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Stuff of the Magi

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#21 kevmus

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 10:42 AM

Robe of the Magi

This is the final piece of the seven-piece set created by Erevain Beraskána over two centuries ago, and also the most heavily enchanted. It increases the user's armor class as much as a set of full plate, but it is almost weightless.


Armor Class: 1
Magic Resistance: +50%
All Other Resistances: +25%
Saving Throw: +2 bonus, +3 to Save vs. Spells
Regeneration: 3 hp/round
Weight: 3
Only usable by:
Mage (Single-Class only)

Amulet of the Magi
Behold, it is the glorious Amulet of the Magi, yet another part of a complete set. It was the first item of the set to be created, and is very potent. It protects the user from hostile polymorphs, along wih decreasing spellcasting speed and adding 25% to the user's magic resistance.

Intelligence: +1 bonus
Magic Resistance: +25%
Weight: 0
Decrease all spellcasting speed by three
Immune to Flesh to Stone
Immune to normal weapons
+1 to Save vs. Petrification/Polymorph
Only Usable By:
Mage (Single-Class only)

Boots of the Magi
Like its counterparts, these boots were designed to aid mages in their neverending quest for mental perfection. Or rather, to aid the creater is his quest for mental perfection. They improve spellcasting speed, and provide a significant bonus to saving throws, along with a few other "goodies."


Decrease spellcasting speed by two units.
Aura cleansed after each spell
Saving Throws: +2 bonus
Movement rate increased by 20%
Weight: 2
Usable By:
Mage (Single-Class only)

Staff of the Magi
This type of staff is thoroughly linked of the image of the spellcasting profession, rare though it is. It is among the most powerful tools that a wizard can possess, the culmination of complex enchantment and endless study. This particular example is good in melee, grants Invisibility, and offers protection from Charms and Evil. It can also cast a Spell Trap, launch a Fireball-Lighting Bolt combination, and Dispel Magic. The quintessential mage item. It was originally part of a seven-piece set that was crafted centuries ago at the hands of a powerful elven mage named Erevain Beraskána.

Armor Class: +2 bonus
Saving Throws: +2 bonus
Equipped Abilities: Invisibility, Immunity to Charm, Protection From Evil

Damage: combined lightning and fireball damage
Range: 150 feet
Use: Three times a day

Abilities: Spell Trap
Duration: 8 hours or until 30 spell levels have been trapped
Use: Once a day

Combat Ability (each hit): Dispel Magic
Thac0: +2 bonus (strikes as a +5 weapon)
Damage: 2d6 +2
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Usable By
Mage (Single-Class only)

Gauntlets of the Magi
These gauntlets are prized almost as much as the venerable Staff of the Magi, and the two were originally part of a complete set designed to turn an ordinary mage into an extraordinary one. One mage in particular, actually. The aging mage who created them, Erevain Beraskána. They provide a little bit of an armor class bonus, along with extra spells and a few other nifty things.


Intelligence: +1 bonus
Memorize two extra spells of each level
Armor Class: +1 bonus
Immunity to backstab
Weight: 1
Only usable by:
Mage (Single-Class only)

Circlet of the Magi
This circlet is much like the other members of the set. Due to its location near the brain, it is capable of providing superior protection, such as mind shield and extra high-level spells. It will not react at all to mages that do not have high intelligence.

Equipped Abilities: Vocalize, Infravision
Memorize three extra level 8 and 9 spells
Armor Class: +1 bonus
Cast Feeblemind 1/day
Mind Shield (Immune to Feeblemind, Dire Charm, etc.)
Requires: 18 Intelligence
Usable By:
Mage (Single-Class only)

Girdle of the Magi
This girdle is one more piece of the set created by Erevain Beraskána, and perhaps the least enchanted of all seven. It provides immunity to missile weapons in all forms, as well as decreasing all spellcasting speeds by one unit.

Decrease all spellcasting speeds by one
Protection from all missiles
Weight: 1
Usable By:
Mage (Single-Class only)

Edited by kevmus, 03 June 2008 - 10:43 AM.

#22 Tassadar88


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Posted 03 June 2008 - 11:05 AM

Hmm, I will rejoin the brainstorming tomorrow ;-)
Once we´re starting the nerfed verrsions of the items, we could just as well make the items unnerfed in that they would be usable by multi/dual mages and sorcs... just a little bit of weidu fiddling :-)
The Mind is its own place and in itself - can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. -John Milton, Paradise lost

#23 kevmus

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 11:08 AM

Hmm, I will rejoin the brainstorming tomorrow ;-)
Once we´re starting the nerfed verrsions of the items, we could just as well make the items unnerfed in that they would be usable by multi/dual mages and sorcs... just a little bit of weidu fiddling :-)

Sure! That sounds good. I don't know why sorcs wouldn't be able to use the items.

#24 Rastamage

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 11:39 AM

Here's my first suggestion for toning down the gear:

Robe of the Magi

This is the final piece of the seven-piece set created by Erevain Beraskána over two centuries ago, and also the most heavily enchanted. It increases the user's armor class as much as a set of full plate, but it is almost weightless.


Armor Class: 1
Magic Resistance: +25%
+3 to Save vs. Spells
Weight: 3
Only usable by:
Mage (Single-Class only)

Amulet of the Magi
Behold, it is the glorious Amulet of the Magi, yet another part of a complete set. It was the first item of the set to be created, and is very potent. It protects the user from hostile polymorphs, along wih decreasing spellcasting speed and adding 25% to the user's magic resistance.

Weight: 0
Decrease all spellcasting speed by two
Immune to Flesh to Stone
+1 to Save vs. Petrification/Polymorph
+1 to Save vs Breath Weapon
Only Usable By:
Mage (Single-Class only)

Boots of the Magi
Like its counterparts, these boots were designed to aid mages in their neverending quest for mental perfection. Or rather, to aid the creater is his quest for mental perfection. They improve spellcasting speed, and provide a significant bonus to saving throws, along with a few other "goodies."


Decrease spellcasting speed by two units.
Aura cleansed after each spell
Movement rate increased by 50%
Weight: 2
Usable By:
Mage (Single-Class only)

Staff of the Magi
This type of staff is thoroughly linked of the image of the spellcasting profession, rare though it is. It is among the most powerful tools that a wizard can possess, the culmination of complex enchantment and endless study. This particular example is good in melee, grants Invisibility, and offers protection from Charms and Evil. It can also cast a Spell Trap, launch a Fireball-Lighting Bolt combination, and Dispel Magic. The quintessential mage item. It was originally part of a seven-piece set that was crafted centuries ago at the hands of a powerful elven mage named Erevain Beraskána.

Armor Class: +2 bonus
Saving Throws: +2 bonus
Equipped Abilities: Invisibility, Immunity to Charm, Protection From Evil

Damage: combined lightning and fireball damage
Range: 150 feet
Use: Three times a day

Abilities: Spell Trap
Duration: 8 hours or until 30 spell levels have been trapped
Use: Once a day

Combat Ability (each hit): Dispel Magic
Thac0: +2 bonus (strikes as a +5 weapon)
Damage: 2d6 +2
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Usable By
Mage (Single-Class only)

Gauntlets of the Magi
These gauntlets are prized almost as much as the venerable Staff of the Magi, and the two were originally part of a complete set designed to turn an ordinary mage into an extraordinary one. One mage in particular, actually. The aging mage who created them, Erevain Beraskána. They provide a little bit of an armor class bonus, along with extra spells and a few other nifty things.


Memorize one extra spells of each level(?)
Immunity to backstab
Weight: 1
Only usable by:
Mage (Single-Class only)

Circlet of the Magi
This circlet is much like the other members of the set. Due to its location near the brain, it is capable of providing superior protection, such as mind shield and extra high-level spells. It will not react at all to mages that do not have high intelligence.

Equipped Abilities: Vocalize, Infravision
Armor Class: +1 bonus
Mind Shield (Immune to Feeblemind, Dire Charm, etc.)
Requires: 18 Intelligence
Usable By:
Mage (Single-Class only)

Girdle of the Magi
This girdle is one more piece of the set created by Erevain Beraskána, and perhaps the least enchanted of all seven. It provides immunity to missile weapons in all forms, as well as decreasing all spellcasting speeds by one unit.

Decrease all spellcasting speeds by one
Protection from all missiles
Weight: 1
Usable By:
Mage (Single-Class only)

All I did, basically, was strip out some of the powers. It looks to me like it will still make a nice set. The only increase I made was to make the boots have the increase of Boots of Speed (I think). I did this because, personally, I always use the Item Upgrade mod so all my boots end up with the Boots of Speed movement rate and it makes for easier play if all the characters move at the same rate.

I agree that Sorcerers should be able to use the gear. However, I personally think it makes sense for the Stuff to be restricted to pure caster classes. Dual and multi-class characters get enough benefits. But that's just my two copper pieces since I'm not doing the coding.

#25 kevmus

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 11:56 AM

Here's my first suggestion for toning down the gear:


All I did, basically, was strip out some of the powers. It looks to me like it will still make a nice set. The only increase I made was to make the boots have the increase of Boots of Speed (I think). I did this because, personally, I always use the Item Upgrade mod so all my boots end up with the Boots of Speed movement rate and it makes for easier play if all the characters move at the same rate.

I agree that Sorcerers should be able to use the gear. However, I personally think it makes sense for the Stuff to be restricted to pure caster classes. Dual and multi-class characters get enough benefits. But that's just my two copper pieces since I'm not doing the coding.

I've just uploaded version 3
It allows you to choose whether or not the items are equipped on the enemies and fixes the demogorgon bug.

I will look over your descriptions and tell you what I think.

#26 Rastamage

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 11:58 AM

Here's a couple typos and (imo) corrected wordings fixed:

Amulet of the Magi
Behold, it is the glorious Amulet of the Magi, yet another part of a complete set. It was the first item of the set to be created, and is very potent. It protects the user from hostile polymorphs, along wih decreasing spellcasting speed.

Boots of the Magi
Like its counterparts, these boots were designed to aid mages in their neverending quest for mental perfection. Or rather, to aid the creator is his quest for mental perfection. They improve spellcasting speed, and provide a significant bonus to movement.

Gauntlets of the Magi
These gauntlets are prized almost as much as the venerable Staff of the Magi, and the two were originally part of a complete set designed to turn an ordinary mage into an extraordinary one. One mage in particular, actually. The aging mage who created them, Erevain Beraskána. They provide extra spells and immunity to a thief's backstabbing.

Circlet of the Magi
This circlet is much like the other members of the set. Due to its location near the brain, it is capable of providing superior protection, such as mind shield and Vocalize. It will not react at all to mages that do not have high intelligence.

#27 kevmus

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 12:12 PM

Here's what I think:
Robe: Maybe AC3? (same as the best bracers) edit: I'd almost say AC4...
Amulet: I agree.
Boots: No need to decrease spellcasting speed on this one. Aura Cleansing is IMHO the most powerful ability in this whole set.
Staff: Agree mostly, but see below.
Circlet: This seems slightly weak. +1 int and remove the AC bonus?
Girdle: Protection from NORMAL missiles (don't kill illasera :P) + Something else? Seems slightly weak.

(There are no rings in this set, so PC could have a ring of Gaxx and a ring of protection +2 for a total of +4 ac, so we have to be careful with the AC bonuses we give)

With your ideas:
AC:-2 (best of -6)

My changes:
AC: 1 (best of -3)

A mage shouldn't have a -6 AC. The mage should use stoneskins and mirror images instead.

Maybe make invisibility of staff be a 'use 3 times per day' effect, like the fireball-lightning?

Edited by kevmus, 03 June 2008 - 12:13 PM.

#28 Rastamage

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 12:21 PM

Robe: I'd say AC 2 would be a good compromise. In old school D&D Bracers of Armor AC 2 were the best you could get.
Amulet: You agree. Seems this one is done, then.
Boots: I agree with your opinion. Done as well?
Staff: IMO the invisibility is only situationally usefull. True Sight is all over the place in BG2. Maybe leave it?
Gauntlet: You agree. Another one bites the dust?
Circlet: "This seems slightly weak. +1 int and remove the AC bonus?" I agree with removing the AC bonus due to your arguments above. I'm not so sure this is weak, though. Rather than a +1 to Int how about charm immunity to boot?
Girdle: "Protection from NORMAL missiles (don't kill illasera :P) + Something else? Seems slightly weak." Well with Stoneskin this is pretty much a marginal bonus the way you adjust it. I dont' disagree with you because certain fights would be too much of a cake walk. It's definitely weak the way this would make it. The flavor text does say this is the weakest piece. Maybe a +3 vs Missile Weapons? If still weak a +4 or +5?

EDIT: Do Boot of Speed give +50% or +100% to movement rate?

Edited by Rastamage, 03 June 2008 - 12:22 PM.

#29 Tassadar88


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Posted 03 June 2008 - 12:34 PM

just to remind, in hell trials you get the perma protection from normal weapons (at least in the good path) and that just makes protection from normal missiles a bit ... redundant :-)
The Mind is its own place and in itself - can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. -John Milton, Paradise lost

#30 Rastamage

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 12:36 PM

That is true. Do you think total immunity to missile weapons is too much? Should we rethink this magic item altogether?

#31 kevmus

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 12:36 PM

just to remind, in hell trials you get the perma protection from normal weapons (at least in the good path) and that just makes protection from normal missiles a bit ... redundant :-)

The regular amulet had Immune to normal weapons
How about immune to normal missiles, +3 AC versus all missiles?
Maybe we should rethink it, I don't know.
Edit: Gotta go, will be back in a bit.

Edited by kevmus, 03 June 2008 - 12:42 PM.

#32 Rastamage

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 01:02 PM

I'd say immunity to all missile weapons or a +5 or even +7 to AC vs Missile Weapons would be appropriate. Honestly, I'm not sure it matters 100% with missile weapons because Stoneskin will be the lion's share of protection anyway. Maybe add a Shield spell effect? I'm a bit stumped on this one.

#33 kevmus

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 03:06 PM

I'll get started on what we've agreed upon. Maybe we'll think up something later for the girdle.
Hmm, why not add MR to the girdle? 25% MR should leave the set at 50% total...

25% MR
-1 cast speed
Immune to normal missiles?

Edited by kevmus, 03 June 2008 - 03:13 PM.

#34 Rastamage

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 03:10 PM

Fantastic. I look forward eagerly to the result. Thanks for the effort!

#35 Kaeloree


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Posted 03 June 2008 - 03:19 PM

It might be worth rewriting each description so that the player knows what "set" it is referring to. Perhaps also giving them some stories? :)

#36 kevmus

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 03:26 PM

It might be worth rewriting each description so that the player knows what "set" it is referring to. Perhaps also giving them some stories? :)

Yeah, the original items lack a story.

I will still offer the original items without changes as an option so anyone who wants them can have them.

(I have coded the amulet and boots, will be done with rest soon)

#37 kevmus

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 03:33 PM

Circlet: "This seems slightly weak. +1 int and remove the AC bonus?" I agree with removing the AC bonus due to your arguments above. I'm not so sure this is weak, though. Rather than a +1 to Int how about charm immunity to boot?

Circlet already gives prot from charm.
Will add the +1 int instead, unless anyone has any better ideas.

#38 Rastamage

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 03:36 PM

At first the +1 Int seemed silly to me. But my PC is going to have a 19 from playing through Tutu and using the Int tome. I suppose there could be others who could use that point to get the 19 for filling in their spellbooks. Thus, it doesn't matter to my character but I think this is a Good Thing™.

#39 Rastamage

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 03:38 PM

It might be worth rewriting each description so that the player knows what "set" it is referring to. Perhaps also giving them some stories? :)

I'd be game to work on this so as to actually contribute, since this is my request. Anybody have anything in mind? I suppose in the spirit of updating the original the elven archmage should stay.

#40 kevmus

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Posted 03 June 2008 - 03:40 PM

It might be worth rewriting each description so that the player knows what "set" it is referring to. Perhaps also giving them some stories? :)

I'd be game to work on this so as to actually contribute, since this is my request. Anybody have anything in mind? I suppose in the spirit of updating the original the elven archmage should stay.

Oooh, I can just picture: If you have all of the items equipped the (now lich) mage appears to fight you for them! Make it so it only fights outdoors (no exploding ribald's store) and only if player level is 25ish...

He could just drop some scrolls as items for when he gets killed.