My main party is the same party in my webcomic--
Samarre Penelope Zaldan, NG female moon elf ranger (she's very kind)
Silinius-Tkarim Schmidt, CG male tiefling necromancer (EMO.)
Erin Selin, LG female Aasimar Morninglord of Lathander (Holier-than-thou, trigger-happy, obsessed with smiting things)
Millicent A. Banewater, CG female Ghostwise Halfling Rogue (likes shinies)
Nase Stevenson, CN Male Half-Elf Wizard (prankster, and complete and total jerk)
Hannah Narwin, Female Human Bard (crazy-hyper)
And here are my other parties
Athanor Roundwell, LG Male Human Paladin (stuck-up)
Deirdre Connelly, N Female Human Fighter (quick to smile)
Finnegan Fallingwine, CN Male Halfling Rogue (loud and rude)
Xelian Veranatos, CN Male Human Bard (Stupid-random)
Sammi Somara, CG Female Elf Wizard (She's my Bhaalspwn in the BG series)
(And then, it was getting late and I couldnt think up any more characters, so for the sixth spot i decided to be stupid and unoriginal and just stuck Xan from BG in there...I even rerolled his stats until they were the same as they were in BG...)
Roana Choerle-NG Female Human Ranger (born leader, headstrong)
Nolan (last name unknown)-LG Male Human Paladin (Valiant and fearless)
Losana Tallaxe-LG Female Dwarf Fighter (patient)
(unwilling to divulge first name) Reiner-CN male halfling rogue (okay, I like halfling thieves, I admit it!)
Ferissa Gerelon-NG Female Elf Cleric (has an inferiority complex)
Kawazaki Kishura-CG Male Human Conjurer (Doesn't speak much)
Darkfall Nightwing--CN Female Aasimar Fighter(Goth Chick)
Gozzak Roundstep--CN Male Human Ranger (Has a bad temper and even worse breath)
Kurg Bekk-CE Male Half-Orc Barbarian (stereotypical half orc barbarian)
Beanbag The Mighty-NE Male Gnome Wizard(mentally unstable, half of the time he thinks he's a cat, raised by halflings)
Gaeran Vilshazz-LE Male Drow Bard(smooth-talking and exeptionally cruel)
Lianna Greentree-LG Halfling Thief (Beanbag's foster sister, resents being dragged into this, disgusted by her companions)
Talia Ananyer-Colishar Schmidt-LG Female Tiefling Cleric (quiet and humble)
Lilian Cassandra Banewater-N Female Halfling Druid (timid)
Kiligre Darniss- NG Female Human Bard/Rogue (also timid)
Kadirna Darniss-CN Male Human Rogue (quite the charmer)
Essione Clearwater-CN Female Wild Elf Barbarian (enjoys fart jokes)
Demerran Oldran-NG Male Drow Illusionist (cross-dresser, was raised by wood elves, prefers to go by the name 'Sarah')
So what about you guys? Who are your parties?
Edited by Sammi Somara, 24 April 2008 - 08:22 PM.