You speak so confidently of something you know nothing of; due to a few select incidents and individuals... most of the characteristics that marked me as an elf have since been taken away from me. The reverie? I remember what that felt like, though only vaguely.
Xarana: Then you are an abomination, and like all such abominations, must be purged.
Tempest: Ahem. No killing.
Arkalian: "Purge, purge...isn't she about due for a binge state? At any rate, I'm wondering how exactly that was accomplished, since I... would expect that would require severing... you don't want to talk about this, do you?"
There is no profound reason behind my selection of necromancy as my chosen school. As I say, it's processes, it's delicate measures, the slender ribbons connecting soul to body, grass to corpse... I was fascinated by it. I still am. And as I say, the toothsome mage to whom I was apprenticed made *all* the difference. (Smile)
Darian: Forgive me if I'm skeptical. Would I be mistaken to assume this was a sexual relationship, as opposed to one of the emotional variety?
Arkalian: "Seems a safe assumption. In which case, I'm curious about your reasoning, Ninde; one with your background would seem to have recourse other than selling her body. But I'd rather talk about your studies. Have they had any particular focus? I'm curious about what you know with regard to those slender ribbons."