Hidden Kits for BG2 v0.95 Beta
Posted 19 February 2011 - 04:18 PM
Posted 19 February 2011 - 09:23 PM
To disable the Loss of XP on Rest, simply use this
Alternatively, you can set the same variable in ShadowKeeper.
Note, it has to be done for every separate game

Edited by Zyraen, 19 February 2011 - 10:02 PM.
Love between a Law Enforcer and a Fugitive - can such a thing even happen?
SoA Release - Overview / Download Links
Zyraen's Miscellaneous Mods - Ust Natha Accelerator, item tweaks, XP caps, The Ub3r Reaver Kit, and much more...
Spellhold Gauntlet - more than just a Spellhold-Be-Gone
Hidden Kits - hidden dual-classed kits with a twist for progression
Posted 29 September 2014 - 11:10 AM
i try hiiden kits on baldur's gate 2 enhanced edition. Try Eldritch Phantom. On 13 level thief i recive 1 Obfuscation(thief13/mage12). And i have else 1 level up. I have hitting level 13, and gain else 2 levels(thief15/mage12).And i have else 1 level up.I have hitting level 15 and gain 1 level (thief16/mage12). I have 1 512 500 thief/ 750 000. And exp is freeze. If i sleep i see string -5000 exp, but my exp the same 1 512 500, if i kill sameone my exp the same.
After 13 level i have 60 hit points, after 15 level a hve 40 hit points, after 16 level i have 14 hit points.
If i open the chest, it automaticali closed after 1 second, if i hit the enemy i must click else. On thief12/mage12 its work normal.
And i have other question
IS it real to use "the ability to Increase your INACTIVE Class by one level every time you level up" for usual dual class without hidden kits?