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Viconia Friendship Bug Reports

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#1 Cal Jones

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Posted 04 May 2008 - 01:54 PM

I've got those both locked and loaded on my current game. (Along with the Angelo NPC mod).
One thing I noticed was that her initial banter (which is an existing one I believe) - the one that starts "what brought you to the life?" or somesuch (and then she asks you about your brother) - fired off three times in different areas of Athkatla. I don't think it was the fault of the Angelo mod as when I was trying Kelsey earlier it fired off twice then too (I subsequently uninstalled him).
I've had this happen with Korgan in a perfectly vanilla, unmodded game where he insisted on telling me the story about how he killed his old crew three times, so not sure if it's down to any of the mods, or not.

I have subsequently had what I assume is one of her friendship dialogues - she asks you more about your quest to find Imoen and Irenicus - so that seems to be working anyway. She also had a scenery talk during the Tanner Shop quest in the Bridge District - can't remember that before but it's been a while since I played with her.

#2 Kaeloree


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Posted 04 May 2008 - 02:34 PM

The "What brought you to the life?" is an original dialogue that Viconia Friendship doesn't touch, so I can't help you there, unfortunately.

The friendship dialogue you mentioned I think would be this one? "So... what draws you to this part of Faerun? Amn? Athkatla? I seem to recall you mentioning something about a mission or some bother."

Can you remember what she said in the scenery talk during the Tanner Shop quest? How far were you into the friendship?

Sorry to be a pest, but the more information I can get the better--hopefully it's nothing, but if it is something, it'd be great to fix it! :cheers:

#3 Cal Jones

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Posted 05 May 2008 - 01:25 AM

The "What brought you to the life?" is an original dialogue that Viconia Friendship doesn't touch, so I can't help you there, unfortunately.

The friendship dialogue you mentioned I think would be this one? "So... what draws you to this part of Faerun? Amn? Athkatla? I seem to recall you mentioning something about a mission or some bother."

Can you remember what she said in the scenery talk during the Tanner Shop quest? How far were you into the friendship?

Sorry to be a pest, but the more information I can get the better--hopefully it's nothing, but if it is something, it'd be great to fix it! :cheers:

Yes that was the dialogue she had.
In the tanner shop she warned to be wary of traps.
Other than that she's had a dialogue with Valygar (which I'm certain is a Bioware one as it was voiced - I've never had them in the same party before, though, so it was new to me. She tells him to take a bath. :D) and a lengthy one with Angelo which is obviously part of his mod (well, he did hit on her...)
Since then she's been fairly quiet but I'm not too far into the game at this point (have done the keep quest and Trademeet quests plus a couple of minor quests in Athkatla).

#4 Cal Jones

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Posted 05 May 2008 - 01:29 AM

The "What brought you to the life?" is an original dialogue that Viconia Friendship doesn't touch, so I can't help you there, unfortunately.

The friendship dialogue you mentioned I think would be this one? "So... what draws you to this part of Faerun? Amn? Athkatla? I seem to recall you mentioning something about a mission or some bother."

Can you remember what she said in the scenery talk during the Tanner Shop quest? How far were you into the friendship?

Sorry to be a pest, but the more information I can get the better--hopefully it's nothing, but if it is something, it'd be great to fix it! :cheers:

Yes that was the dialogue she had (I got the dog one before that).
In the tanner shop she warned to be wary of traps.
Other than that she's had a dialogue with Valygar (which I'm certain is a Bioware one as it was voiced - I've never had them in the same party before, though, so it was new to me. She tells him to take a bath. :D) and a lengthy one with Angelo which is obviously part of his mod (well, he did hit on her...)
Since then she's been fairly quiet but I'm not too far into the game at this point (have done the keep quest and Trademeet quests plus a couple of minor quests in Athkatla).

#5 Kaeloree


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Posted 05 May 2008 - 01:34 AM

Sounds like it's going well so far--the warning to be wary of traps isn't added by Vic Friendship, so it's all cool. :) :cheers: I hope you enjoy the mod!

#6 Cal Jones

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Posted 05 May 2008 - 02:12 AM

Sounds like it's going well so far--the warning to be wary of traps isn't added by Vic Friendship, so it's all cool. :) :cheers: I hope you enjoy the mod!

Thanks, it's all good so far. Between that and the Angelo mod (which is really fun and has made me laugh out loud twice now) it's making the game feel fresh and interesting again, so big thumbs up. :D

#7 Cal Jones

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Posted 05 May 2008 - 02:48 PM

OK, I've been playing most of today (more than a few hours anyway) and she has been silent, bar some Bioware interjections (eg Trademeet fighting philosophers). Is her third friendship dialogue triggered by anything other than time? Because I've not had it.

Would be helpful to know what the CLUAConsole line is to see what's going on. Ctrl-I doesn't seem to help.

#8 Kaeloree


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Posted 05 May 2008 - 03:01 PM

Heh, it may be that she doesn't like your PC. She's only interested in talking to a PC who's somewhat nice to her, and understands her POV--but not someone who's weak, either.

You can check if the friendship is defunct with:

And you can check her like/dislike variable with:

If it's over 2, then the friendship should be proceeding and there's a bug. If it's 2 or under, the friendship won't proceed past the first two dialogues.

The reason for this is because Viconia isn't an easy person to get along with, and she's going to be very picky about the sort of person she shares her thoughts with. That said, as long as you avoid being outright rude to her, you shouldn't have no trouble.

It's actually easier for a man to go into a "friendship" than a woman for Viconia, for various reasons.

#9 Cal Jones

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Posted 05 May 2008 - 09:38 PM

You can check if the friendship is defunct with:

It is set to 3.

And you can check her like/dislike variable with:

If it's over 2, then the friendship should be proceeding and there's a bug. If it's 2 or under, the friendship won't proceed past the first two dialogues.

This says Global does not exist.

Does this mean friendship is over? Anyway to restore it if so?

#10 Kaeloree


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Posted 05 May 2008 - 09:58 PM

Argh, sorry, my typo--that last global should have been:

But yes, it does mean the friendship is over. To cheat/reset it, set the following variables in this order.

I wouldn't recommend doing that--and I can't promise it'll work, as I've never tested it. Theoretically it should, though.

#11 Scipio


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Posted 05 May 2008 - 11:09 PM

To add my two cents' worth, I've got as far as Hell with the Viconia Friendship without any problems. Once she did make friends with Robert the Ballbearing I found the frequency of her dialogues was perfect. That's without using any tricks to increase the frequency of NPC dialogues generally.
I did battle with monsters, and they became me, and when I gazed into the abyss, the abyss looked away shyly.
See, it helps not to believe all the stuff that philosophers spout.

#12 Kaeloree


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Posted 05 May 2008 - 11:11 PM

As I recall, in the version you have there might be a bug in Hell--if she "stutters," installing v1 will solve the problem. And setting a variable which I'll edit into this post when I'm on the right computer. ;)

#13 Cal Jones

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 01:03 AM

As Firkraag might say, "Oh Bother."

I wonder what I said to tick her off?
Back at work at the moment so I'll check the other variables when I get home. I'll probably leave it as is for the moment...there's always another game because, let's face it, I'm not going to stop playing this anytime soon.

#14 Cal Jones

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 10:12 AM

OK I broke down and tried your suggested fix and she gave me the talk about deciding to talk to me. So apparently it works. :)

#15 Kaeloree


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Posted 06 May 2008 - 02:20 PM

Awesome--let me know what you think as it progresses! :cheers:

#16 Cal Jones

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Posted 06 May 2008 - 02:33 PM

Awesome--let me know what you think as it progresses! :cheers:

Will do. I've just had the talk about the hateful stares of peasants so it seems to be progressing OK. I'll just have to be careful not to tick her off again. :)

#17 Cal Jones

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Posted 10 May 2008 - 02:05 AM

Couple of small things.
Small typo in one of the dialogues (not sure on the number, but it's the dialogue directly before the praying dialogue you get if you rest). Viconia says "My insticts shaper than yours, kivvil. It is a product of my society." I'm assuming that should be sharper.

The second is an interjection and I'm not sure if it's part of the friendship, the banter pack or a Bioware one that slipped through the net somehow (well, there are a few of those) - when taking the Limited Wish quest she says "tell me again why we are doing this thing, CHARNAME? We are going to wander down into the sewers and find a man who has thing? I say let the drunkard die."
If it's one of yours then the "man who has thing" is, er, odd. Otherwise, ignore it. :D

#18 berelinde



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Posted 11 March 2010 - 06:13 AM

ToB Stutter, as reported by Calliae. I asked her to report it here, but since she didn't, I'm doing it.


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#19 Kaeloree


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Posted 11 March 2010 - 01:40 PM

Cheers :) I'll do a maintainance update ASAP. In the meantime, the fix is to change:


#20 Lollorian


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Posted 11 March 2010 - 05:33 PM


The line in viconia\scripts\vico25.baf is:
Another typo?? :unsure:

Edited by Lollorian, 11 March 2010 - 05:34 PM.

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