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How is the Kelsey romance?

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#41 Dark-Mage


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Posted 22 April 2008 - 07:59 AM

Perhaps but please keep in mind that there are new people coming here and have likely never seen the old threads and to them it isn't a "rehash."

All they need to do is use the search function.

This is a difficulty for some.. :ph34r:

Yes it is :D Quicker in most cases just to ask again and wait for the fireworks, and cries of 'use the search button' to start up :whistling:

(sorry, couldn't resist)

#42 theacefes


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Posted 22 April 2008 - 08:09 AM

Perhaps but please keep in mind that there are new people coming here and have likely never seen the old threads and to them it isn't a "rehash."

All they need to do is use the search function.

This is a difficulty for some.. :ph34r:

Yes it is :D Quicker in most cases just to ask again and wait for the fireworks, and cries of 'use the search button' to start up :whistling:

(sorry, couldn't resist)

True. If we didn't, we wouldn't have all these fun threads. :)
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#43 Ankhes

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Posted 22 April 2008 - 04:10 PM

Perhaps but please keep in mind that there are new people coming here and have likely never seen the old threads and to them it isn't a "rehash."

All they need to do is use the search function.

I don't know if it's the learning disabilites I fight with every day of my life or not but searching for every little thing that I think of or comes up in a thread doesn't really occur to me to do that. If other people are talking about it it doesn't seem like such a sin to comment. I apologize for my dumbness. :(

#44 Kaeloree


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Posted 22 April 2008 - 04:11 PM

Baaack on topic, please. :cheers:

Personally, I find Kelsey irritating--but that's the mark of a good character, I think.

#45 -Guest-

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Posted 23 April 2008 - 06:45 AM

Hee hee! But this may have been discussed somewhere in an old thread at some point in time and shouldn't be a new one.
But Kelsey is indeed good. Very good.