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How to gather clues when debugging stuttering

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#21 Wardibald

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Posted 25 January 2010 - 02:22 PM

Thanks for the fast reply

I think I identified the blocks now. Now to fixing it without breaking too much, I guess :unsure:
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#22 GeN1e


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Posted 25 January 2010 - 02:22 PM

Ha-ha! That's exactly what I've been talking about!

I'm getting script blocks from 1141 to 1144 firing off endlessly, but I cannot find what that is in the script.

I've counted the IF's and END's on a hunch, but came up short. Only 1115 of each one.

That's because this utility counts not IF-END blocks, but instead RESPONSE #X ones, and one IF-END may contain more than one RESPONSE:

As Bigg says, search for the 'block 1141' in decompiled file.

PS Whoah, being alte as always.

Edited by GeN1e, 25 January 2010 - 02:24 PM.

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#23 Wardibald

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Posted 26 January 2010 - 06:01 AM

Hi again,

Genie - You were about as late as Powell in a sprint with Bolt.

So now I notice I might indeed have known what to count, based on what you guys have been talking about. But then, when I first came strolling into this thread, I had no idea how to create a tp2, or most anything else mentioned in the minimum brain requirements.

I have another problem though..

I was able to halt the aforementioned block wildgrowth, but without an improvement on my stutterproblem.
On searching a bit (through Google - lol), I found some more threads on stutterproblems.

First I made the correction Jarno Mikkola suggested in this thread

But without new information. I then tried the "fake baldur.bcs"-approach suggested by Himself:

That cleared it all up. But cleaning up baldur.bcs seems to be quite the challenge even for experienced modders.
I'll probably start a bit of trial and error, but that's a long way to go in a hornet's nest.

So I thought I'd ask.

Also: if baldur.bcs seems to be the problem yet, how might this mod actually not notice it?
My stuttering seems to have everything to be a script stutter, no partymembers lagging, persists without inventory or characters and so on.

I only inserted my baldur.bcs file in this mod, as pretty much everything else is biffed in.

And if I shouldn't post my problem in this tutorial, please say so. Just thought this might be relevant.
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#24 the bigg

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Posted 26 January 2010 - 11:15 AM

I think you should post the repeating blocks from baldur.bcs - that way, somebody who is familiar with the mods can identify the problem from you.

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#25 Wardibald

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Posted 26 January 2010 - 12:56 PM

Seems I wasn't clear enough on that.

I no longer detect any repeating blocks with this code. But the stutter hasn't gone away with it.

In any case, I cannot seem to uninstall this anymore, so I might have hosed my install anyway :/
Nothing with your code, I was probably just not careful with some things. Don't know what though.
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#26 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 26 January 2010 - 01:37 PM

But the stutter hasn't gone away with it.

Mini infopack to avoid lags v1.7.6, on 02 January 2010 - 13:00 PM...

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