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IEP Banter Mod Bug Reports

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#41 jastey

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Posted 30 September 2022 - 07:01 AM

Not a real bug report, but in the "iepbanters_accelerator.tpa" I see this:


// Un-installing all previous Banter Accelerators if installed
// -----------------------------------------------------------
UNINSTALL setup-banterpack.tp2 1
UNINSTALL setup-banterpack.tp2 3
UNINSTALL setup-bg1npc.tp2 25
UNINSTALL Kelsey.tp2 3
UNINSTALL Keto.tp2 2


Firstly, the banter acceleration component in BG1NPC from v24 onward is 100 and no longer 25. Luckily, 25 is not used in v24 and higher so there is at least no incompatibility. (Link to list of component numbers of BG1NPC).


But I would suggest not to include this automated uninstallation of former banter scripts, but to disable this component alltogether in case a banter script is already installed, i.e. include this in the tp2 for the components:

FORBID_COMPONENT ~setup-banterpack~ ~1~ ~Banter Accelerator is already installed.~
FORBID_COMPONENT ~setup-banterpack~ ~3~ ~Banter Accelerator is already installed.~
FORBID_COMPONENT ~bg1npc~ ~25~ ~Banter Accelerator is already installed.~
FORBID_COMPONENT ~bg1npc~ ~100~ ~Banter Accelerator is already installed.~
FORBID_COMPONENT ~kelsey~ ~2~ ~Banter Accelerator is already installed.~
FORBID_COMPONENT ~Setup-Keto~ ~3~ ~Banter Accelerator is already installed.~

Because, if a player is in the middle of a mega install and, for example, installed the banter accelerator via BG1NPC, then installed a gazillion other NPC mods, and now installs IEP with the IEP bantr accelerator - first thing that would happen is that weidu deinstalls all mods between this and the BG1NPC banter accelerator, which would be prone to install errors, hickups or other problems of sorts.

#42 jastey

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Posted 30 September 2022 - 07:52 AM

Just to confirm that having an automated deinstall is a really bad idea, here is an example why.


EDIT: Made a PR at GitHub.