To be eligible for the Quest, the party must have at least a level 18 Paladin and a perfect Reputation of 20.
The Paladin will receive the Quest in the form of a missive, to be summoned to Watcher's Keep. There the Quest Giver NPC will brief the party in game, and then give time to prepare. After that he will transport the Paladin to the cavern to do battle.
Basically, your quest will be for the Paladin to solo a Red Dragon successfully.
The Paladin *has* to respond to the quest before he turns level 23, otherwise the Quest is voided. Meantime, the Reputation MUST be maintained at a perfect 20 ; otherwise the missive will crumble (if still in the pack) and the Quest Giver will vanish without a word.
There's going to be considerable Roleplay and Thinking to do as well. As if dragon slaying were that easy

In return, the Paladin will receive a Dragon Knight Badge - that will provide some thac0, attack, AC, saving throw, damage bonuses etc, nothing really fantastic.
Now what's really cool - against bosses, dragons, or some trials in Pocketplane, the Dragon Knight will receive a scroll that he can read. Upon using it, he drops all his gear and becomes a Dragon...!

Hope you guys enjoy this one... !