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Some creatures not attacking (and few other issues)

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#1 Arlaya

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Posted 11 June 2008 - 05:13 AM

This makes me feel like stinky cheater. I don't know what is the cause, but some characters (as far as I noticed - mages) aren't attacking my party. This happened to this fellow assasin before Friendly Arm Inn, this happened to Ogre Mage which appears when the woman dies near the Firewine Bridge and among others, unfortunately, this happens also to Davaeorn. I have mods to make those creatures/fights tougher (Enhanced Creatures, Sword Coast Stratagems) and a few other that should have no effect on the fights. If anyone has an idea, and would need some more information about components installed or something, I'd gladly tell all I know.

Well and I noticed some other not-so-great things happening to my mods. If anyone can help, I'll be graeteful even more!

At first, I paused (hold by mouse) TuTu installation to read what is shown and there were some kind of warnings (though it says it's completed successfully. And it kinda works. But...
There's green water everywhere. I've read that TuTufix should deal with it, and I know that in previous installation (1,5 year ago, so don't ask me what I did differently then, please :D) it all worked fine with basically same mods (have mine listed).

Another thing, most annoying, are lags appearing in some locations like Gnolls Stronghold. It's not about amount of monsters, I've just done Firewine location and it ate dozens of kobolds at once with no problems whatsoever.
Here tough was another case - when I installed the newest version of BG1 NPC project it lagged everywhere. With version 14 (or so) the rest works fine, just a few (important and fun :() lag...

Funny thing is also the iItem mod. I don't get the thing. It was installed fine and worked fine, before I found that new BG1 NPC mod, installed it, and then because of lags I began to experiment and in result game went crazy. So I deleted both BG1 and BGII - SoA folders and copied fresh ones in their place (had stored). Theoretically it all should work fine, neh? I patched anew, did everything same way as before, but iItem mod refused to be installed, Vault installed with warnings and some component about Edwin from other mod also refused to install... No idea.

Here I post the list of mods/patches/fixes I have installed (I did this list for myself last time when it all worked perfectly, I only added Askavar Stone now I think. Could this mess up so many things? :o).

x - BGII-ThroneofBhaal_Patch_26498_ENGLISH.exe
x - BG1FixPack11.exe
x - BG1TOSCGameTextUpdate11.exe
x - BG2ThroneOfBhaalFixPack112.exe
x - BG2ThroneOfBhaalGameTextUpdate12.exe

------ BG1 directory -------

x - BG1 Ease of Use

----- TuTu ------

x - TuTu
x - TuTu Fix

!!_DO NOT_!!
x - walking speeds
x - remove spells that weren't in BG2 (funny, this time that option never shown anywhere)

----- BG2 directory -----

x - rename folder music in bg2 to music.bak and copy the music folder from bg1 to bg2
x - restored BG1 casting sounds (tutu sounds)

x - none

x - Slime Quest
x - Grey Clan Episodes
x - Sirines Call
x - Askavar Stone (beware, three versions)
x - Vault
x - Secret of Bone Hill

x - BG1 NPC Project
x - BG1 Unfinished Business

x - none

x - BG1 NPC Potrait Pack
x - One Pixel's Productions

x - none

x - none

x - MixMod
x - Enchanced Creatures
x - BG2 Tweak Pack
x - iiItem
x - SC Stratagems

----- WORLD MAP ----

---- TUTU GUI -----

Edited by Arlaya, 11 June 2008 - 05:14 AM.

#2 Chevalier


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Posted 11 June 2008 - 05:36 AM

Sorry, This is a BGT Forum. Please try here or here.

Good Luke!

I Ride for the King!

a.k.a. Chev

#3 Arlaya

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Posted 11 June 2008 - 05:46 AM

Can't visit those links for some reason... Maybe some moderator could be kind enough and move it, please?

#4 Miloch



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Posted 11 June 2008 - 05:50 AM

The PPG and G3 forums have issues apparently - a moderator should move this to IE General Help.

There's green water everywhere. I've read that TuTufix should deal with it

It is not Tutufix but the Degreenifier that should deal with this.

If you're playing in English, you should use EasyTutu instead of Tutu v4. You also have some mod order issues but I can look into that further once this is moved (otherwise Ascension64 will get upset :P).

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#5 Arlaya

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Posted 11 June 2008 - 10:40 AM

Okay, thanks, I posted it on that other forum (worked for a moment :D). To any moderator - I think this thread can be deleted. I would do it myself, but I don't think that's possible. Sorry for the mess!