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Character direction?

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#1 -Interested-

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Posted 04 May 2008 - 04:07 PM

Do you take the same direction with characters as the PPG Banter Pack? I rather dislike that mod as it made Korgan turn against the party (become hostile) when I disagreed with him concerning the nature of his killing a wounded member of his previous party (an action which, I think, isn't even appropriate to Korgan as presented by Bioware at all... ).

#2 Kaeloree


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Posted 04 May 2008 - 04:19 PM

I'm not sure exactly what you mean there--we do our best to keep the Bioware NPCs as in-character as possible. As I recall, though, we don't cause any of the NPCs to leave.

We have multiple editors who check each banter before it is finalised to try to ensure correct characterisation, but if there are any characterisations you disagree with, we are more than happy to take a look and edit if appropriate. :)

#3 Phlegmatic

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Posted 15 May 2008 - 03:24 PM

Not really important I suppose, but I just wondered if the OP's problem with the PPG banter was actually its doing? Im not going to say for certain, but I always thought that potential Korgan conflict was there already in the game without modding? Maybe Im wrong, but I thought I remember voice acting beginning with Korgan saying something like "ya know, though you all be be gutless and nay too bright, this party is a damn sight better then me former crew of ne'er do wells" or something like that?

As for the true-to-original-character, Im personally very happy with the way the IEP has worked them. The only "gripe" I have with this mod is not being able to side with Viconia as passionately as I wanted to (considering she is normally my romance interest, and I always just killed Valygar and Keldorn once they attacked her). However, thats coming from a biased Viconia fan, who usually has Viconia as the romance option unless Im trying a newly released one. So thats of no consequence.
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#4 Kaeloree


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Posted 15 May 2008 - 10:21 PM

I think that would be the Aerie/Korgan conflict, which I do remember in the original game, yeah.

Where would you like to be able to side with Viconia more vehemently in IEP's dialogues? Or is this in the normal game? I'm afraid we aren't making any alterations to existing dialogue (except in the case of the conflict revisions and resolutions) at the moment.

#5 Phlegmatic

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Posted 22 May 2008 - 05:53 AM

Siding with Viconia was just in regards to IEP's conflict resolutions, because in the original game I could only side with her by killing her attackers. I am still very much happy with it, but for example with Keldorn, not only I am potentially romancing Viconia sometimes, I also cannot be doing with Keldorns judgmental morality. I have a very strong opinion on judging Drow in FR, and largely at the time if I had a total personal say I would have flat out stated to Keldorn that Im siding with Viconia either because a) my char is romancing her ("in love with her") or b) I wont allow Keldorn to judge her like that while Im leading this party. Plus my character is potentially Chaotic Neutral, so if that explains anything further. Im still very happy with it, because it does exactly what it says and quite nicely too (non-violently resolves conflicts), but I still dont feel that I should have to "convince" Keldorn of anything, just flat out tell him how its going to go down. But its no biggie, as you cant always have everything your own way, I know.

As for Korgan conflicts, I basically just recall two situations where Korgan and PC can disagree and potentially come to blows. One where he complements your killing skills ("Good fight! Were in an age of murder child") and if you insult his skills he will either attack or back down depending on your reply. And then, like the OP mentioned, his tale about his former group of adventurers. Since both had Korgan voice acting beginning them, I assumed they werent PP banter back related, but already in the normal game.

Edit: Actually I suppose I should mention though, I really cant find fault with the Valygar conflict resolution. That one takes care of it how its clearly playing out, since Viconia is always provoking Valygar, and his solution is lashing out like an imbecile. Its nice to be able to tell them both to cut it out and get back in line.

With Keldorn though, like I said with regards to romancing Viconia, I would have been very defensive of her taking that into account. My character wouldnt be particularly objective about finding a "good" reason to convince Keldorn not to attack his lover.

Edited by Phlegmatic, 22 May 2008 - 06:04 AM.

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#6 Kaeloree


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Posted 22 May 2008 - 01:07 PM

The problem with such a path in that dialogue is that Keldorn would most probably simply leave. He's not going to put up with Viconia unless he absolutely has to. He is doing the PC a favor by staying in the party--especially after the quest with his family--and I can't see him staying if the PC doesn't try to reason with him.

#7 Phlegmatic

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Posted 22 May 2008 - 01:52 PM

Yeah that is true. I had also considered the idea that taking such a stance and being to confrontational about it would simply put [charname] on Keldorns hit list as much as Viconia perhaps. However, when Im taking a more positive look on Keldorn, he does seem to be very friendly with the protagonist, and seems to care somewhat about him/her in certain respects (edit: That is of course, if youre good enough Im sure). Id like to think if [charname] was genuine enough in expressing his feelings for Viconia, would Keldorn actually still attack or leave the party about it? Doesnt seem very paladinny to attack her even when the player has expressed his feelings for Viconia to Keldorn in regards to romancing her in the game.

The fact that I dont think Keldorn has a right to judge Viconia in the first place since he is a human notwithstanding - I just considered romancing her a pretty good reason to argue against Keldorns judgement. It feels like Im sitting on that aspect of the game when Im instead trying to convince Keldorn that she isnt that bad, or that we can do more good with her on our side. Still, I have considered the point that simply adding a romance specific reason isnt worth it anyway since its not going to be relevant to most players. Though I do feel like Im holding back when it comes to the conflict resolution, since my character normally is supposed to be in love with Viconia - but like I said, Im still happy with it. Its certainly a huge improvement over the normal game, where outside of killing or dropping Keldorn/Valygar, it completely was out of your control.

Edited by Phlegmatic, 22 May 2008 - 01:54 PM.

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