Updated on December 28th 2009.
List of Contents:
- Download Links
- Unofficial Patch - Summary
- Extra Content - Summary
Download Links:
Unofficial_Arcanum_Patch_091225.zip 20.21MB 25616 downloads
13_New_Riddles.zip 7.45K 5951 downloads
Enable_Complex_Shadows_Tweak.zip 306bytes 8728 downloads
Original_Troika_In_Game_Cheat_Mode.zip 10.72K 7519 downloads
December 28th note: Drog Black Tooth surprisingly posted a new version of the Unofficial Arcanum Patch [V091225] that includes his work from the past year. The changelog is included with the patch. Note that this is the end-of-line patch and everyone uses it at their own risk. I've fixed the broken DL links in this post now. I've also attached some of the files into this post directly due to temporary/non-existent download locations. FINAL -AMS
October 19th note: Apparently Drog Black Tooth has pulled the plug on these mods and pulled most of their links as well. All download links are broken, and the files are no longer distributed where they used to be, but you can still get them from the download links provided. The author's account at Terra Arcanum is also gone. A mysterious ending to this project... thus it ends and so do my updates.
September 24th note: Drog Black Tooth has moved his modding business exclusively to Terra Arcanum. All links have been updated accordingly.
Unofficial Patch - Summary:
See your downloaded mod archive for the changelog. There are hundreds of bug fixes included at the present time.
This patch fixes almost all of the remaining bugs in Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. Most crucially, this patch restores the *cut* animations for every NPC/creature in the game, single-handedly disabling the now-present sprite mirroring.
What this means basically, is that the vanilla game now only uses 4 out of 8 animation frames for all of the NPCs and creatures and their actions, but this patch allows the game to use all of the original 8 animation frames, which are still included in the game's files.
There are extra animations for walking, running, prowling, fighting with all weapons, everything. This patch will drastically improve Arcanum's graphical state by restoring over 200MBs of unused animations.
The CD check has been removed as well, no point in it after all these years. The patch should be installed after the official Arcanum patch, and no other mods than Drog Blacktooth's should be used due to conflicts.
Extra Content - Summary:
The Extra Content Module included in the UAP does the following:
- Charged Axe is restored (the schematic can be bought from quality smiths (5% chance)).
- Schreck's Multi-Barreled Pistol is restored.
- Clockwork Physician, Illuminated Decoy and Explosive Decoy are restored (all three schematics can be bought from inventors (10% chance)).
- The conversation of Virgil and Maug is restored.
- Restored art for Great Helm.
- Restored attack sound effects for Half-Ogres, Ogres and Orcs.
- Added correct palettes to Human Blacksmith's art.
- Different blacksmiths now have different palettes.
- Levered Machine Gun is restored. The only copy of it is held by Captain Wheeler.
- Restored unused lines related to the Panarii in Constable Owens' dialog. (You get more dialog if Virgil isn't in your group.)
- Added more checks to the dialog of the ogre guarding the painting to make it more plausible. Now you can use all relevant pieces of info, such as Madame Toussaude's hint, info from the Hall of Records, Rorry Limes' passport and the note to bluff the ogre.
High Quality Music is the lossless version of the Arcanum soundtrack. It's also available in mp3 format (320 kbps) for in-game use. The original soundtrack included with the game is only mp3 (128 kbps). This was made possible by the surfacing of an original Arcanum soundtrack cd handed out for free in Europe for promotional purposes.
High Quality Townmaps dramatically increase the visual quality of Arcanum.
Arcanum High Resolution Patch is an extensive engine hack and rewrites many subroutines to make the engine fully scalable to any resolution, and calculates positions of all elements of the interface (well over 1000 offsets) for the desired width and height by using formulas. Additionally, it adjusts sound positioning, fixes a number of UI bugs and disables sprite mirroring (if used without the UAP). Full support for any resolution.
13 New Riddles adds 13 new riddles to Naked Halflings riddlers. You'll get only one random riddle from each of the halflings. 4 riddles are added to the first riddler, 4 to the second and rest 5 to the last halfling. Due to it being custom content it won't be included in any of the patches.
Enable Complex Shadows Tweak enables full shadows for Arcanum. Follow the instructions behind the link in the downloads section.
Original Troika In-Game Cheat Mode is the infamous cheat mode that was used for testing the game. It was disabled in the final version. A complete ReadMe is included with the download.
Edit: Final Update: December 28th 2009
Edited by Archmage Silver, 10 January 2010 - 06:50 AM.