Some of the high level spells force the player to watch cutscenes everytime he uses them. While spells like Mechanus' Cannon allow the player to click the cutscenes away others (well, at least Deathbolt and Celestial Host) don't. I understand that it's most likely to stress how powerful and whatnot high level spells are and maybe it's just me but I always found it quite annoying that I, as a player, have to watch a cutscene I already know in and out everytime I cast a spell. So what I'm asking for is if it's somehow possible to make these videos either "clickable" (which is interestingly possible for the *last* Celestial Host part - at least on my installation) so that it won't "waste" so much time or if it's possible to simply... disable them. Of course it would be mostly a convenience tweak.
Edited by Arkain, 28 June 2008 - 12:13 PM.