Hi, everyone! It's great to see so much interest in this.
I agree that Permanent Aura Cleansing is also very overpowered
Maybe make it use once per day, lasts 2 rounds?
Also, Rastamage, if it's hard to explain why all of these
NPC's got the items I think a simple
"Firkie sat on the old owner of the bracers and felt something pointy, he looked and found some cool mage's bracers to add to his pile of treasure." would work fine.
Actually didn't one of the original flavor texts say Erevain made the items 200 years ago?
Robe of the Magi
This is the final piece of the seven-piece set created by Erevain Beraskána over two centuries ago,
If that were true, then Irenicus couldn't have had the item originally. He also couldn't have met Erevain before Erevain was a baelnorn or really old.
Also, why would Erevain want the items back if he gave them away on purpose? (maybe add a simple: No one was supposed to COLLECT all the items! to the dialogue.)
Thanks for offering to help coding the dialogue, K'aeloree!
I've actually never done a dialogue before, so all help with that is appreciated.
Thanks for offering to help me with the rest of the codemonkey stuff, Tassadar. So far all that's left to do is:
Todo list:
Rastamage-Flavor text for nerfed SoTM items
K'aeloree-Add dialog to game
-Create Cloak and Ring of the Magi (yes to wild surge bonus, why not)
-Move Sendai's SoTM to Lavok
-Put cloak on Vithal
-Put ring on sahuagin king
(probably rastamage)-add interjections to Erevain dialog?
-Balance the items. (Im sure we'll find one item is overpowered and one is underpowered, etc
I agree with Lavok, and the sahuagin king for more item holders, but how about Vithal the imprisoned mage in the underdark? I really like that one. It's optional, you know before fighting him he'll have some cool stuff, and it'll be a slight twinge of evil added to the mod.
Also, I'm probably going to make the baelnorn appear if the player has 5 or more of the 9 items (so, half)
The bhaalspawn won't necessarily be wearing the items. Edwin or Imoen or Kelsey or Tashia or Multiplayer-Created-
NPC#4 or *gasp* Jan will be wearing the items.
A 'set bonus' would be cool with me.
Edited by kevmus, 04 June 2008 - 04:01 AM.