- Ninde Romance Completed! In game! Coded! Giraffe!
- Major interjections written and coded.
- Much minor interjection madness! Ninde gets bellowed at by Belmin! Scares off Salvanas! Provokes princes!
- Romance conflict with Aerie and Viconia written and coded.
- Romance conflict with Haer'Dalis written and coded.
- All banters written & coded!
- Encounter in Athkatla written, coded, sort of in-game with none of the frills.
- Conflict with Lassal and Aran written, coded.
- Ninde's lovetalk music done, by the wonderful acefes!
- Ninde is all portraited up, thanks to wonnimchunha!
- Flirts and PID close to being finished!
- Ninde Friendship; 5/8 talks written, 4/8 coded!
Comments! Agnonisings! Post

Edited by Deva, 13 November 2008 - 11:51 AM.