(I am in vague plans to change the style later on with a more sketchy black and white artwork were I will use a brush and ink.) Just an idea to bring more 'life' into the artwork. But I must find the right page to do implement that change in.
do you mean something shaded like your pencil drawings? I agree it woul dbring more life to the artwork, but it's hard to say bye bye to colors v_v you could implement the change once the backstories of npcs are over and you start the actual story. maybe you could draw some 'test' pages, maybe a panel with people talking, then a panel with a landscape then a panel with people fighting, just to see if this new style works with the main comic content ;-)
You are right about the forehead issue but I am a forehead fetish Still what I edited above is that I lowered the hair and the tiara now. Thanks for the constructive criticism