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Thoughts on Hidden Kits?

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#1 Kaeloree


    Head Molder

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Posted 21 May 2008 - 11:07 PM

I've been wanting to do a run-through of BGII for a while, but I haven't had time. I've possibly got some time coming up in a month or so, so I figured I should start planning. I'm a pretty dialogue-oriented person, but I don't mind combat usually, and I'd like to try some new kits.

Opinions? I've not really tried many kit mods, in all honesty, but some of these look interesting. Has anyone played through, and if so, what did you think? Any kits you particularly enjoyed or found useful?


#2 Yuwakusha

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Posted 30 June 2008 - 09:03 PM

I've been wanting to do a run-through of BGII for a while, but I haven't had time. I've possibly got some time coming up in a month or so, so I figured I should start planning. I'm a pretty dialogue-oriented person, but I don't mind combat usually, and I'd like to try some new kits.

Opinions? I've not really tried many kit mods, in all honesty, but some of these look interesting. Has anyone played through, and if so, what did you think? Any kits you particularly enjoyed or found useful?


Figuring I'll just add my two cents in... :whistling:

I'm not a very diverse person, but I have always personally been fond of the "Geomantic Sorceror" and the Blade Master kits, but the Geomantic Sorceror gets quite overpowered when you achieve a high level. Blade Master is pretty much like your average fighter, but you get special abilities like parry and stuff.

[post="http://www.gibberlin...tic/"]Geomantic Sorceror[/post]
[post="http://www.sorcerers...misc.php"]Blade Master[/post]
