrely enough he doesn't apply much of this lawful restriction to himself, If there's a powerful spell or artifact he needs he dosen't mind going under someone's nose. it's the OTHER people who need to know their place. (he sounds a bit edwinny but I assure you there's differences)
well that's him off the top of my head, you don't have to write yours like I did, so be creative!
Posted 07 July 2008 - 05:30 AM
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Fighter/Mage/Thief
Alignment: Neutral Evil (Lawful Good/Neutral Good/Chaotic Good)
Biography: Just because someone is Evil doesn't mean they need to be an asshole. Yuutt is intelligent enough to know that the best way to success is to be whoever you need to be at any given moment in time. If that means acquiring a favourable reputation from helping people in need while at the same time taking whatever he wants, then so be it. He will strive not to harm his own reputation however, as he has worked long and hard to get people to trust him and appreciates the benefits of appearing as a saviour of sorts.
In game terms, this means metagaming and powergaming to the nth degree. Yuutt is really Neutral Evil but appears as Lawful Good (For the starting Reputation bonus) and his actions are those of whatever gets me the best benefit in a given situation, so they run the range between Lawful Good and Chaotic Good (Neutral Good most likely). He lies, steals and cheats as much as I need him to in order to finish every quest with the best possible reward. It is for the reason of complete powergaming and metagaming that I have made him a Fighter/Mage/Thief and applied the tweak that gives triple-class characters access to more Mage HLAs, as well as always ensuring he takes UAI so that he can do damn near anything.
Posted 07 July 2008 - 05:52 AM
Race: Human, mostly.
Class: It's always a fighter of some kind, or a Shapeshifter.
Alignment: Depending on rules a Lawful Good to True Neutral, although he behaves like he would be Chaotic Evil(-Neutral).
I always take a huge party with him, and so I don't have to Dual/Multi-class him to anything else, as then I would loose the fighters advantages on the slayer form etc.(Power gaming a little.)
Deactivated account. The user today is known as The Imp.
Posted 07 July 2008 - 07:12 AM
Race: Elf
Class: Either a Stalker or a Mage.
Alignment is usually something neutral for a Mage and CG for Stalker
Always solo.
Posted 07 July 2008 - 07:31 AM
Name: Kerys
Race: Human
Class: Cavalier
Alignment: LG (duh) (though she acts more NG-CG)
Kerys is a bit disillusioned after all that has befallen her and Imoen since leaving Candlekeep, but still strives to maintain her ideals. She is painfully aware of her own flaws, and because of this is rather understanding of the flaws of others. She is not beyond bouts of self-righteousness, however. She's loyal to a fault and values loyalty in others above all. She's hard-working, dedicated, and prone to occasional fits of raging immaturity. Once she commits to something, she is determined to see it through. She likes fighting with bastard swords, long swords, flails, or axes.
I'm currently trying to run a no-mage game, using armor to disable the arcane abilities of Aerie (and later Immy). Heavy on cleric/druidic powers, though. So, Kerys' traveling companions are Jaheira, Minsc, Anomen, Kivan, and Aerie.
Edited by Amaurea, 07 July 2008 - 11:49 AM.
Posted 07 July 2008 - 07:58 AM
Race: Elf (wild elf)
Class: Stalker (or Ranger in BG1)
Alignment: Neutral Good at the moment, but I plan change it to Chaotic Good next time(due to character development current alignment doesn't suit to her as much as previously).
Well, I've never been good at writing characteristics, so it would be short and simple:
She is adventurous, sometimes even annoyingly wild and crazy, but she can be really sensitive and serious if the situation demands it. She has that specific stoic sense of optimism, it means that she knows that the world is often cruel and sad, but there is always hope and there are the things that are worth fighting for. As a wild elf ranger she loves nature and animals, especially wolves (you didn't expect that from me, did you?

In the fight she uses generally sword and often takes the greatest risk.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay)
My deviantArt account / my dragon lair
Posted 07 July 2008 - 08:03 AM
Race: Halfling
Class: Sorcerer
Alignment: TN.
A clever, astute girl, with withering wit and a brain to make Edwin drool. Despises the condescension with which most people approach halflings, and, despite the R-E-S-P-E-C-T attitude she demands of her male companions, secretly just wants someone to love. She's got a halfling's sense of humour, though. Ever a pragmatist, she takes along the companions that'll be the most useful. She's been known to have a little dalliance with everyone's favourite Thayvian.
I usually use this this picture of Natasha Kinski, resized, as her portrait.
Click to feed.
Adopted from Valenth
My adoptables > Your adoptables.
Posted 07 July 2008 - 08:40 AM
Class: Mage
Alignment: True Neutral
She is an incredibly kind hearted smart ass and does love to help the innocent but has a short fuse creating tension between her and most everything in existence. She hates when people underestimate her which seems to happen to her often. Darla has a tendency to make boastful remarks and trying to make people feel stupid. She does to other people what she feels the world should do to her, while treating them the same way they treat her. She puts herself in the middle of other peoples drama as she believes she is the cure to everyone's problems. Yet she is mostly out for herself and loves to watch people rot in their own mess when they deserve it. She is the type of girl who seems kind and nosy at first but it you turn around she'll cut out your heart and feast upon it while your still alive.(ala Indiana Jones style)
Edited by darlarosa, 07 July 2008 - 08:42 AM.

"Feeling unknown
And you're all alone
Flesh and bone
By the telephone
Lift up the receiver
Ill make you a believer"
- Depeche Mode

Posted 07 July 2008 - 08:46 AM
Name: Hextoler Alier Abakaar (obv, I don't use all that, just Hextoler will do)
Race: Elven (sun elf actually)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Mage, non-specialist.
Hextoler is young, impatient, and brash. He feels that if something cannot be solved through words quickly, then only action will suffice, leading him to make numerous blunders, since he doesn't give diplomacy the chance it needs. He has a good heart though, and genuinely tries to help, and with the aid of his companions, he often does the right thing in a given situation. He values his friendships greatly, counting among his best and closest friends Keldorn, who's spiritual advice Hex values immensely, and Xan, who though depressing, can and has taught him much about elven society, which Hextoler has missed, on account of his parentage and all.
In battle, Hex prefers to let his spells do the talking, but knows the value of weapon training (in 3.5, he has one level of fighter). His favored weapon is the longsword, and for ranged battle, he carries a boomerang dagger, though he prefers his spells for ranged assaults. In terms of spell selection, he tends to prepare a number of weapon-like spells, such as Mordenkainen's Sword, Phantom Blade, and Black Blade of Disaster when he learns it. He likes using Stoneskin, Pro. Normal/Magical Weapons, and then Mislead at the beginning of a fight, then raining fiery doom upon the fools stupid enough to threaten him and his.
Posted 07 July 2008 - 08:56 AM
Race: Elf (Avariel)
Class: Monk (I love Shadowkeeper)
Alignment: Depending on whether or not the taint is active it ranges from Lawful Good to Chaotic Neutral.
Narra became a monk precisely to overcome the weaknesses any winged race might have on the ground, from clumsiness to brittle bones. Her elongated ears, even for an elf, are a birth defect and her hearing is worse than that of a human ? yet another reason why she had taken up training as a monk.
She is fully aware of her limits as a person or as a leader and would never cross them. Intelligent as she is she knows when to stick to diplomacy and when to bring down the house. Narra absolutely loathes gods and will not have anything to do with them if she can help it - mind you, they are of the same opinion. She also, and predictably, doesn't like paladins and clerics, Keldorn being the only exception.
During her stay in Irenicus' dungeon she had received horrible scaring neck-down which resulted in her covering her skin completely and shunning away from touching or being touched, even for the purpose of healing. After Suldanesselar she began to hate the elves (and to a degree hates herself for being one) and started to refer to herself as a Bhaalspawn accepting fully what she was much to the grief of her companions. The taint and her get along surprisingly well and uses it a lot in battles, and more often than not a partial Slayer transformation would make many reluctant mouth talk.
Narra is not evil as such but her very existence is seen as evil by many and as such all her actions are constantly weighted. It was after the loss and reconnection with her soul that she finally stopped giving a damn as to what the world thought about her.
Edited by Orthodoxia, 07 July 2008 - 10:05 PM.

Posted 07 July 2008 - 11:29 AM
Race: Human
Class: Invoker
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sonja spent much of her time in Candlekeep causing trouble with Imoen. The rest of the time she spent sticking her nose around the library and reading the dustiest of spellbooks. Though she always tries to do what she thinks is right, she doesn't give much thought to how she does it. As such, she will gladly lie, cheat, steal, kill and blunder her way through kobold infested caverns is she feels it serves a greater purpose. Those who cross her path find her bossy, foul-tempered, and stubborn - all true. But if they get to know her a little better, they'll find a sympathetic soul beneath her prickly shell.
When presented with a quest, she'll demand to find out more in the most rude manner possible without breaking the quest. She'll then begrudgingly accept before stumbling off to complete it.
Posted 07 July 2008 - 01:05 PM
Name: Dieda
Race: Half-elf
Class: Bard (Chorister)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
She sort of started out as me wanting to give her character (in the book her name is taken from) a second chance so her personality is based on that.
You could say she's a remarkable person in the most unremarkable way. She's physically weak, and though she is intelligent she's by no means a genius. A little naive, she tends to rely on her companions perhaps a little too much when it comes to responsibility or decisions. She has grown to be incredibly close to Imoen to the point of being inseparable. She looks a little like her as well (down to the hair), so people naturally grouped them together.
As a result, she doesn't quite cope with the events of Shadows Of Amn. She does try to stay positive, but (understandably) grows increasingly insecure and bitter.
It doesn't help her feelings that she's not much help when words don't help -- she is an artist more than anything else. She does have a very close connection to her goddess (whose name or identity she will not disclose to others) and finds her retreat in that. As such, simple healing spells come to her naturally but again, they're not exceptional. As the story unfolds she does learn, however, that she has a way of influencing people with her simple charm and progressively is driven by the need for (sometimes misguided) revenge.
Posted 07 July 2008 - 06:15 PM
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Priest of Helm/Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Neutral/Lawful Good
Biography: Despite the fact she was raised in Candlekeep, surrounded by watchers and books, she decided to walk path of priest. From young age, she was interested in healing others, especially injured animals. Although she tries to follow path of Helm, many times she found herself judging others through her emotion rather than logic. This eventually cause her alignment to change, and she abandons the path to follow Helm, although her desire to heal those who are wounded, both physically and mentally, have never faltered.
She is warm, loving person who easily makes friends, but she also gets easily hurt by those who betrays her. She is very fond of her sister, Imoen, and was especially glad when Imoen have fallen for Kelsey Coltrane, the charming young sorcerer. Eowyn herself falls in love with Anomen Delryn, whom she have met during her travel in Amn.
After the war with her siblings, Eowyn and Anomen were married and settled in Government District of Athkatla. Although, if legends were true, their adventure have never ended.
Name: Elbereth
Race: Elf
Class: Fighter/Mage
Alignment: Lawful Good
Biography: Elbereth was influenced heavily influenced by her childhood in Candlekeep, which caused her to walk a path as Fighter/Mage. She was extremely intelligent and strong girl, Gorion saw her telents and taught her art of magic, while watchers have taught her to be a warrior.
Although she is very fond of her sister, Imoen, they were complete opposite. While Imoen was running around stealing from others and causing little troubles here and there, Elbereth was quite and mostly kept to herself. Being an elf, and also much older than of Imoen, perhaps she felt that she is very different from others and there's something very strange about it.
During her travel in Baldur's Gate region, she have fallen in love with gloomy elf, Xan, but their relationship have ended when they have found out that she is a spawn of Bhaal. Wounded from her previous experience, she became more cautious of others until she meet Tsujatha, an alien elf from another plane. Both Elbereth and Tsujatha have experienced pain from their former love, they shared something very special in common from the beginning and it did not took them long to fall in love with each other.
After the war with her siblings, Elbereth and Tsujatha retired from adventure, and settled in Windspear Hills.
Posted 08 July 2008 - 04:27 PM

Chaotic Evil
Female Human
Str 18/75
Dex 17
Con 11
Int 16
Wis 09
Cha 15
Miriam does not reveal much about herself or her history. Multiple personalities ravage her mind which makes it hard to understand her at times, but there is truth in her words if you look hard enough, she does possess a unique insight into things.

One of many of my characters. This one happened to become a mod.
Posted 13 July 2008 - 04:43 PM
I had about seven seperate playthroughs since. My current one is a human female arcane avenger (from Improved Battles) named Zefraa.
Posted 15 July 2008 - 02:15 PM
The Main one:
Sammi Somara
Alignment: CG
Class: Wild Mage/ Wannabe Bard
Hyper, and permanently cheerful, Sammi speaks without thinking and will often randomly burst out into song. She constantly lets people know that she wants to be a bard. If she gets very upset, she will hit people with her quarterstaff, yelling "QUARTERSTAFF TO THE FACE!"
She's naive and trusting to a fault, and always tries to see the good in everyone, even her enemies. She's easygoing, and always willing to give someone a second or even a third chance. She can be a handful at times just because she's so bursting with energy. She falls in love with Xan, which is funny because he's her polar opposite.
Xelian Veranatos
Alignment: CN
Class: Bard (Jester kit)
Xelian is a practical joker to the very end. He enjoys giving people a hard time and can sometimes be a bit mean. Beneath it all though, he'll drop everything to help a friend in need. He and Haer'Dalis are 'partners-in-crime', as it were, and they're constantly getting in on each other's hare-brained schemes. He is currently romancing Jaheira.
Class: Paladin
Alignment: Obviously LG
Evie sticks tightly to the code of chivalry, always helping the weak and walking the path of righteousness. However in her fervor to help complete strangers she often forgets about the well-being of those close to her, and this causes her some regret. She found a soulmate in Anomen Delryn, despite the rest of the party's dislike of him.
Asdofel Lionside (but he goes by 'ASDF')
Alignment: CE
Class: Fighter/Thief
Basically ASDF makes the lives of everyone around him miserable. He coerces his party members into staying with him and delights in random violence in bloodshed. Upon the conclusion of the saga he ascends and terrorizes Faerun for millenia to come.
I hate Elminster!
(Proud Member of the We Hate Elminster Club)
The Maesters of Yevon: Putting the Spira back into 'conspiracy'.
Four Ways To Describe Sigil: The Cage, The Center of the Multiverse, The City of Doors, Doughnut on a Stick.
Posted 15 July 2008 - 11:00 PM
Cressa Greyfen
Female Half-elf
Mage/Thief (Burglar)
Chaotic Good
This character was based off my favorite PC from my D&D playing days, years ago. I've used her in Icewind Dale as well, in three different groups (one based on her adventuring group from my D&D days, one featuring her adventuring family I'd created as part of her backstory at the time, and one all-female group I cooked up). Note: I am a guy, and this is the only female PC I've used for Baldur's Gate, but I do like her the best.
I had to modify her personality slightly for BG, as the circumstances are very different, and she was not the leader of her group before, but I tried to retain her more defining traits.
Cressa is a kind-hearted woman, but the harsh realities of life have hardened her somewhat to the inevitable suffering of others. She won't empty her pockets for every beggar who approaches with a hand out, but she does try to do what she feels is right in most situations. Her thieving abilities came about mostly from her intense curiosity, which in turn led to her studies of magical lore and experimentation (her spell repertoire leans heavily on divination, alteration and illusion spells).
When she was younger, Cressa was very spirited and mischievous, but experience has matured her, and she comes across as rather aloof, though her dry wit frequently comes out.
Though she's kept company with several men before, she found herself in an unlikely relationship with the ex-Harper Jaheira.
Cassien (I've actually never settled on a name for this character, I've used several)
Male Human
Lawful Evil
Cassien studied swordplay as a young man, but soon after became fascinated by the arcane, so he abandoned his martial training for the study of magic. He quests now for personal power. He is a skilled fighter, but he prefers to use his magic first in battle. Enemies who close in to melee with him are subjected to either a quick sword thrust or an even quicker spell. His tactical use of magic is superb.
Cassien has little concern for the needs or desires of others, unless an opportunity to acquire more spells or magic items would result from his assistance. He is not above killing or robbing a former ally of any magic they possess if he feels he hasn't been dealt with fairly. He relishes destroying his foes, not through any lust for slaughter, but because he can.
Edited by MrToughGuy, 15 July 2008 - 11:03 PM.

Posted 16 July 2008 - 03:27 AM
Race: Elf
Class: Mage - Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Biography: Alaja spent her best years in Candelkeep, with her best friend Imoen. From childhood she was interested in magic and cleric abilities. Ally was studying hard. After her foster father was murdered by ?a man in spiky armor?, she went with Imoen explore the Sword Coast. She met her foster fathers? best friends Harpers Jaheira and Khalid. Ally wanted to understand why Gorion was killed. In same time she fell in love with arrogant Red Wizard.
After the End of Bhaalspawn Prophesy, they settled in Thay, to live a quiet and normal life.
Posted 16 July 2008 - 03:58 AM
Elven Sorcerer
Alignment TN
Bio: A sorcerer dedicated to his art, but not of destruction. Knowing no destructive spells he dominates and confuses the enemy, convincing them to suicide or to fight for him. A scary character.
Posted 18 July 2008 - 03:53 AM
CG Gnome Fighter/Illusionist
Oh, squiggly line in my eye fluid. I see you lurking there on the periphery of my vision. But when I try to look at you, you scurry away. Are you shy, squiggly line? Why only when I ignore you, do you return to the center of my eye? Oh, squiggly line, it's alright, you are forgiven.
? Stewie Griffin