This mod adds a series of dialogues for a female PC or a male PC who has turned Viconia down, and attempts to give someone who isn't interested in a romantic relationship something to bite into. But bear in mind that Viconia is not an easy person to talk to, let alone befriend. She has a mind of her own, and although she is willing to travel with you, she may not wish to become your confidante.
There are different "introductions" to the friendship for females and males who have turned Viconia's romantic advances down, and it is in these dialogues she will determine whether you are interesting enough to talk to or not.
Overall, there are 15-16 friendship dialogues, with an additional 3 scenery dialogues which occur at various points during the game.
I hope you enjoy the mod, and please, if you have any suggestions let me know--I am very flexible, and more than willing to make improvements where possible!

- Liam