EDIT : I have made some extensive updates to make the project more workable.
It should be fairly straight forward now. Also finished charting the upgrades for everything
Note as per opening topic, Gems are non-purchaseableWEAPONS (green+blue, yellow+red)
Melee Weapons - Normal Weapons may be purchased or be dropped by commanders
- +1 Weapons may be dropped by commanders in Tier 2 and above (
ie level 14 and above)
- combine 3 Weapons of the same kind and a Diamond to upgrade
- Maximum Upgrade is up to +2
- You can combine 1 Unique +2 Weapon with two +2 Weapons of the same type and a Diamond to upgrade to +3
(unique weapons refer to weapons like Feanor's Sword, Glamdring, Ringil etc. they will not be covered in this topic)
Any weapon can be upgraded by combining it with one gem to produce the following unique effects ; however once so applied, the weapon will never be usable in any form of future upgrades.
- Emerald & Sapphire : +1d6 Cold damage / 50% chance to slow enemy movement rate (not attack rate)
- Ruby & Sunstone : 30% chance to cause burning damage of -2
Hp / sec for 8 seconds
- Diamond : +1 Attack / round
The above upgrades cannot be applied to Unique Weapons unless they are +3 already.
I have reduced it to these 2 effects as they have the most strategic value.
Slowing effects will be used to perform Crowd Control ; Anti-Regen is generally for taking down Commanders, especially those with high regen rateMissile Weapons- Normal Weapons may be purchased or be dropped by commanders
- +1 Weapons may be dropped by commanders in Tier 2 and above (
ie level 14 and above)
- combine 3 Weapons of the same kind and a Diamond to upgrade
- Maximum Upgrade is up to +2
- There are NO UNIQUE MISSILE WEAPONS (for now)
Individual Missile Weapon Gem Upgrades have been removed. Incorporated into Ammunition )
Missile AmmunitionThese can be bought at +1 or +2 Enchants, of course the price is as appropriate.
Combining Gems of the following can give one stack of Missile Ammunition the respective effects, but the usage is limited.
- Emerald & Sapphire : +1d6 Cold damage / 50% chance to slow enemy movement rate (not attack rate)
- Ruby & Sunstone : 30% chance to cause burning damage of -2
Hp / sec for 8 seconds
Trading in 2 Diamonds can be done to create an Unlimited Ammo Supply item (
ie Arrows to Quiver of Plenty).
The bonus of the Quiver / Pouch created is the same as that of the ammunition used to create it, but the cost of the upgrade is dependant also on the quality (0 or +1 or +2) of the ammunition.
This can only be done THREE TIMES throughout the whole game ; 1st time 2 diamonds, 2nd time 4 diamonds, 3rd time 6 diamonds. yes its a LOT.
Any Ammunition can be converted appropriately, be it Throwing Axes, Daggers, Arrows, Bullets.
These Unlimited Ammo Supply item can be upgraded by combining with following gems for respective effects:
- Diamond & Emerald & Sapphire : +1d6 Cold damage / 50% chance to slow enemy movement rate (not attack rate)
- Diamond & Ruby & Sunstone : 30% chance to cause burning damage of -2
Hp / sec for 8 seconds
PURCHASEABLE / DROPPABLE ARMOR (red+blue, yellow+green)
Body Armor- Normal Armor may be purchased or be dropped by commanders
- +1 Armor may be dropped by commanders in Tier 2 and above (
ie level 14 and above)
- Armor may be upgraded with a Diamond to gain a +1
AC bonus, up to a max of +2
Armor may be upgraded further with a pair of gems, but once so combined its
AC will no longer be upgradeable with Diamonds.
After upgrading once with a pair of gems, it can be upgradeable once more but ONLY by that same pair of gems.
- Sapphire & Ruby : Resistance to Missile Damage +15%, +25%
- Emerald & Sunstone : Resistance to Fire Acid Cold Electricity +15%, +25%
Shields- Normal Shields may be purchased or be dropped by commanders
- +1 Shields may be dropped by commanders in Tier 2 and above (
ie level 14 and above)
- Shields may be upgraded with a Diamond to gain a +1
AC bonus, up to a max of +2
Shields may be upgraded with following gems, but once so upgraded its
AC will no longer be upgradeable with Diamonds.
- 2 Sapphires & 2 Rubies : +20% Resistance to Missile Damage
- 2 Emeralds & 2 Sunstones : Resistance to Fire Acid Cold Electricity +25%
- 2 Diamonds : +10% Resistance to Physical Damage
Helms- Normal Helms may be purchased or be dropped by commanders
- +1 Helms may be dropped by commanders in Tier 2 and above (
ie level 14 and above)
- Helms may be upgraded with a Diamond to gain a +1
AC bonus, up to a max of +2
Helms may be upgraded further with a pair of gems, but once so combined its
AC will no longer be upgradeable with Diamonds.
After upgrading once with a pair of gems, it can be upgradeable once more but ONLY by that same pair of gems.
- Sapphire & Ruby : Life bonus +10% +15%
- Emerald & Sunstone : Resistance to Fire Acid Cold Electricity +15%, +25%
PURCHASEABLE / NON-DROPPABLE ARMOR (yellow+blue, green+red)
Rings- you can buy Rings of Protection +1 and Rings of Recovery
- combine with another identical Ring and a Diamond to upgrade,
ie to upgrade to Ring of Protection +2, you need 2 Rings of Protection +1 and a Diamond
Ring of Protection +1 - same as
BG2, +1
AC +1 Saving Throws
Ring of Protection +2 - same as
BG2, +2
AC +2 Saving Throws
Ring of Recovery - regenerate 1
hp/8 seconds
Ring of Regeneration - regenerate 1
hp/5 seconds
Ring of Renewal - regenerate 1
hp/2 seconds
Any 1 of the 2 rings of Protection can be combined with any 1 of the 3 regenerative rings ; however, once combined they may not be used in any upgrades ever again.
Cloaks- Cloaks may be purchased, when bought they have no benefit
- Cloaks may be upgraded with a Diamond up to +2
1st upg - +1
AC & +1 Saving Throws
2nd upg - +2
AC & +2 Saving Throws
Cloaks may be upgraded with following gems, but once so upgraded it will no longer be upgradeable with Diamonds.
- Sapphire & Sunstone : +4
AC vs Missile Attacks
- Emerald & Ruby : Resistance to Fire Acid Cold Electricity +15%
Gloves- Gloves may be purchased, when bought they have no benefit
1st upg (requires 1 Diamond) - +1
Thac0 2nd upg (requires 2 Diamonds) - +2
Thac0 +1 Attack
DROPPABLE / NON-PURCHASEABLE ARMOR (yellow+blue, green+red)
Ioun Stones- Ioun Stones cannot be bought ; only dropped by commanders, when dropped they have no benefit
- Ioun Stones may be upgraded with a Diamond up to +2
1st upg - +1
AC & +1 Saving Throws
2nd upg - +2
AC & +2 Saving Throws
Ioun Stones may be upgraded with 2 gems of the same type, but once so upgraded its
AC will no longer be upgradeable with Diamonds.
- 2 Sapphires & 2 Sunstones : +1 Bonus Mage Spells to levels 4 5 6 7 / +1 Bonus Priest Spells to levels 2 3 4 5
- 2 Emeralds & 2 Rubies: +20% Resistance to Magic Fire Acid Cold Electricity
- 2 Diamonds : +10% Resistance to Physical Damage
Amulets - Amulets cannot be bought ; only dropped by commanders, when dropped they have no benefit
1st upg - +1
AC & +1 Saving Throws
2nd upg - +2
AC & +2 Saving Throws
Armor may be upgraded further with a pair of gems, but once so combined its
AC will no longer be upgradeable with Diamonds.
After upgrading once with a pair of gems, it can be upgradeable once more but ONLY by that same pair of gems.
- Sapphire & Sunstone : Resistance to Physical Damage 5%, 10%
- Emerald & Ruby : +1
Thac0, +1
Thac0 and +1 Attack
Belt - Belts cannot be bought ; only dropped by commanders, when dropped they have no benefit
1st upg (requires 1 Diamond) - 5% Resistance to Physical Damage
2nd upg (requires 2 Diamonds) - 10% Resistance to PhysicalDamage
3rd upg (requires 3 Diamonds) - 20% Resistance to Physical Damage
Boots - Boots cannot be bought ; only dropped by commanders, when dropped they have no benefit
1st upg (requires 1 Diamond) - +2
AC vs Missiles
2nd upg (requires 2 Diamonds) - +2
AC vs Missiles, Increased Movement
3rd upg (requires 3 Diamonds) - +2
AC vs Missiles, Haste (increased movement and also increased attacks)
Edited by Zyraen, 14 April 2011 - 06:45 PM.